package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "path" "text/template" "" "" "" "" ) type headerData struct { name string value []string } type recipientData struct { field, address, name string } type NotificationContent struct { template string data interface{} subject string headers []headerData recipients []recipientData } type NotificationMail interface { GetNotificationContent() *NotificationContent } type MailNotifier struct { notifyChannel chan NotificationMail senderAddress string dialer *mail.Dialer } func (app *application) NewMailNotifier() { app.mailNotifier = &MailNotifier{ notifyChannel: make(chan NotificationMail, 1), senderAddress: app.mailConfig.NotificationSenderAddress, dialer: mail.NewDialer(app.mailConfig.SMTPHost, app.mailConfig.SMTPPort, "", ""), } } func (app *application) StartMailNotifier() { app.infoLog.Print("Launching mail notifier") for { select { case notification := <-app.mailNotifier.notifyChannel: content := notification.GetNotificationContent() mailText, err := content.buildMail(app.baseURL) if err != nil { app.errorLog.Printf("building mail failed: %v", err) continue } m := mail.NewMessage() m.SetAddressHeader("From", app.mailNotifier.senderAddress, "CAcert board voting system") for _, recipient := range content.recipients { m.SetAddressHeader(recipient.field, recipient.address, } m.SetHeader("Subject", content.subject) for _, header := range content.headers { m.SetHeader(, header.value...) } m.SetBody("text/plain", mailText.String()) if err = app.mailNotifier.dialer.DialAndSend(m); err != nil { app.errorLog.Printf("sending mail failed: %v", err) } case <-app.ctx.Done(): app.infoLog.Print("ending mail notifier") return } } } func (n *NotificationContent) buildMail(baseUrl string) (fmt.Stringer, error) { b, err := internal.MailTemplates.ReadFile( fmt.Sprintf(path.Join("mailtemplates", n.template)), ) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read mail template %s: %w", n.template, err) } t, err := template.New(n.template).Funcs(sprig.GenericFuncMap()).Parse(string(b)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse mail template %s: %w", n.template, err) } data := struct { Data any BaseURL string }{Data:, BaseURL: baseUrl} mailText := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0)) if err = t.Execute(mailText, data); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf( "failed to execute template %s with context %v: %w", n.template,, err) } return mailText, nil } type RemindVoterNotification struct { voter models.Voter decisions []models.Decision } func (r RemindVoterNotification) GetNotificationContent() *NotificationContent { return &NotificationContent{ template: "remind_voter_mail.txt", data: struct { Decisions []models.Decision Name string }{Decisions: r.decisions, Name: r.voter.Name}, subject: "Outstanding CAcert board votes", recipients: []recipientData{{"To", r.voter.Reminder, r.voter.Name}}, } }