=================== Directory structure =================== root Directory ============== The root directory contains - a :file:`.gitignore` file with a list of excluded files - a :file:`LICENSE` file the `GPL`_ license text - a :file:`README` file with very rudimentary documentation stating the license and a list of system requirements .. _GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0 .. index:: cgi-bin Directory :file:`cgi-bin` ========================= The `cgi-bin` directory contains .. index:: php .. _cgi-bin-siteseal-cgi: - :file:`siteseal.cgi` a PHP CGI script that generates some JavaScript code to invoke :ref:`sealgen.php `. The configuration on www.cacert.org does not seem to support this script https://www.cacert.org/cgi-bin/siteseal.cgi returns a 403 response. .. todo: check whether this is linked anywhere or can be removed .. index:: commmodule .. index:: Perl .. index:: bash Directory :file:`CommModule` ============================ This directory contains the CommModule that is implemented in Perl: .. _commmodule-client-pl: - :file:`client.pl` the real client, running on the webserver The style of the Perl code seems a bit inconsistent (mix of uppercase and lowercase function names, usage of brackets). The code uses database polling in a loop. It might be a better idea to use some kind of queueing (Redis, AMQP, ...) to not waste resources when there is nothing to do). Function parameters are not named which makes the code hard to read. The script calls several system binaries that need to be present in compatible versions: - :program:`openssl` - :program:`xdelta` The script uses several Perl standard library modules as well as the following third party modules: .. index:: Perl, thirdparty - `DBD::mysql `_ - `DBI `_ - `Device::SerialPort `_ - `File::CounterFile `_ The script references several openssl configuration files in the HandleCerts function that are not included in the code repository. There are some openssl configuration files with similar names in https://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/SystemAdministration/signer/ The database password is parsed from :ref:`includes/mysql.php ` and relies on the exact code that is defined there. Database name, user and host are hardcoded in the DBI->connect call. The script implements the client side of the signer protocol which is specified in :doc:`signer`. The script performs the following operations: - parse password from :file:`includes/mysql.php` - read a list of CRL files and logs their SHA-1 hashes - read :file:`serial.conf`, create a Device::SerialPort instance `$portObj`, sets serial parameters and saves :file:`serial.conf` - run a main loop as long as a file :file:`./client.pl-active` is present. The main loop performs the following tasks - handle pending OpenPGP key signing request via ``HandleGPG()`` - handle pending certificate signing requests: - personal client certificates via ``HandleCerts(0, 0)`` - personal server certificates via ``HandleCerts(0, 1)`` - organization client certificates via ``HandleCerts(1, 0)`` - organization server certificates via ``HandleCerts(1, 1)`` - handle pending certificate revocation requests - personal client certificates via ``RevokeCerts(0, 0)`` - personal server certificates via ``RevokeCerts(0, 1)`` - organization client certificates via ``RevokeCerts(1, 0)`` - organization server certificates via ``RevokeCerts(1, 1)`` - refresh :term:`CRLs ` via ``RefreshCRLs()`` in every 100st iteration - send a :ref:`NUL request ` to keep the signer connection alive - sleep for 2.7 seconds There is potential for optimization in the main loop. The CRL update could be performed if a certificate has been revoked. The NUL request needs only to be sent if no other request has been sent. The script uses a lot of temporary files instead of piping input and output to and from external commands. .. todo:: describe more in-depth what each of the main loop steps does - :file:`commdaemon` a script to run :ref:`client.pl ` or :ref:`server.pl ` This bash script is automatically restarting the :file:`{script}` given as the first parameter as long as a file :file:`{script}-active` exists. Informational messages and errors are logged to syslog via :command:`logger`. The script is most probably used to recover from crashed scripts. This could be implemented via :command:`supervisor` or :command:`systemd` instead of a custom script. - :file:`commmodule` a script for startup/shutdown of CommModule from /etc/init.d - :file:`logclean.sh` maintenance script for logfiles generated by CommModule - :file:`serial.conf` serial port configuration file .. _commmodule-server-pl: - :file:`server.pl` the real server, running on the signing server This script implements the signer (server) side of the signer protocol and performs the actual signing operations. The script contains a some code that is duplicated by :ref:`client.pl `. - :file:`usbclient.pl` obsoleted USB version of :ref:`client.pl ` above .. todo: remove unused file (usbclient.pl) .. todo: add a serial.conf template and move the actual serial.conf into configuration management .. todo: clarify why log rotation is implemented with a custom logclean.sh script instead of using logrotate Directory :file:`includes` ============================== .. _includes-mysql-php: .. _includes-mysql-php-sample: - :file:`mysql.php.sample` is a template for the database connection handling code that is meant to be copied to :file:`mysql.php`. The template defines the MySQL connection as a session variable `mconn` and tries to connect to that database. It also defines the session variables `normalhostname`, `securehostname` and `tverify`. The template defines a function :php:func:`sendmail` for sending mails. .. php:function:: sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from, $replyto="", \ $toname="", $fromname="", $errorsto="returns@cacert.org", \ $use_utf8=true) Send an email. The function reimplements functionality that is readily available in PHP. The function does not properly escape headers and sends raw SMTP commands. :param string $to: recipient email address :param string $subject: subject :param string $message: email body :param string $from: from email address :param string $replyto: reply-to email address :param string $fromname: unused in the code :param string $toname: unused in the code :param string $errorsto: email address used for Sender and Errors-To headers :param bool $use_utf8: decides whether the Content-Type header uses a charset parameter of utf-8 or iso-8859-1 Configuration and actual code are mixed. It would be better to have a separate file that just includes configuration. This file is parsed by :ref:`CommModule/client.pl ` format changes might break the CommModule code. Directory :file:`www` ===================== This contains the PHP code that is the entry point to the application: .. _www-sealgen-php: - :file:`sealgen.php` generates a small site seal image from :ref:`www/images/secured.png `. This could be replaced with a static image if it is used at all. This is referenced by :ref:`cgi-bin/siteseal.cgi ` Directory :file:`www/images` ============================ .. _www-images-secured-png: - :file:`secured.png` is a small image used by :ref:`www/sealgen.php `