Nucleus Assurance Policy

Editor: Ulrich
Creation Date : 2013-03-24
Status: WIP
Licence: CC-by-sa+DRP
CAcert Policy Status - Work In Progress

0. Preliminaries

0.1 Introduction. This sub-policy extends the Assurance Policy ("AP" => COD13) by specifying how a party of candidate Assurers can be led by a Senior Assurer to self-Assure themselves up to Assurer status.

0.2 Scope and Authority. This policy is a subsidiary policy under Assurance Policy (AP). This policy applies to all Members of the CAcert Community.

0.3 Terms.

2. The Nucleus Event

2.1 A Nucleus event is a training and assurance event that brings many candidate Assurers up to the level of Assurer in one day, by allocating the Assurance Points that they would be able to allocate, in advance.

2.2 A Nucleus event should be led by a Senior Assurer, and should be assisted by at least one other Assurer.

2.3 A Nucleus event should be proposed to Assurance Officer, who will provide blessing and assistance in adding the borrowed points.

2.4 On the day, a quorum of Assurers and candidates must be found (as present and working). If the quorum fails, Assurances by the candidates are invalid.

2.5 After the event, the Leader must submit a report to AO. Notification and summary information should be provided to Board, and included in the AO's annual report to AGM.

2.6 The Assurance Handbook (AH) should describe the process and detail of the Nucleus event.

3. Ephemeral Points

3.1 If there is a quorum of candidate Assurers such that if they were to be Assurers, their allocated Assurance Points to each other would confirm their status as Assurer, if so allocatable. To fold time such that these points are allocatable before ordinarily approved under the basic mechanisms of AP, the points must be borrowed from somewhere. The points may be borrowed by any mechanism as directed by the Assurance Officer from time to time.

3.2 In the longer term, a change should be put into the system such that the borrowed points may be directly allocated and tracked for normal governance purposes.

3.3 The borrowed points are returned after each candidate is confirmed as Assurer.

3.4 The use of borrowed points and the absence of any system feature does not remove the duty of each Assurer under AP.