.. index:: includes .. index:: PHP ========================== Directory :file:`includes` ========================== .. sourcefile:: includes/.cvsignore :file:`.cvsignore` includes the parameters for CVS, which files to ignore by versioning .. note:: CVS is long dead, is this still used? .. sourcefile:: includes/.gitignore :file:`.gitignore` contains file patterns to be ignored by Git. .. sourcefile:: includes/about_menu.php :links: http://blog.cacert.org/ http://wiki.CAcert.org/ www/policy/ //wiki.cacert.org/FAQ/Privileges www/index.php?id=47 www/logos.php www/stats.php http://blog.CAcert.org/feed/ www/index.php?id=7 //wiki.cacert.org/Board https://lists.cacert.org/wws www/src-lic.php :file:`about_menu.php` is a part (
) of a PHP-Page, containing most of the CAcert-related links. .. sourcefile:: includes/account_stuff.php :file:`includes/account_stuff.php` provides two procedures to be used for building the output of some HTML-pages. .. php:function:: showheader($title = "CAcert.org", $title2 = "") This function renders a page depending on the calling file. It is expected that only files www/wot.php (web-of-trust), www/gpg.php (gpg-key), www/disputes.php (disputes) and www/advertising.php (advertising) are using this function. :param string $title: :param string $title2: :global: * *(int)* - $id: :global: * *(string)* - $PHP_SELF: .. php:function:: showfooter() This function renders a page-footer. .. sourcefile:: includes/account.php :uses: includes/loggedin.php includes/lib/l10n.php includes/lib/check_weak_key.php includes/notary.inc.php .. php:function:: buildSubject(array $domains, $include_xmpp_addr = true) Build a subject string as needed by the signer :param array(string) $domains: First domain is used as CN and repeated in subjectAltName. Duplicates should already been removed :param bool $include_xmpp_addr: [default: true] Whether to include the XmppAddr in the subjectAltName. This is needed if the Jabber server is jabber.example.com but a Jabber ID on that server would be alice@example.com :return: * (string) - subject string as needed by the signer .. php:function:: buildSubjectFromSession() Builds the subject string from the session variables $_SESSION['_config']['rows'] and $_SESSION['_config']['altrows'] :return: * (string) - .. sourcefile:: includes/general_stuff.php .. sourcefile:: includes/general.php .. sourcefile:: includes/keygen.php .. sourcefile:: includes/loggedin.php .. sourcefile:: includes/mysql.php :file:`includes/mysql.php` is not contained in the :cacertgit:`cacert-devel` repository but is used by several other files. The file is copied from :sourcefile:`includes/mysql.php.sample` and defines the database connection information. This file is parsed directly by :sourcefile:`CommModule/client.pl` format changes might break the CommModule code. .. sourcefile:: includes/mysql.php.sample :file:`mysql.php.sample` is a template for the database connection handling code that is meant to be copied to :file:`mysql.php`. The template defines the MySQL connection as a session variable `mconn` and tries to connect to that database. It also defines the session variables `normalhostname`, `securehostname` and `tverify`. The template defines a function :php:func:`sendmail` for sending mails. .. php:function:: sendmail($to, $subject, $message, $from, $replyto="", \ $toname="", $fromname="", $errorsto="returns@cacert.org", \ $use_utf8=true) Send an email. The function reimplements functionality that is readily available in PHP. The function does not properly escape headers and sends raw SMTP commands. :param string $to: recipient email address :param string $subject: subject :param string $message: email body :param string $from: from email address :param string $replyto: reply-to email address :param string $fromname: unused in the code :param string $toname: unused in the code :param string $errorsto: email address used for Sender and Errors-To headers :param bool $use_utf8: decides whether the Content-Type header uses a charset parameter of utf-8 or iso-8859-1 Configuration and actual code are mixed. It would be better to have a separate file that just includes configuration. .. sourcefile:: includes/notary.inc.php :file:`includes/notary.inc.php` provides a set of funktions; here listed in the given order: .. php:function:: query_init ($query) Accesss the database to execute the passed query. :param string $query: query to execute :return: * (resource) - result of the passed query. .. php:function:: query_getnextrow ($res) Return the next row of a previous received result of a database query. :param resource $res: Result of a previous database query. :return: * (object) - next row in the passed resource .. php:function:: query_get_number_of_rows ($resultset) Return the number of rows of the passed $resource which has to be the result of a previous database query, select-statement :param resource $resultset: Result of a previous database query :return: * (int) - number of rows in the passed resource .. php:function:: get_number_of_assurances ($userid) Returns the number of assurances the user with the passed userid has given. :param int $userid: userid of be controled :return: * (int) - number of given assurances .. php:function:: get_number_of_ttpassurances ($userid) Returns the number of TTP-assurances the user with the passed userid has received. :param int $userid: userid of be controled :return: * (int) - number of received TTP-assurances .. php:function:: get_number_of_assurees ($userid) Returns the number of assurances the user with the passed userid has received. :param int $userid: userid of be controled :return: * (int) - number of received assurances .. php:function:: get_top_assurer_position ($no_of_assurances) Returns the ranking of an assurer with the passed number of given assurances. :param int $no_of_assurances: number of assurances :return: * (int) - position at the list of top assurers .. php:function:: get_top_assuree_position ($no_of_assurees) Returns the ranking of an assuree with the passed number of received assurances. :param int $no_of_assurances: number of assurances :return: * (int) - position at the list of top assurees .. php:function:: get_given_assurances($userid, $log=0) Get the list of assurances given by the user :param int $userid: id of the assurer :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances :return: * (resource) - a MySQL result set .. php:function:: get_received_assurances($userid, $log=0) Get the list of assurances received by the user :param int $userid: id of the assuree :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances :return: * (resource) - a MySQL result set .. php:function:: get_given_assurances_summary ($userid) Get the count of given assurances of the user with the passed userid grouped by points, awarded, method :param int $userid: id of the assurer :return: * (resource) - list of number of given assurances grouped by points, awarded, method .. php:function:: get_received_assurances_summary ($userid) Get the count of received assurances of the user with the passed userid grouped by points, awarded, method :param int $userid: id of the assuree :return: * (resource) - list of number of received assurances grouped by points, awarded, method .. php:function:: get_user ($userid) Get data of user with the passed userid. :param int $userid: id of the user :return: * (resource) - data frum table users belonging to passed userid. .. php:function:: get_cats_state ($userid) Get the number of passed CATS for the given userid. :param int $userid: id of a user :return: * (int) - number of passed CATS .. php:function:: calc_awarded($row) Calculate awarded points (corrects some issues like out of range points or points that were issued by means that have been deprecated) :param array $row: associative array containing the data from the `notary` table :return: * (int) - the awarded points for this assurance .. php:function:: calc_experience(&$row, &$sum_points, &$sum_experience) Calculate the experience points from a given Assurance. :param array $row: [inout] associative array containing the data from the `notary` table, the keys 'experience' and 'calc_awarded' will be added :param int $sum_points: [inout] the sum of already counted assurance points the assurer issued :param int $sum_experience: [inout] the sum of already counted experience points that were awarded to the assurer .. php:function:: calc_assurances(&$row, &$sum_points, &$sum_experience) Calculate the points received from a received Assurance. :param array $row: [inout] associative array containing the data from the `notary` table, the keys 'experience' and 'calc_awarded' will be added :param int $sum_points: [inout] the sum of already counted assurance points the assuree received :param int $sum_experience: [inout] the sum of already counted experience points that were awarded to the assurer .. php:function:: show_user_link($user) Generate a link to the support engineer page for the user with the name of the user as link text :param array $user: associative array containing the data from the `user` table :return: * (string) - name of the user with the passed userid or System or deleted .. php:function:: show_email_link($user) Generate a link to the support engineer page for the user with the email address as link text :param array $user: associative array containing the data from the `user` table :return: * (string) - email-address .. php:function:: get_assurer_ranking($userid,&$num_of_assurances,&$rank_of_assurer) Getting the number of given assurances and the rank of the user with the passed userid. :param int $userid: id of an user :param int $num_of_assurances: [inout] number of given assurances :param int $rank_of_assurer: [inout] rank in assurer-list .. php:function:: get_assuree_ranking($userid,&$num_of_assurees,&$rank_of_assuree) Getting the number of received assurances and the rank of the user with the passed userid. :param int $userid: id of an user :param int $num_of_assurees: [inout] number of received assurances :param int $rank_of_assuree: [inout] rank in assuree-list .. php:function:: output_ranking($userid) Generating HTML-code for showing the assurer/assuree data :param int $userid: userid to build the page format .. php:function:: output_assurances_header($title, $support, $log) Render header for the assurance table (same for given/received) :param string $title: The title for the table :param int $support: set to 1 if the output is for the support interface :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances .. php:function:: output_assurances_footer($points_txt,$sumpoints,$experience_txt,$sumexperience,$support,$log) Render footer for the assurance table (same for given/received) :param string $points_txt: Description for sum of assurance points :param int $sumpoints: sum of assurance points :param string $experience_txt: Description for sum of experience points :param int $sumexperience: sum of experience points :param int $support: set to 1 if the output is for the support interface :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances .. php:function:: output_assurances_row($assurance,$userid,$other_user,$support,$ticketno,$log) Render an assurance for a view :param array $assurance: associative array containing the data from the `notary` table :param int $userid: Id of the user whichs given/received assurances are displayed :param array $other_user: associative array containing the other users data from the `users` table :param int $support: set to 1 if the output is for the support interface :param string $ticketno: ticket number currently set in the support interface :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances .. php:function:: output_summary_header() Render the header for the summary. .. php:function:: output_summary_footer() Render the footer for the summary. .. php:function:: output_summary_row($title,$points,$points_countable,$remark) Render a row of the summary of points :param string $title: The description of the row :param inf $points: :param int $points_countable: :param string $remark: .. todo:: check points and points_countable .. php:function:: output_given_assurances_content($userid,&$sum_points,&$sum_experience,$support,$ticketno,$log) Helper function to render assurances given by the user :param int $userid: id of a user :param int &$sum_points: [out] sum of given points :param int &$sum_experience: [out] sum of experience points gained :param int $support: set to 1 if the output is for the support interface :param string $ticketno: the ticket number set in the support interface :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances .. php:function:: output_received_assurances_content($userid,&$sum_points,&$sum_experience,$support,$ticketno,$log) Helper function to render assurances received by the user :param int $userid: id of a user :param int& $sum_points: [out] sum of received points :param int& $sum_experience: [out] sum of experience points the assurers gained :param int $support: set to 1 if the output is for the support interface :param string $ticketno: the ticket number set in the support interface :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances .. php:function:: check_date_limit ($userid,$age) Checks if the user with the passed userid has reached a given age. :param int $userid: id of a user :param int $age: the age to be checked against :return: * (int) - 1: if the given age is reached; 0 else .. php:function:: max_points($userid) Determin, how many points the user can issue at most. :param int $userid: id of a user :return: * (int) - max to issue points .. php:function:: output_summary_content($userid,$display_output) Calculate points and render them for output. :param int $userid: id of a user :param int $display_output: flag if to display (1) or not (0) :retur: * (int) - max to issue points .. php:function:: output_given_assurances($userid, $support=0, $ticketno='', $log=0) Render assurances given by the user :param int $userid: :param int $support: set to 1 if the output is for the support interface :param string $ticketno: the ticket number set in the support interface :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances .. php:function:: output_received_assurances($userid, $support=0, $ticketno='', $log=0) Render assurances received by the user :param int $userid: :param int $support: set to 1 if the output is for the support interface :param string $ticketno: the ticket number set in the support interface :param int $log: if set to 1 also includes deleted assurances .. php:function:: output_summary($userid) Render the page output for a user. :param int $userid: .. todo:: more documentation from line 833 on .. sourcefile:: includes/shutdown.php .. sourcefile:: includes/sponsorinfo.php .. sourcefile:: includes/tverify_stuff.php .. index:: includes/lib .. index:: PHP Directory :file:`includes/lib` ============================== .. sourcefile:: includes/lib/account.php .. sourcefile:: includes/lib/check_weak_key.php .. sourcefile:: includes/lib/general.php .. sourcefile:: includes/lib/l10n.php