The proper policy document is located
on the CAcert website .
This document is a work-in-progress to include future revisions only,
and is currently only relevant for the [policy] group.
Additions in BLUE strikes in BLUE now up for vote in PG,.
- Iang 20101017: Attempt to distinguish and clarify CAcert from CAcert Inc from CAcert Community. Change requested by Uli + Nik + Benrd, effectively in BLUE. Where unclarity is seen, I have marked it as XXX.
- Iang 20101009: motion posted, votes requested on BLUE changes in policy group! Ignore the green.
- Iang 20101002: Added the policy block and heading. That which is in the document is below the line.
- Iang 20101002: Re-org of section 4.2 to better reflect current times.
- Iang 20101002: added links to references policies. Note that the final link will CHANGE for WWW.cacert.org
- Morten 20100930: RDL should distro certs not roots. Change is underlined as already in a change.
- Iang 20100929: cleanup, minor fixes and some questions posed.
- Iang 20100830: made clearer inclusion of certificate chain
- Iang 20100716: fixed up to deal with RDL and dropping of NRP-DaL. Plus minor format changes, and to XHTML
CAcert Community Agreement
0. Introduction
This agreement is between
you, being a registered member ("Member")
within CAcert's community at large ("Community")
and CAcert Incorporated ("CAcert Inc."),
being an operator of services to the Community.
0.1 Terms
"CAcert Inc. means the"
means CAcert Inc., a
non-profit Association of Members incorporated in
New South Wales, Australia.
Note that Association Members are distinct from
the Members defined here.
- Does CAcert mean CAcert Inc. still?
- CAcert seems more to mean the Community these days. Consider a change in definition?
- Attempt to make this break in the text, in BLUE.
means you, a registered participant within CAcert's Community XXX,
with an account on the website and the
facility to request certificates.
Members may be individuals ("natural persons")
or organisations ("legal persons").
is defined under the Organisation Assurance programme,
and generally includes corporations and other entities
that become Members and become Assured.
means all of the Members
that are registered by this agreement
and other parties by other agreements,
all being under CommunityCAcert's. Arbitration XXX.
"Non-Related Person" ("NRP"),
being someone who is not a
Member, is not part of the Community,
and has not registered their agreement.
Such people are offered the NRP-DaL
another agreement allowing the USE of certificates.
Such persons may make USE of certificates,
but may only RELY by entering this agreement or other related agreement.
"Non-Related Persons - Disclaimer and Licence" ("NRP-DaL"),
another agreement that is offered to persons outside the
"Root Distribution License" ("RDL"), an agreement for licensing the distribution of root certificates.
RDL replaces an earlier withdrawn licence (NRP-DaL).
is the Community's forum for
resolving disputes, or jurisdiction.
"Dispute Resolution Policy" ("DRP" => COD7)
is the policy and
rules for resolving disputes.
means the act by your software
to conduct its tasks, incorporating
the certificates
needed for correct operation
according to software procedures.
means your human act in taking on a
risk and liability on the basis of the claim(s)
bound within a certificate.
means the your act
of making available your certificateS to another person.
Generally, you install and configure your software
to act as your agent and facilitate OFFERING facilite this and other tasks.
OFFER does not imply suggestion of reliance RELIANCE.
means creation of a certificate by CAcert Inc. XXX.
To create a certificate,
CAcert Inc. XXX affixes a digital signature from the root
onto a public key and other information.
This act would generally bind a statement or claim,
such as your name, to your key.
means CAcert Inc.'s top level key,
used for signing certificates for Members.
In this document, the term includes any subroots.
XXX "CAcert Official Document" ("COD" => COD3 )
in is a standard format for describing the details of
operation and governance essential to a certificate authority.
Changes are managed and controlled.
CODs define more technical terms.
See 4.2 for listing of relevant CODs.
"Certification Practice Statement" ("CPS" => COD6)
is the document that controls details
about operational matters within CAcert XXX.
"Certificate" means any public key or like device to which
the digital signature from CAcert Inc.'s root has been affixed.
Where applicable, the term includes certificate chain,
being an issued certificate and any roots needed for
correct operation.
1. Agreement and Licence
1.1 Agreement
You and CAcert Inc. both agree to the terms and conditions
in this agreement.
Your agreement is given by any of
your signature on a form to request assurance of identity
("CAP" form),
your request on the website
to join the Community and create an account,
your request for Organisation Assurance,
your request for issuing of certificates, or
if you USE, RELY, or OFFER
any certificate issued to you.
Your agreement
is effective from the date of the first event above
that makes this agreement known to you.
This Agreement replaces and supercedes prior agreements.
