
66 lines
3.6 KiB

{{ define "title" }}Proxy Vote on Motion {{ .Motion.Tag }}{{ end }}
{{ define "main" }}
{{ $form := .Form }}
{{ $user := .User }}
<div class="ui form segment">
{{ template "motion_display" .Motion }}
<form action="/proxy/{{ .Motion.Tag }}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{ .CSRFToken }}">
<div class="ui form{{ if .Form.FieldErrors }} error{{ end }}">
<div class="required field{{ if .Form.FieldErrors.user }} error{{ end }}">
<label for="voter">Voter</label>
<select id="voter" name="voter">
{{ range .Form.Voters }}
{{ if not (eq .ID $user.ID) }}
<option value="{{ .ID }}"
{{ if eq .ID $form.VoterID }} selected{{ end }}>{{ .Name }}</option>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Form.FieldErrors.user }}
<span class="ui small error text">{{ .Form.FieldErrors.user }}</span>
{{ end }}
<div class="inline fields required{{ if .Form.FieldErrors.choice }} error{{ end }}">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" aria-labelledby="label-aye" name="choice" id="choice-aye"
value="aye"{{ with .Form.Choice }}{{ if eq "aye" .Label }} checked{{ end }}{{ end }}>
<label id="label-aye" for="choice-aye">Aye</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" aria-labelledby="label-naye" name="choice" id="choice-naye"
value="naye"{{ with .Form.Choice }}{{ if eq "naye" .Label }} checked{{ end }}{{ end }}>
<label id="label-naye" for="choice-naye">Naye</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" aria-labelledby="label-abstain" name="choice" id="choice-abstain"
value="abstain"{{ with .Form.Choice }}{{ if eq "abstain" .Label }} checked{{ end }}{{ end }}>
<label id="label-abstain" for="choice-abstain">Abstain</label>
{{ if .Form.FieldErrors.choice }}
<span class="ui small error text">{{ .Form.FieldErrors.choice }}</span>
{{ end }}
<div class="required field{{ if .Form.FieldErrors.justification }} error{{ end }}">
<label for="justification">Justification</label>
<textarea id="justification" name="justification" rows="2">{{ .Form.Justification }}</textarea>
{{ if .Form.FieldErrors.justification }}
<span class="ui small error text">{{ .Form.FieldErrors.justification }}</span>
{{ end }}
<button class="ui primary labeled icon button" type="submit"><i class="users icon"></i> Proxy Vote
{{ end }}