Configuration Control Specification

Configuration Control Specification Status == work-in-progress

Creation date: 20091214
Status: WIP

1 Introduction

The Configuration Control Specification (CCS) controls and tracks those documents, processes and assets which are critical to the business, security and governance of the CAcert operations.

This document is the procedure for CCS. This document itself is a component of the CCS. All other documentation and process specified within is derivative and is ruled by the CCS.

2 Documents

2.1 Controlled Document List

This CCS creates a list of Primary or "root" documents:

CAcert Official Document number. Abbrev. Name Location Since Comments
COD1 PoP Policy On Policy p20070822.... covers all documents
COD2 CCS Configuration Control Specification 2010..... this document
COD6 CPS Certification Practice Statement p200903xx.... includes Certificate Policies
COD5 PP Privacy Policy 20060629 out of date
5 SP Security Policy p20090327 .
6 CCA CAcert Community Agreement p20070822... Subscriber Agreement
COD4 NRP-DaL Non-Related Persons -- Disclaimer and Licence m20070918.1 Relying Party Agreement
7 3pv-DaL 3rd Party Vendor -- Disclaimer and Licence p2010... Distributor Agreement
COD7 DRP Dispute Resolution Policy m20070919.3 .
9 AP Assurance Policy p2010... .

Primary Documents may authorise other secondary documents under the same process (PoP). Document Officer manages a controlled documents list containing numbers, locations and versions of all controlled documents.

2.2 Change

Overall responsibility for change to documents resides with the policy mailgroup, as specified in Policy on Policy. CAcert Inc., board maintains a veto on new policies while in DRAFT. Fully approved documents (POLICY status) are published on the CAcert website at in plain HTML format.

Pre-approval work (DRAFT status) and working documents (work-in-progress status) are made available on publically-accessible version management systems (Subversion: . wiki: ).

2.3 Control

CAcert policies are required to be owned / transferred to CAcert. See PoP 6.2.

3 Hardware

3.1 Controlled Hardware List

Critical systems are defined by Security Policy.

3.2 Change

See Security Policy.

3.3 Control

Control of Hardware is the ultimate responsibility of the Board of CAcert Inc. The responsibility for acts with hardware is delegated to Access Engineers and Systems Administrators as per Security Policy. The ownership responsibility is delegated by agreement to Oophaga.

4 Software

4.1 Controlled Software List

Critical software is defined by Security Policy.

4.2 Change

See Security Policy.

4.3 Control

CAcert owns or requires full control over its code by means of an approved free and open licence. Such code must be identified and managed by Software Assessment.

Developers transfer full rights to CAcert (in a similar fashion to documents), or organise their contributions under a proper free and open source code regime, as approved by Board. Where code is published (beyond scope of this document) care must be taken not to infringe licence conditions. For example, mingling issues with GPL.

The Software Assessment Team Leader maintains a registry of assignments of title or full licence, and a registry of software under approved open source licences.

5 Logs

5.1 Controlled Logs List

Logs are defined by Security Policy.

5.2 Changes

Changes to Hardware and Software are logged according to Security Policy.

5.3 Archive

See Security Policy.