Organisation Assurance sub-policy for Europe Teus Hagen CAcert, Inc. 2008-09-16
Preliminaties This CAcert sub-policy extends the Organisation Assurance Policy ("OAP") by specifying how Organisation Assurance ("OA") is to be conducted by the assigned Organisation Assurer ("OrgAssurer") under the supervision of the Organisation Assurance Officer ("OAO") for entities within the defined scope.
Scope This sub-policy is applicable to: Any Organisation registered in Europe with a pre-approved trade office registry ("Approved Registry") This follows the European style of Chambers of Commerce (e.g Chambers of Commerce in continental Europe, Companies House in the United Kingdom and Ministry of Justice, Finance, or Commerce in Eastern Europe)
Requirements This section describes any sub-policy specific requirements that are not otherwise defined in the OAP.
Appoved Registry An Approved Registry: Must follow the general model of a Trade Office and is thus a formal authority for dealing with local trade matters Must have an official mandate by law to register certain types of Organisation (eg sole traders, partnerships, companies, associations) Must have a search facility service that provides reliable documentary Record of the registration of an Organisation
Organisation An Organisation: Must be registered with an Approved Registry with an active status or equivalent. May have zero or more Registered Name(s) in addition to the name of the Legal Entity. Must be a distinct Legal Entity (eg incorporated) OR the constituent Legal Entity(s) must be identified. A Legal Entity may have various legal statuses with different liabilities. The Organisation may not be capable of legally becoming a CAcert Member, independently and separately from the individuals within. The OrgAssurer must take care to identify which individuals are Members, and which are therefore the natural legal entities behind the names.
Records Record(s) supplied by an Approved Registry: Must be securely obtained by the OrgAssurer as: Original paper reports obtained independently from the Approved Registry by the OrgAssurer Digital statements obtained online from the Approved Registry by the OrgAssurer Historical supplemental documents where it can be shown that material changes have not been made (e.g., via absence of subsequent submissions in official document listings)