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$db = new DB();
$page = is_numeric($_REQUEST['page'])?$_REQUEST['page']:1;
<title>CAcert Board Decisions</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='UTF-8'" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
<table class="list">
$stmt = $db->getStatement("list decisions");
$items = 0;
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
<td class="<?php switch($row['status']) { case 0: echo "pending"; break; case 1: echo "approved"; break; case -1: echo "declined"; break; }?>">
switch($row['status']) {
case 0: echo "Pending<br/><i>".$row['due']." UTC</i>"; break;
case 1: echo "Approved<br/><i>".$row['modified']." UTC</i>"; break;
case -1: echo "Declined<br/><i>".$row['modified']." UTC</i>"; break;
<i><?php echo $row['tag'] ?></i><br/>
<b><?php echo $row['title']; ?></b><br/>
<pre><?php echo $row['content']; ?></pre>
<i>Due: <?php echo($row['due']); ?> UTC</i><br/>
<i>Proposed: <?php echo($row['proposer']); ?> (<?php echo($row['proposed']); ?> UTC)</i><br/>
<i>Required Votes: <?php echo($row['quorum']); ?></i><br/>
<i>Majority: <?php echo($row['majority']); ?>%</i><br/>
<i>Aye|Naye|Abstain: <?php echo($row['ayes']); ?>|<?php echo($row['nayes']); ?>|<?php echo($row['abstains']); ?></i><br/>
if ($row['status'] ==0 || $_REQUEST['showvotes']) {
$state = array('Naye','Abstain','Aye');
$vstmt = $db->getStatement("list votes");
echo "<i>Votes:</i><br/>";
while ($vrow = $vstmt->fetch()) {
echo "<i>".$vrow['name']." ".$state[$vrow['vote']+1]."</i><br/>";
?><td class="actions">
if ($row['status'] == 0) {
<li><a href="vote.php?motion=<?php echo($row['id']); ?>&amp;vote=1">Aye</a></li>
<li><a href="vote.php?motion=<?php echo($row['id']); ?>&amp;vote=0">Abstain</a></li>
<li><a href="vote.php?motion=<?php echo($row['id']); ?>&amp;vote=-1">Naye</a></li>
<li><a href="proxy.php?motion=<?php echo($row['id']); ?>">Proxy Vote</a></li>
<li><a href="motion.php?motion=<?php echo($row['id']); ?>">Modify</a></li>
} else {
<td colspan="2" class="navigation">
<?php if ($page>1) { ?><a href="?page=<?php echo($page-1); ?>">&lt;</a><?php } else { ?>&nbsp;<?php } ?>
<?php if ($items>9) { ?><a href="?page=<?php echo($page+1); ?>">&gt;</a><?php } else { ?>&nbsp;<?php } ?>
<td class="actions">
<li><a href="motion.php">New Motion</a></li>