diff --git a/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/PolicyOrganisationAssurance.html b/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/PolicyOrganisationAssurance.html deleted file mode 100644 index e38ce0d..0000000 --- a/OrganisationAssurancePolicy/PolicyOrganisationAssurance.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - Organisation Assurance Policy - - - -


- -
- The proper policy document is located
- - on the CAcert website .
- This document is a working draft to include
- future revisions only, and is currently
- only relevant for the [policy] group.

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- Organisation Assurance Policy -


- CAcert Draft
-Document: OAP COD11
-Author: Jens Paul
-Creation date: 2007-09-18
-Status: POLICY/DRAFT 2007-09-18 m20070918.x
-Changed: 2008-04-01 Teus Hagen policy list vote; add advisors and board
-Next status: POLICY 2008
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0. Preliminaries

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-This policy describes how Organisation Assurers ("OAs") -conduct Assurances on Organisations. -It fits within the overall web-of-trust -or Assurance process of CAcert. -

- -

-This policy is not a Controlled document, for purposes of -Configuration Control Specification ("CCS"). -

- -

1. Purpose

- -

-Organisations with assured status can issue certificates -directly with their own domains within. -

- -

-The purpose and statement of the certificate remains -the same as with ordinary users (natural persons) -and as described in the CPS. -

- - - - -

2. Roles and Structure

- -

2.1 Assurance Officer

- -

-The Assurance Officer ("AO") -manages this policy and reports to the CAcert Inc. Committee ("Board"). -

- -

-The AO manages all OAs and is responsible for process, -the CAcert Organisation Assurance Programme ("COAP") form, -OA training and testing, manuals, quality control. -In these responsibilities, other Officers will assist. -


-The OA is appointed by the Board. -Where the OA is failing the Board decides. -

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2.2 Organisation Assurers

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- -
  1. - An OA must be an experienced Assurer -
    1. Have 150 assurance points.
    2. -
    3. Be fully trained and tested on all general Assurance processes.
    4. -
    - -
  2. - Must be trained as Organisation Assurer. -
    1. Global knowledge: This policy.
    2. -
    3. Global knowledge: A OA manual covers how to do the process.
    4. -
    5. Local knowledge: legal forms of organisations within jurisdiction.
    6. -
    7. Basic governance.
    8. -
    9. Training may be done a variety of ways, - such as on-the-job, etc.
    10. -
    - -
  3. - Must be tested. -
    1. Global test: Covers this policy and the process.
    2. -
    3. Local knowledge: Subsidiary Policy to specify.
    4. -
    5. Tests to be created, approved, run, verified - by CAcert only (not outsourced).
    6. -
    7. Tests are conducted manually, not online/automatic.
    8. -
    9. Documentation to be retained.
    10. -
    11. Tests may include on-the-job components.
    12. -
    - -
  4. - Must be approved. -
    1. Two supervising OAs must sign-off on new OA, - as trained, tested and passed. -
    2. -
    3. AO must sign-off on a new OA, - as supervised, trained and tested. -
    4. -
  5. -
  6. The OA can decide when a CAcert - (individual) Assurer - has done several OA Application Advises to appoint this - person to OA Assurer. -
  7. - -
- -

2.3 Organisation Assurance Advisor ("OAA")


In countries/states/provinces where no OA Assurers are - operating for an OA Application (COAP) the OA - can be advised by an experienced local CAcert - (individual) Assurer to take the decision - to accept the OA Application (COAP) of the organisation. -


- The local Assurer must have at least 150 Points, - should know the language, and know - the organisation trade office registry culture and quality. -

- - -

2.4 Organisation Administrator

- -

-The Administrator within each Organisation ("O-Admin") -is the one who handles the assurance requests -and the issuing of certificates. -

- -
  1. - O-Admin must be Assurer -
    1. Have 100 assurance points.
    2. -
    3. Fully trained and tested as Assurer.
    4. -
    - -
  2. - Organisation is required to appoint O-Admin, - and appoint ones as required. -
    1. On COAP Request Form.
    2. -
    - -
  3. - O-Admin must work with an assigned OA. -
    1. Have contact details.
    2. -
- - -

3. Policies

- -

3.1 Policy

- -

-There is one policy being this present document, -and several subsidiary policies. -

- -
  1. This policy authorises the creation of subsidiary policies.
  2. -
  3. This policy is international.
  4. -
  5. Subsidiary policies are implementations of the policy.
  6. -
  7. Organisations are assured under an appropriate subsidiary policy.
  8. -
- -

