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Directory structure
root Directory
The root directory contains
- a :file:`.gitignore` file with a list of excluded files
- a :file:`LICENSE` file the `GPL`_ license text
- a :file:`README` file with very rudimentary documentation stating the
license and a list of system requirements
.. _GPL:
Directory :file:`cgi-bin`
The `cgi-bin` directory contains
.. _cgi-bin-siteseal-cgi:
- :file:`siteseal.cgi` a PHP CGI script that generates some JavaScript code
to invoke :ref:`sealgen.php <www-sealgen-php>`. The configuration on does not seem to support this script returns a 403 response.
.. todo: check whether this is linked anywhere or can be removed
Directory :file:`www`
This contains the PHP code that is the entry point to the application:
.. _www-sealgen-php:
- :file:`sealgen.php` generates a small site seal image from
:ref:`www/images/secured.png <www-images-secured-png>`. This could be
replaced with a static image if it is used at all. This is referenced
by :ref:`cgi-bin/siteseal.cgi <cgi-bin-siteseal-cgi>`
Directory :file:`www/images`
.. _www-images-secured-png:
- :file:`secured.png` is a small image used by
:ref:`www/sealgen.php <www-sealgen-php>`