.. this file should contain all definitions of global variables .. php:global:: $_SESSION['mconn'] This global variable defines the status of the database connection * TRUE if a connection could be established * FALSE otherwise .. php:global:: $_SESSION['_config']['normalhostname'] This global variable defines the main CAcert-website * "www.cacert.org" for production * "test.cacert.org" for testing .. php:global:: $_SESSION['_config']['securehostname'] This global variable defines the secure CAcert-website * "secure.cacert.org" for production * " cacert.org" for testing .. php:global:: $_SESSION['_config']['tverify'] This global variable defines TVERIFY * "tverify.cacert.org" for production * " " for testing .. todo:: checkout what TVERIFY means, check names for test-system .. php:global:: $_SESSION['_config']['language'] .. php:global:: $_SESSION['_config']['recode']