, including the NRP-DaL.
1.2 Licence
As part of the Community, CAcert Inc. offers you these rights:
You may USE any certificates issued by XXX CAcert Inc..
You may RELY on any certificate issued by CAcert Inc.,
as explained and limited by CPS (COD6).
You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert Inc.
to Members for their RELIANCE.
You may OFFER certificates issued to you by CAcert Inc.
to NRPs for their USE, within the general principles
of the Community.
This Licence is free of cost,
non-exclusive, and non-transferrable.
1.3 Your Contributions
You agree to a non-exclusive non-restrictive non-revokable
transfer of Licence to CAcert Inc. for your contributions.
That is, if you post an idea or comment on a CAcert forum XXX,
or email it to other Members,
your work can be used freely by the Community for
XXX CAcert purposes, including placing under CAcert Inc.'s licences
for wider publication.
You retain authorship rights, and the rights to also transfer
non-exclusive rights to other parties.
That is, you can still use your
ideas and contributions outside the Community.
Note that the following exceptions override this clause:
Contributions to controlled documents are subject to
Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1).
Source code is subject to an open source licence regime.
1.4 Privacy
You give rights to CAcert Inc. to store, verify, and process
and publish your data in accordance with policies in force.
These rights include shipping the data to foreign countries
for system administration, support and processing purposes.
Such shipping will only be done among
CAcert XXX Community administrators and Assurers.
Privacy is further covered in the Privacy Policy ("PP" => COD5).
2. Your Risks, Liabilities and Obligations
As a Member, you have risks, liabilities
and obligations within this agreement.
2.1 Risks
A certificate may prove unreliable.
Your account, keys or other security tools may be
lost or otherwise compromised.
You may find yourself subject to Arbitration
(DRP => COD7).
2.2 Liabilities
You are liable for any penalties
as awarded against you by the Arbitrator.
Remedies are as defined in the DRP (COD7).
An Arbitrator's ruling may
include monetary amounts, awarded against you.
Your liability is limited to
a total maximum of
1000 Euros.
"Foreign Courts" may assert jurisdiction.
These include your local courts, and are outside our Arbitration.
Foreign Courts will generally refer to the Arbitration
Act of their country, which will generally refer
civil cases to Arbitration.
The Arbitration Act will not apply to criminal cases.
2.3 Obligations
You are obliged
to provide accurate information
as part of Assurance.
You give permission for verification of the information
using XXX CAcert-approved methods.
to make no false representations.
to submit all your disputes to Arbitration
(DRP => COD7).
2.4 Principles
As a XXX Member of CAcert, you are a member of
the Community.
You are further obliged to
work within the spirit of the Principles
of the Community.
These are described in
Principles of the Community.
2.5 Security
XXX CAcert exists to help you to secure yourself.
You are primarily responsible for your own security.
Your security obligations include
to secure yourself and your computing platform (e.g., PC),
to keep your email account in good working order,
to secure your XXX CAcert account
(e.g., credentials such as username, password),
to secure your private keys,
to review certificates for accuracy,
when in doubt, notify CAcert XXX,
when in doubt, take other reasonable actions, such as
revoking certificates,
changing account credentials,
and/or generating new keys.
Where, above, 'secure' means to protect to a reasonable
degree, in proportion with your risks and the risks of
3. Law and Jurisdiction
3.1 Governing Law
This agreement is governed under the law of
New South Wales, Australia,
being the home of the CAcert Inc. Association.
3.2 Arbitration as Forum of Dispute Resolution
You agree, with CAcert Inc. and all of the Community,
that all disputes arising out
of or in connection to our use of XXX CAcert Inc. services
shall be referred to and finally resolved
by Arbitration under the rules within the
Dispute Resolution Policy of XXX CAcert
(DRP => COD7).
The rules select a single Arbitrator chosen by XXX CAcert
from among senior Members in the Community.
The ruling of the Arbitrator is binding and
final on Members and CAcert Inc. alike.
In general, the jurisdiction for resolution of disputes
is within CAcert Inc.'s own XXX forum of Arbitration,
as defined and controlled by XXX its own rules (DRP => COD7).
We use Arbitration for many purposes beyond the strict
nature of disputes, such as governance and oversight.
A systems administrator may
need authorisation to conduct a non-routine action,
and Arbitration may provide that authorisation.
Thus, you may find yourself party to Arbitration
that is simply support actions, and you may file disputes in
order to initiate support actions.
3.3 Termination
You may terminate this agreement by resigning
from CAcert XXX. You may do this at any time by
writing to CAcert's XXX online support forum and
filing dispute to resign.
All services will be terminated, and your
certificates will be revoked.
