CAcert Organisation Assurance Program sub-policy for countriers in Europe with a national Trade Office Register.

CAcert Policy Status
Author: Teus Hagen
Creation date: 2008-05-01
Status: WiP 2008-05-02
Next status: DRAFT 2008

0. Preliminaries

This CAcert sub-policy extends the Organisation Assurance Policy ("OAP") by specifying how Organisation Assurance is to be conducted by the assigned Organisation Assurer ("OA") under the supervision of the Organisation Assurance Officer ("OAO") for entities within the defined scope.

1. Scope

This sub-policy is applicable to organisations registered with the Trade Office Registry as tabled in paragraph 3.1 of this sub-policy:

  1. Legal entities in the European Union and other European countries:
    1. Government Bodies & Instrumentalities;
    2. Private Owned Companies;
    3. Limited Companies;
    4. Clubs, Societies & Associations;
    5. Cooperations and mutual safeguarding Societies;
    6. Foundations;
    7. Sole Trader or Professional;
    8. Partnerships: Trade, Commanditair, Free Profession;
    9. Churches/Religious Groups.
  2. European legal entities: European Economic Collaboration (EESV), European Limited Company (SE), European Cooperation (SCE).
  3. Foreign legal entities subjected to foreign jurisdiction but active in mainly in the EU country.The entity has registration duties in the EU (fin. year report, extract foreign TRO, accountant report. E.g. Private Limited Company (Ltd) in UK foreign jusrisdiction but mainly active in an EU country.

2. Requirements

This section describes any scope specific requirements that are not otherwise defined in the OAP.

2.1 Organisation

  1. For Applicants with individual liability operating under their own name business name registration is optional. These Applicants can be assured as company (Trade Office Registration is required) and/or as individual: CAcert Assurance Programme.
  2. Applicants must be a valid legal entity but may have an arbitrary number of registered trading names.

2.2 Records

  • Historic supplemental documents may be accepted where it can be proven that material changes have not been made (eg via absence of subsequent submissions in official document listings).
  • 2.3 Application Form

    1. The licensing authority must be specified where applicable.
      This is optional for sole traders, sole professionals and partnerships operating under their own name(s): CAcert Assurance Programme.
    2. The registry Identifier must be specified where applicable.
      This is optional for sole traders and partnerships operating under their own name(s): CAcert Assurance Programme.

    3. Registration

    3.1 Trade Office Registries

    Organisation accepted for Assurance under this policy is an organisation or entity registered with a national operating formal Trade Office Registrar in the country, as tabled in Appendix I (Trade Office Registrars in EU countries and other European countries).

    The criteria for adding a country and the national Trade Office Registrar:

    1. The Trade Office Registrar follows the trade office model, in which the trade office is a formal authority for registering legal entities (not individuals).
    2. The Trade Office Registrar is a formal entity under national (European) law.
    3. The Trade Office Registrar is defined in the table of Appendix I.
    4. The Trade Office Registrar has a reliable search facility service. The service may carry costs which are reimbursed from the organisation applicant.
    5. The Trade Office Registrar provides an Extract of the registration, providing location, type of organisation, full name of the organisation, direcvtors with signature power and their signature structure, organistration registration "Identification" number.
    6. Any entity registerable at the trade office is accepted.

    3.2 Domain Registries

    Every European country has a Domain Registry for the ccTLD country code under which a company domain can be registrated with. Domain registration of a organisation domain is checked with national Domain Registry via whois.

    A table with an overview of different countries and their country top domain registrars is defined in Appendix III.

    3.2 Registry Identifiers

    1. Trade Office Registration Identifier, a unique registration number obtained from the Trade Office Registrar.

    3.3 Documents

    1. The Extract from the Trade Office Registry.

    4. Processes

    4.1 Assurance

    1. Each person listed in an application must be individually assured and referenced by a confirmed email.
    2. All entities must be verified by a office trade registrar search.
    3. Partnership applicants must additionally be verified via an Extract as a current individual member and should be a managing partner.
    4. Company applications must be made by an individual who is duly authorised to sign on behalf of the company:
      1. Officeholder Applicants (directors or preferably secretary) must be verified in an "Extract" (obtained from the Trade Office Registrar by the OA where fees are reclaimable from the applicant).
      2. Any other Applicant must prove that they are duly authorised to sign on behalf of the entity (for example via delegation and/or under company rules) to the satisfaction of the OA, for approval by the OA Officer.

    Appendix I

    Table of accepted Trade Office Registrars for EU countries

    The green dot denotes an accepted registrar. The orange dot denotes a registrar being accepted. The red dot denotes a registrar awaiting feedback from that country to be accepted for company registration extracts.

