Added Org Assurance members and changed to 10 extra ass points of supervising assurer, added supervising assurer.

git-svn-id: 14b1bab8-4ef6-0310-b690-991c95c89dfd
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Teus Hagen 2009-02-11 14:21:36 +00:00
parent 6980afcd3d
commit 46fd411932

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CACert Remote Verification Policy (RVP)
CACert Remote Verification Policy (RVP)
<a href="PolicyOnPolicy.html"><img src="Images/cacert-wip.png" alt="CAcert Policy Status" height="31" width="88" style="border-style: none;" /></a><br />
Editor: Pete Stephenson<br />
Creation date: 2008-07-12<br />
Last change by: Pete<br />
Last change date: 2008-07-14 21:42 MST<br />
Status: WIP 2008-07-12<br />
Next status: DRAFT 08-2008<br />
<!-- $Id$ -->
0. Preamble
This sub-policy extends the Assurance Policy ("AP") by providing a framework for members to verify their identity via Trusted Verification Provider ("TVP"s) including Government Authorities, Certification Authorities and Commercial Identity Providers, under the supervision of the Assurance Officer ("AO").
Successful completion of the process defined in RVP sub-policies shall result in the allocation of up to 50 points depending on level of trust in the TVP and the verification process.
1. Scope
This sub-policy is available to all Members.
2. Roles
2.1 Trusted Verification Provider ("TVP")
Each TVP::
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>MUST be <i><strong>verifiably practicing identification procedures</strong></i>, typically one of the following:<br />
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<strong>Government Authorities</strong> responsible for issuing ID documents or providing taxation functions
<strong>Certification Authorities</strong> issuing authentication tokens (including certificates) based on a published identity verification process
<strong>Commercial Identity Providers</strong> providing identity verification as a commercial service
<li>MUST provide a secure mechanism for validating a member's identity, including:
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">
<strong>Authentication Tokens</strong> which are delivered to the user and verifiable in a cryptographically strong fashion;
<strong>Online Verification</strong> via a web interface, ideally which is verified by SSL/TLS;
<strong>Out-of-Band</strong> communication directly with CAcert as to the outcome of the verification;
<li>SHOULD conduct identification procedures similar in nature to CAcert's existing procedures (eg examining ID documents, obtaining "assurances" from other trusted members)
2.4 Member
A Member (the subject of a verification) using the Remote Verification program:
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>MUST agree to be bound the CAcert Community Agreement (CCA), including the Disupute Resolution Policy (DRP)
<li>MUST disclose any conflicts of interest (including but not limited to relationships with Assurers)
<li>MUST cover the costs of their assurance (if any), including fees imposed by TTPs, TVPs, and Assurers
3. Processes
3.1 Verification
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>Member SHALL create a CAcert account and agree to the CAcert Community Agreement (CCA)
<li>Member SHALL complete the procedure specified by the applicable sub-policy(s), including being verified by the TVP
4. Documentation
Where documentation is required by the verification process it shall be subject to the prevailing records management policies which may require that it be kept for a certain period or destroyed immediately after processing.
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<TITLE> CACert Remote Verification Policy (RVP) </TITLE>
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<H1>CAcert Remote Verification Policy (RVP) </H1>
<P><A HREF="PolicyOnPolicy.html"><IMG SRC="Images/cacert-wip.png" NAME="graphics1" ALT="CAcert Policy Status" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=90 HEIGHT=33 BORDER=0></A><BR>Author:
Pete Stephenson<BR>Creation date: 2008-07-12<BR>
Status: WIP 2008-07-12 <BR>
Edited by: Teus Hagen, 2009-02-11<BR>
Next status: DRAFT 2009<BR>
<!-- $Id$ --></P>
<H2>0. Preliminaries </H2>
<P>This sub-policy extends the Assurance Policy (&quot;AP&quot;)
and Organisation Assurance Policy (“OAP”) by providing a
framework for Members to verify for individual Members their identity
and for organisation Members their organisation (trade) name via Trusted Third
Provider (&quot;TTP&quot;s) including Government Authorities,
Certification Authorities and Commercial Identity Providers, under
the supervision of a CAcert (Organisation) Assurer.
<P>Successful completion of the verification of name process defined
in RVP sub-policies shall result in the allocation of 10 extra
Assurance Points added to the maximum of Assurance Points the Assurer,
supervising the assurance process for the Member, can allocate.
<H2>1. Scope </H2>
<P>This sub-policy is available to all individual and organisation
Community Members. </P>
<H2>2. Roles </H2>
<H3>2.1 CAcert (Organisation) Assurer</H3>
<P>The CAcert (Organisation) Assurer must check the CAcert
(Organisation) Assurance Programme form. The identity verification or
organisation name verification is remotely performed by the Trusted
Verification Provider (2.2).</P>
<P>The Trusted Verification Provider who is involved in the
verification process should be accepted by the Assurer.
<P>The Assurer will keep the following signed documents:</P>
<LI><P>Signed document (e.g. CAP or COAP form) for CAcert Community Agreement with the Member.</P>
<LI><P>Signed report of the Trusted Verification Provider for the name verification.</P>
<H3>2.2 Trusted Verification Provider (&quot;TVP&quot;) </H3>
<P>Each TVA:: </P>
<LI><P>must be <STRONG><I>verifiably
practicing identification procedures</I></STRONG>, typically one of
the following:</P>
<LI><P><STRONG>Government Authorities</STRONG>
responsible for issuing ID documents for individuals, trade office
extracts for organisations, or providing taxation functions
<LI><P><STRONG>Certification Authorities</STRONG>
issuing authentication tokens (including certificates) based on a
published identity and/or trade name verification process
<LI><P><STRONG>Commercial Identity
Providers</STRONG> providing identity verification as a commercial
<LI><P><B>Commercial Trade name
Registrars</B> providing trade name verification.</P>
<LI><P>must provide a secure mechanism
for validating a member's identity and/or organisation name or trade
name , including:
<LI><P><STRONG>Authentication Tokens</STRONG>
which are delivered to the user and verifiable in a
cryptographically strong fashion
<LI><P><STRONG>Online Verification</STRONG>
via a web interface, ideally which is verified by SSL/TLS
communication directly with CAcert, Inc. as to the outcome of the
<LI><P>should conduct identification of name procedures similar in
nature to CAcert's existing procedures (eg examining ID documents,
trade office extracts, obtaining 'assurances' from other trusted
<H3>2.3 Member </H3>
<P>A Member (the subject of a verification) using the Remote
Verification program: </P>
<LI><P>must agree to be bound the CAcert
Community Agreement (CCA).</P>
<LI><P>must disclose any conflicts of
interest (including but not limited to relationships with
(Organisation) Assurer)
<LI><P>must cover the costs of their assurance (if any), including
fees imposed by TVPs and Assurer.</P>
<H2>3. Processes </H2>
<H3>3.1 Verification </H3>
<LI><P>Member shall create a CAcert
account and agree to the CAcert Community Agreement (CCA)
<LI><P>Member shall complete the procedure specified by the
applicable sub-policy(s), including being verified by the TVP .</P>
<H2>4. Documentation </H2>
<P>Where documentation is required by the verification process it
shall be subject to the prevailing records management policies which
may require that it be kept for a certain period or destroyed
immediately after processing.
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