However, some information will continue to
be held for certificate processing purposes.
- Iang: Consider a change to the termination clause to make Arbitration + Support's job more easy?
- Hans suggests: We should remove the implementation details from this section, but keep the rules intact:
- E.g. by creating a new manual page, describing what to do in case of termination. In that way we remove the implementation details ('write to the online support forum, file dispute to resign') from the CCA.
- New Proposal:
- "3.3 Termination
You may terminate this agreement by resigning from CAcert, see 'Termination Howto'. All services will be terminated, and your certificates will be revoked. However, some information will continue to be held for certificate processing purposes."
The provisions on Arbitration survive any termination
by you by leaving XXX CAcert.
That is, even if you resign from XXX CAcert,
you are still bound by the DRP (COD7),
and the Arbitrator may reinstate any provision of this
agreement or bind you to a ruling.
Only the Arbitrator may terminate this agreement with you.
3.4 Changes of Agreement
CAcert Inc. may from time to time vary the terms of this Agreement.
Changes will be done according to the documented XXX CAcert policy
for changing policies, and is subject to scrutiny and feedback
by the Community.
Changes will be notified to you by email to your primary address.
- Iang: We've not been able to do this easily. Change? Drop last sentance above?
- Morten: tie the date of effect to expiry/re-issuance of certificates?
If you do not agree to the changes, you may terminate as above.
Continued use of the service shall be deemed to be agreement
by you.
3.5 Communication
Notifications to XXX CAcert are to be sent by
email to the address
support at CAcert.org.
You should attach a digital signature,
but need not do so in the event of security
or similar urgency.
Notifications to you are sent
by XXX CAcert to the primary email address
registered with your account.
You are responsible for keeping your email
account in good working order and able
to receive emails from XXX CAcert.
Arbitration is generally conducted by email.
4. Miscellaneous
4.1 Other Parties Within the Community
As well as you and other Members in the Community,
CAcert Inc. forms agreements with third party
vendors and others.
Thus, such parties will also be in the Community.
Such agreements are also controlled by the same
policy process as this agreement, and they should
mirror and reinforce these terms.
- This clause was found to generate confusion in the recent debate on CAcert Inc contracts.
- The intention was to create a space for a future 3rd-party-vendor's licence to distribute the roots, and to ensure a sense of equality with Members.
- It was not intended to cover all contracts formed by (for example) the Board.
- Since then, the RDL has been approved to DRAFT, and this clause may need re-writing.
- Clarify?
- Hans: delete last sentance?
- Gero: I wonder whether this is related to the purpose of the agreement
and think nowadays it is somewhat misplaced here. Simply drop it??
4.2 References and Other Binding Documents
- Gero: prefer to move this section to 0.2, and merge in 0.1.6,8,14,15 definitions.
- Gero: prefer (see DRP) rather than (DRP => COD7)
- Gero: preserve of PoP is more confusing than helpful
This agreement is XXX CAcert Official Document 9 (COD9)
and is a controlled document.
moved down.
You are also bound by
the Policies of the Community,
of which the principle ones effecting Members are:
Certification Practice Statement (CPS => COD6).
Dispute Resolution Policy (DRP => COD7).
Privacy Policy (PP => COD5).
Assurance Policy (AP => COD13).
Principles of the Community.
Where documents are referred to as => COD x,
they are
documents under the control of
Policy on Policy ("PoP" => COD1)
and listed in Controlled Document List.
controlled documents under
Policy on Policies (COD1).
This agreement is COD9 CAcert Official Document 9 (COD9)
and is a controlled document.
This agreement and controlled documents above are primary,
and may not be replaced or waived except
by formal policy channels and by Arbitration.
4.3 Informative References
The governing documents are in English.
Documents may be translated for convenience.
Because we cannot control the legal effect of translations,
the English documents are the ruling ones.
You are encouraged to be familiar with the
Assurance Assurer Handbook,
which provides a more readable introduction for much of
the information needed.
The Handbook is not however an agreement, and is overruled
by this agreement and others listed above.
- Reference to Handbook seems to be out of place. Drop? Replace with wiki?
4.4 Not Covered in this Agreement
Intellectual Property.
This Licence does not transfer any intellectual
property rights ("IPR") to you. CAcert Inc. asserts and
maintains its IPR over its roots, issued certificates,
brands, logos and other assets.
Note that the certificates issued to you
are CAcert Inc.'s intellectual property
and you do not have rights other than those stated.
- Does this need to be updated with reference to RDL?
Status: POLICY p20080109
-------- with WIP p20101009 in BLUE
Editor: Iang
Licence: CC-by-sa+DRP