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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>CAcert Board Decisions</title>
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<a href="/motions/?unvoted=1">Show my outstanding votes</a><br/>
{{ $voter := .Voter }}
{{ if .Decisions }}
<table class="list">
{{ if $voter }}<th>Actions</th>{{ end }}
{{range .Decisions }}
<td class="{{.Status}}">
{{ if eq .Status 0 }}Pending {{ .Due}}
{{ else if eq .Status 1}}Approved {{ .Modified}}
{{ else if eq .Status -1}}Declined {{ .Modified}}
{{ else if eq .Status -2}}Withdrawn {{ .Modified}}
{{ else }}Unknown
{{ end }}
<i><a href="/motions/{{ .Tag}}">{{ .Tag}}</a></i><br />
<b>{{ .Title}}</b><br />
<pre>{{ wrap 76 .Content }}</pre>
<br />
<i>Due: {{.Due}}</i><br/>
<i>Proposed: {{.Proposer}} ({{.Proposed}})</i><br/>
<i>Vote type: {{.VoteType}}</i><br/>
<i>Aye|Naye|Abstain: {{.Ayes}}|{{.Nayes}}|{{.Abstains}}</i><br />
{{ if .Votes }}
{{ range .Votes}}
<i>{{ .Name }}: {{ .Vote}}</i><br />
{{ end }}
{{ else}}
<i><a href="/motions/{{.Tag}}?showvotes=1">Show Votes</a></i>
{{ end }}
{{ if $voter }}
{{ if eq .Status 0 }}
<li><a href="/vote/{{ .Tag }}/aye">Aye</a></li>
<li><a href="/vote/{{ .Tag }}/abstain">Abstain</a></li>
<li><a href="/vote/{{ .Tag }}/naye">Naye</a></li>
<li><a href="/proxy/{{ .Tag }}">Proxy Vote</a></li>
<li><a href="/motions/{{ .Tag }}/edit">Modify</a></li>
<li><a href="/motions/{{ .Tag }}/withdraw">Withdraw</a></li>
{{ end }}
</td>{{ end }}
<td colspan="{{ if $voter }}3{{ else }}2{{ end }}" class="navigation">
{{ if .PrevPage }}<a href="?page={{ .PrevPage }}" title="previous page">&lt;</a>{{ end }}
{{ if .NextPage }}<a href="?page={{ .NextPage }}" title="next page">&gt;</a>{{ end }}
<p>There are no motions in the system yet.</p>