========================== Building the documentation ========================== This documentation is maintained as a set of ReStructuredText documents and uses `Sphinx `_ to build HTML formatted representations of the documents. Getting the documentation source -------------------------------- The documentation is available from the git repository cacert-codedocs on git.cacert.org. You can browse the :cacertgit:`cacert-codedocs` via gitweb. You can clone the repository anonymously by executing:: git clone git://git.cacert.org/cacert-codedocs.git There is a github mirror of this repository available at https://github.com/CAcertOrg/cacert-codedocs You make fork from that clone and contribute your changes via pull requests. Merged pull requests will be applied to the repository at git.cacert.org. If you just want to contribute to the documentation you are encouraged to use Github and pull requests. Please ask git-admin@cacert.org to setup a user in the group git-doc on git.cacert.org for you to get push access to the git.cacert.org repository. You will have to provide an SSH public key (either RSA with at least 2048 Bits modulus or an ECDSA or ED25519 key with similar strength) with your request. If you have a user in the git-doc group you can clone the repository by executing:: git clone ssh://@git.cacert.org/var/cache/git/cacert-codedocs.git .. note:: replace ```` with your actual username Building with Sphinx -------------------- To build this documentation you need a Python 3 installation. To isolate the documentation build from your system Python 3 packages using a virtual environment is recommended. Management of the virtual environment can be done with pipenv as described below. Python 3 installation instructions can be found on the `Python website`_. .. _Python website: https://www.python.org/ .. topic:: Building the documentation on a Debian system The following example shows how to build the documentation on a Debian system: .. code-block:: bash # Install required operating system packages sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip make # install pipenv python3 -m pip install -U pip pipenv # use pipenv to install require dependencies into a virtual environment pipenv install # Build the documentation pipenv run make html .. note:: You may need to add :file:`~/.local/bin` to the :envvar:`$PATH` environment variable before you will be able to run :program:`pipenv`. You can do this by adding ``export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH`` to your shell initialization file like :file:`~/.bashrc` or :file:`~/.zshrc`. The above commands should be run from the root directory of a git clone of the cacert-codedocs git repository. The result of the :program:`make` exection will be available in the :file:`build/html/` directory directory. Continuous integration ---------------------- If changes are pushed to the cacert-codedocs git repository on git.cacert.org a `Jenkins Job `_ is automatically triggered. If the documentation is built successfully it can be viewed in the `docs/_build/html directory of the Job's workspace `_. You may open `index.html `_ to browse the documentation (there are some JavaScript and SVG glitches due to Content-Security-Policy settings). If the documentation build is successful the result is pushed to a webserver document root on :doc:`infradocs:systems/webstatic` and is publicly available at https://codedocs.cacert.org/.