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CACert Organisation Assurance Program sub-policy for
the EU country
<!-- Ireland -->
<!-- Norway -->
<!-- the Netherlands -->
the Netherlands
CAcert Organisation Assurance Program sub-policy for
the EU country
<!-- Ireland -->
<!-- Norway -->
<!-- the Netherlands -->
the Netherlands
<a href="../PolicyOnPolicy.html"><img src="../Images/cacert-wip.png" alt="CAcert Policy Status" height="31" width="88" style="border-style: none;" /></a><br />
Author: Teus Hagen<br />
Creation date: 2008-05-01<br />
Status: WiP 2008-05-01<br />
Next status: DRAFT 2008<br />
<!-- $Id: OrganisationAssuranceSubPolicyHolland.html 772 2008-05-01 13:46:20Z teus $ -->
0. Preliminaries
This CAcert sub-policy extends the Organisation Assurance Policy ("OAP") by specifying how the CAcert Organisation Assurance Program ("COAP") is to be conducted by the assigned Organisation Assurer ("OA") under the supervision of the Assurance Officer ("AO") for entities within the defined scope.
<!-- handbook OA Assurer:
Holland: effective from 1st of July 2008 is new law about trade office registration (Nieuw Handelsregister, NHR) with will be obligationary end of 2009: all trade entities should be registered with national registrar. Handy document (dutch) .
A <i>Legal</i> Entity (legal body) is an organisation which has registered articles (bye-laws or rules) registered at the national Trade and Registration Office ("TRO"). The bye-laws are supervised by a national registered notary.
An organisation (entity) may have a registration with a TRO and no bye-laws registered with the TRO. Liability is carried by an individual. In this sub-policy this is considered as Legal Entity as well.
1. Scope
This sub-policy is applicable to
Legal Entities accepted and registered by the TRO:<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>national legal entities,</li>
<!-- handbook OA Assurer:
Ireland: Sole Traders, Partnerships, Companies, Trusts, Government Bodies &amp; Intrumentalities, Clubs &amp; Associations, ?Foundations?.
Holland: Private Owned Companies (BV), Limited Companies (NV), Associations, Cooperations and mutual safeguading societies, Foundations. Sole trade/professional, trade partnership (VOF), commanditair partnership (CV), free profession partnership, churches/religious group.
<li>European legal entities,</li>
<!-- handbook OA Assurer:
Holland: European Economic Collaboration (EESV), European Limited Company (SE), European Cooperation (SCE).
<li>foreign legal entities.</li>
<!-- handbook OA Assurer:
Holland: e.g. Private Limited Company (Ltd) under subjected to foreign jurisdiction but active in mainly in EU/Holland. The entity has regsitration duties in the EU (fin. year report, extract foreign TRO, accountant report.
2. Requirements
This section describes any scope specific requirements that are not otherwise defined in the OAP.
2.1 Organisation
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>For Applicants with individual liability operating under their own name business name registration is OPTIONAL.
<li>Applicants MUST be a valid legal entity but MAY have an arbitrary number of registered trading names.
2.2 Records
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>Digital Signatures MAY be accepted in
the EU (Europe)
under the EU European Directive 99/93/EG and 2000/31/EC.
<br>Implemented in
Ireland: Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
Norway: ???
Holland: Wet Elektronische Handtekeningen (WET) of 21st of May 2003
the Netherlands
Wet Elektronische Handtekeningen (WET) of 21st of May 2003
The legal requirement is that there is sufficient evidense and trust. This is the case for a digital certificate that can be checked.
<!--Reminder: CA is seen by law as TTP, which is subjected to be registrated with OPTA (governmental control body).
<li>Historic documents MAY be accepted where it can be proven that material changes have not been made (eg via absence of subsequent submissions in official document listings).
2.3 Application Form
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>The licensing authority MUST be specified as
Ireland: Companies Registration Office, Ireland
Norway: Brønnøysundregistrene, Norway
Holland: Kamer van Koophandel, the Netherlands
'Kamer van Koophandel, the Netherlands'
where applicable
Ireland: (OPTIONAL for sole traders, sole professionals and partnerships operating under their own name(s))
<li>Registry Number and Business Name Number MUST be specified where applicable
Ireland: (OPTIONAL for sole traders and partnerships operating under their own name(s)) -->
3. Registration
3.1 Registries
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
Ireland: <li>Companies Registration Office ("CRO") [<a title="Companies Registration Office" href=""></a>] [<a title="Company Search" href=""></a>]
Norway: Brønnøysundregistrene [<a title="Brønnøysundregistrene" href=""></a>] Nøkkelopplysninger fra Enhetsregisteret</i> [<a title="Nøkkelopplysninger fra Enhetsregisteret" href=""></a>] search???
Holland: Kamer van Koophandel ("KvK") [<a title="Kamer van Koophyandel" href=""></a> [<a title="Company Search" href="">
<li>Kamer van Koophandel ("KvK") [<a title="Kamer van Koophandel" href=""></a>]<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>Company Search
[<a title="Company Search" href="">advanced search</a>].
Ireland: <li>IE Domain Registry Ltd [<a title="IE Domain Registry Ltd" href=""></a>]
Norway: ???
Holland: Stichting Internet Domain Registratie ("SIDN") [<a title="SIDN" href=""></a>]
<li>Stichting Internet Domain Registratie ("SIDN") [<a title="SIDN" href=""></a>]
<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
Ireland: .ie ccTLD WHOIS [<a title=".ie WHOIS" href=""></a>]
Norway: DNS whois???
Holland: .nl WHOIS [<a title=".nl WHOIS" href="http://,727,4015,,,,Zoeken_naar_domeinnaam-gegevens.html">search for domain information</a>]
<li>.nl WHOIS [<a title=".nl WHOIS" href="http://,727,4015,,,,Zoeken_naar_domeinnaam-gegevens.html">search for domain information</a>]
3.2 Identifiers
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>Business Name Number is a unique identifying number assigned by the TRO when an entity registers a business name.
<li>Company Number is a unique identifying number assigned by the TRO a body becomes registered as a company.
<li>Business Name Numbers and Company Numbers are NOT interchangeable so type must always be specified.
3.3 Documents
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>the TRO Printout
<li>the TRO Business Name Printout
4. Processes
4.1 Assurance
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>Each person listed in an application MUST be individually assured and referenced by a confirmed email.
<li>Sole traders and partnerships operating under their own name(s) MAY be automatically approved without further checks.
<li>All other trading names (including companies) MUST be verified by a TRO Company or Business Name Search, where the status MUST be 'Normal'.
<li>Partnership applicants MUST additionally be verified via a Business Name Printout as a current individual member and SHOULD be a managing partner.
<li>Company applications MUST be made by an individual who is duly authorised to sign on behalf of the company:
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<li>Officeholder applicants (directors or preferably secretary) MUST be verified in a "Company Printout" (obtained from the TRO by the OA where fees are reclaimable from the applicant).
<li>Any other applicant MUST prove that they are duly authorised to sign on behalf of the entity (for example via delegation and/or under company rules) to the satisfaction of the OA, for approval by the OAO.
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