    ?registryweb addresssearch address
    EU countries
    für Justiz
    Chambre de Commerce
    CofaceCCIwww.eurodb.beCoface search
    Bulgaria:Ministry of JusticeNGOwww.mjeli.government.bgBG search
    Cyprus:Dept of Registrar
    of companies search
    Czech Republic:Ministry of FinanceARESwwwinfo.mfcr.czCZ search
    Denmark:Central Business RegisterVIRKvirk.dkDK search
    Estonia:E-ÄriregisterRIKariregister.rik.eeEE search
    BISwww.ytj.fiBIS search
    France:Chambre de Commerce
    et d'industrie
    CCIwww.cci.frCCI search
    Registre National du
    Commerce et de Sociétés
    INPIwww.euridile.inpi.frEuridile search
    Germany:Handelsregister Portalwww.handelsregister.deDE search
    Greece:Athens Chamber of
    Commerce and Industry
    ACCIwww.acci.grACCI search
    Hungary:Ministry of
    Ireland:Companies Registration OfficeCROwww.cro.ieCRO search
    Italy:InfoCamerewebtelemaco.infocamere.itIT search
    Latvia:Lursoftwww.lursoft.lvLursoft search
    Lithuania:Juridiniu Asmenu Registraswww.registrucentras.ltLT search
    Luxembourg:Registre de
    Commerce et des Sociétés
    RCSLwww.rcsl.luLU search
    Malta:Registry of search
    Netherlands:Kamer van KoophandelKvKwww.kvk.nlKvK search
    Poland:Ministry of
    Portugal:Conservatórias do
    Registo Comercial
    Min. of Justice
    ReComrecom.onrc.roHU search
    Slovakia:Obchodný registerORSRwww.orsr.skSK search
    Slovenia:Register PodjetijGZSwww.gzs.siSI search
    Spain:Registro Mercantil
    Sweden:Skatteverketwww.skatteverket.seSE search
    Bolagsverketwww.bolagsverket.seSE search
    United Kingdom:Companies search

    Table of accepted Trade Office Registrars for other European countries

    The green dot denotes an accepted registrar. The orange denotes a registrar being accepted. The red dot denotes a registrar awaiting feedback from that country to be accepted for company registration extracts.

    ?registryweb addresssearch address
    other countries
    Andorra:Oficina de MarquesOMPAwww.ompa.adAD search
    Bosinia &
    Gosodarska komora Federacije
    Bosne i Hercegovine
    www.kfbih.comBH search
    Croatia:Registar Poslovnih SubjekataBIZNETwww1.biznet.hrCR search
    Gibraltar:Companies Housewww.companieshouse.ginon free service
    Norway:Brønnøysund Register
    fra Enhetsregisteret
    Serbia:Serbian Commercial Register
    Агенција за
    привредне регистре search
    Switzerland:Central Business
    Names Index portal
    Zefixwww.zefix.admin.chCH search portal

    Appendix II

    National acts on digital signatures

    The legal requirement is that there is sufficient evidense and trust. This is the case for a digital certificate that can be checked.

    Digital Signatures may be accepted under implementation of EU European Directive 99/93/EG and EU national act:

    Austria:Signature Law 2000
    Belgium:Signature Law 9-7-2001 F.2001-2699
    Czech Republic:Act on Electronic Signatures, 227/2000
    Denmark:Lov om elektroniske signaturer
    Estonia:Digital Signature Law, 2000 (in Estonian).
    Digital Signatures Act (consolidated text Dec 2003)
    Finland:Laki sähköisistä allekirjoituksista, 2003 (in Finnish)
    Germany:German Signature Law of 2001, changed in 2005
    Greece:Presidential Decree 150/2001 (in Greek)
    Ireland:Irish Electronic Commerce Act, 2000
    Italy:Decreto legislativo 7/3/2005, n. 82 (Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale)
    Lithuania:Law on electronic signature, 2002
    Luxembourg:Loi du 14 août 2000 relative au commerce électronique, 2000 (in French)
    Malta:Maltese Electronic Commerce Act 2001, last amended 2005
    Netherlands:Wet Elektronische Handtekeningen (WET) of 21st of May 2003 (in Dutch)
    Norway:Electronic Signature Act, 2001 (in Norwegian).
    Romania:Legea semnăturii electronice, 455/2001
    Law on the Electronic Signature, 455/2001 (unofficial translation)
    Slovenia:Electronic Business and Electronic Signature Act (in Slovene)
    Spain:Ley 59/2003 , de 19 de diciembre, de firma electrónica (in Spanish)
    Sweden:Qualified Electronic Signatures Act (SFS 2000:832)) (in Swedish)
    SFS 2000:832 in English translation
    Switzerland:Federal Law on Certification Services Concerning the Electronic Signature, 2003
    United Kingdom:Electronic Communications Act, 2000
    The Electronic Signatures Regulations 2002 (SI 2002 No. 2013)

    Appendix III

    Table with country top level domain registrars

    ?domain registryweb addressccTLDwhois
    Belgium: .be
    Bulgaria: .bg
    Denmark: .dk
    Estonia: .ee
    Greece: .gr
    Hungary: .hu
    Ireland:IE Domain Registry
    Italy: .it
    Latvia: .lv
    Lithuania: .lt
    Luxembourg: .lu
    Malta: .ml
    NetherlandsStichting Internet Domain
    Registratie ("SIDN")
    Norway:Brønnøysund Register
    Poland:NASK .pl
    Portugal: .pt
    Romania:Nat. Inst. for R&D and
    Slovakia: .sk
    Slovenia: .si
    Spain:Network Inf. Center .es
    United Kingdom:