3.2 Subsidiary Policies

- -

-The nature of the Subsidiary Policies ("SubPols"): -

- -
  1. - SubPols are purposed to check the organisation - under the rules of the jurisdiction that creates the - organisation. This does not evidence an intention - by CAcert to - enter into the local jurisdiction, nor an intention - to impose the rules of that jurisdiction over any other - organisation. - CAcert assurances are conducted under the jurisdiction - of CAcert. -
  2. - For OAs, - SubPol specifies the tests of local knowledge - including the local organisation assurance COAP forms. -
  3. - For assurances, - SubPol specifies the local documentation forms - which are acceptable under this SubPol to meet the - standard. -
  4. - SubPols are subjected to the normal - policy approval process. -
- -

3.3 Freedom to Assemble

- -

-Subsidiary Policies are open, accessible and free to enter. -

- -
  1. - SubPols compete but are compatible. -
  2. - No SubPol is a franchise. -
  3. - Many will be on State or National lines, - reflecting the legal - tradition of organisations created - ("incorporated") by states. -
  4. - However, there is no need for strict national lines; - it is possible to have 2 SubPols in one country, or one - covering several countries with the same language - (e.g., Austria with Germany, England with Wales but not Scotland). -
  5. - There could also be SubPols for special - organisations, one person organisations, - UN agencies, churches, etc. -
  6. - Where it is appropriate to use the SubPol - in another situation (another country?), it - can be so approved. - (e.g., Austrian SubPol might be approved for Germany.) - The SubPol must record this approval. -
- - -

4. Process

- -

4.1 Standard of Organisation Assurance


-The essential standard of Organisation Assurance is: -

- -
  1. - the organisation exists -
  2. - the organisation name is correct and consistent: -
    1. in official documents specified in SubPol.
    2. -
    3. on COAP form.
    4. -
    5. in CAcert database.
    6. -
    7. form or type of legal entity is consistent
    8. -
  3. - signing rights: - requestor can sign on behalf of the organisation. -
  4. - the organisation has agreed to the terms of the - - CAcert Community Agreement - , - and is therefore subject to Arbitration. -
- -

- Acceptable documents to meet above standard - are stated in the SubPol. -

- -

4.2 COAP


-The COAP form documents the checks and the resultant -assurance results to meet the standard. -Additional information to be provided on form: -

- -
  1. - CAcert account of O-Admin (email address?) -
  2. - location: -
    1. country (MUST).
    2. -
    3. city (MUST).
    4. -
    5. additional contact information (as required by SubPol).
    6. -
  3. - administrator account name(s) (1 or more) -
  4. - domain name(s) -
  5. - Agreement with - CAcert Community Agreement. - Statement and initials box for organisation - and also for OA. -
  6. - Date of completion of Assurance. - Records should be maintained for 7 years from - this date. -
- -

-The COAP should be in English. Where translations -are provided, they should be matched to the English, -and indication provided that the English is the -ruling language (due to Arbitration requirements). -

- -

4.3 Jurisdiction

- -

-Organisation Assurances are carried out by -CAcert Inc. under its Arbitration jurisdiction. -Actions carried out by OAs are under this regime. -

- -
  1. - The organisation has agreed to the terms of the - CAcert Community Agreement. -
  2. - The organisation, the Organisation Assurers, CAcert and - other related parties are bound into CAcert's jurisdiction - and dispute resolution. -
  3. - The OA is responsible for ensuring that the - organisation reads, understands, intends and - agrees to the - CAcert Community Agreement. - This OA responsibility should be recorded on COAP - (statement and initials box). -
- -

5. Exceptions

- - -
  1. - Conflicts of Interest. - An OA must not assure an organisation in which - there is a close or direct relationship by, e.g., - employment, family, financial interests. - Other conflicts of interest must be disclosed. -
  2. - Trusted Third Parties. - TTPs are not generally approved to be part of - organisation assurance, - but may be approved by subsidiary policies according - to local needs. -
  3. - Exceptional Organisations. - (e.g., Vatican, International Space Station, United Nations) - can be dealt with as a single-organisation - SubPol. - The OA creates the checks, documents them, - and subjects them to to normal policy approval. -
  4. - DBA. - Alternative names for organisations - (DBA, "doing business as") - can be added as long as they are proven independently. - E.g., registration as DBA or holding of registered trade mark. - This means that the anglo law tradition of unregistered DBAs - is not accepted without further proof. -

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