You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

260 lines
6.9 KiB

Copyright 2022 CAcert Inc.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package main
import (
type recipientData struct {
field, address, name string
type NotificationContent struct {
template string
data interface{}
subject string
headers map[string][]string
recipients []recipientData
type NotificationMail interface {
GetNotificationContent(*mailConfig) *NotificationContent
type MailNotifier struct {
notifyChannel chan NotificationMail
senderAddress string
dialer *mail.Dialer
quitChannel chan struct{}
func (app *application) NewMailNotifier() {
app.mailNotifier = &MailNotifier{
notifyChannel: make(chan NotificationMail, 1),
senderAddress: app.mailConfig.NotificationSenderAddress,
dialer: mail.NewDialer(app.mailConfig.SMTPHost, app.mailConfig.SMTPPort, "", ""),
quitChannel: make(chan struct{}),
func (app *application) StartMailNotifier() {
app.infoLog.Print("Launching mail notifier")
for {
select {
case notification := <-app.mailNotifier.notifyChannel:
content := notification.GetNotificationContent(app.mailConfig)
mailText, err := content.buildMail(app.mailConfig.BaseURL)
if err != nil {
app.errorLog.Printf("building mail failed: %v", err)
m := mail.NewMessage()
m.SetAddressHeader("From", app.mailNotifier.senderAddress, "CAcert board voting system")
for _, recipient := range content.recipients {
m.SetAddressHeader(recipient.field, recipient.address,
m.SetHeader("Subject", content.subject)
m.SetBody("text/plain", mailText.String())
if err = app.mailNotifier.dialer.DialAndSend(m); err != nil {
app.errorLog.Printf("sending mail failed: %v", err)
case <-app.mailNotifier.quitChannel:
app.infoLog.Print("ending mail notifier")
func (m *MailNotifier) Quit() {
m.quitChannel <- struct{}{}
func (n *NotificationContent) buildMail(baseURL string) (fmt.Stringer, error) {
b, err := internal.MailTemplates.ReadFile(path.Join("mailtemplates", n.template))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not read mail template %s: %w", n.template, err)
t, err := template.New(n.template).Funcs(sprig.GenericFuncMap()).Parse(string(b))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse mail template %s: %w", n.template, err)
data := struct {
Data any
BaseURL string
}{Data:, BaseURL: baseURL}
mailText := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0))
if err = t.Execute(mailText, data); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"failed to execute template %s with context %v: %w", n.template,, err)
return mailText, nil
type RemindVoterNotification struct {
voter *models.User
decisions []*models.Motion
func (r RemindVoterNotification) GetNotificationContent(*mailConfig) *NotificationContent {
return &NotificationContent{
template: "remind_voter_mail.txt",
data: struct {
Decisions []*models.Motion
Name string
}{Decisions: r.decisions, Name: r.voter.Name},
subject: "Outstanding CAcert board votes",
recipients: []recipientData{{"To", r.voter.Reminder, r.voter.Name}},
func defaultRecipient(mc *mailConfig) recipientData {
return recipientData{
field: "To",
address: mc.NoticeMailAddress,
name: "CAcert board mailing list",
func voteNoticeRecipient(mc *mailConfig) recipientData {
return recipientData{
field: "To",
address: mc.VoteNoticeMailAddress,
name: "CAcert board votes mailing list",
func motionReplyHeaders(m *models.Motion) map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
"References": {fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", m.Tag)},
"In-Reply-To": {fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", m.Tag)},
type ClosedDecisionNotification struct {
Decision *models.Motion
func (c *ClosedDecisionNotification) GetNotificationContent(mc *mailConfig) *NotificationContent {
return &NotificationContent{
template: "closed_motion_mail.txt",
data: struct {
subject: fmt.Sprintf("Re: %s - %s - finalised", c.Decision.Tag, c.Decision.Title),
headers: motionReplyHeaders(c.Decision),
recipients: []recipientData{defaultRecipient(mc)},
type NewDecisionNotification struct {
Decision *models.Motion
Proposer *models.User
func (n NewDecisionNotification) GetNotificationContent(mc *mailConfig) *NotificationContent {
voteURL := fmt.Sprintf("/vote/%s", n.Decision.Tag)
unvotedURL := "/motions/?unvoted=1"
return &NotificationContent{
template: "create_motion_mail.txt",
data: struct {
Name string
VoteURL string
UnvotedURL string
}{n.Decision, n.Proposer.Name, voteURL, unvotedURL},
subject: fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", n.Decision.Tag, n.Decision.Title),
headers: n.getHeaders(),
recipients: []recipientData{defaultRecipient(mc)},
func (n NewDecisionNotification) getHeaders() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
"Message-ID": {fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", n.Decision.Tag)},
type UpdateDecisionNotification struct {
Decision *models.Motion
User *models.User
func (u UpdateDecisionNotification) GetNotificationContent(mc *mailConfig) *NotificationContent {
voteURL := fmt.Sprintf("/vote/%s", u.Decision.Tag)
unvotedURL := "/motions/?unvoted=1"
return &NotificationContent{
template: "update_motion_mail.txt",
data: struct {
Name string
VoteURL string
UnvotedURL string
}{u.Decision, u.User.Name, voteURL, unvotedURL},
subject: fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", u.Decision.Tag, u.Decision.Title),
headers: motionReplyHeaders(u.Decision),
recipients: []recipientData{defaultRecipient(mc)},
type DirectVoteNotification struct {
Decision *models.Motion
User *models.User
Choice *models.VoteChoice
func (d DirectVoteNotification) GetNotificationContent(mc *mailConfig) *NotificationContent {
return &NotificationContent{
template: "direct_vote_mail.txt",
data: struct {
Name string
Choice *models.VoteChoice
}{d.Decision, d.User.Name, d.Choice},
subject: fmt.Sprintf("Re: %s - %s", d.Decision.Tag, d.Decision.Title),
headers: motionReplyHeaders(d.Decision),
recipients: []recipientData{voteNoticeRecipient(mc)},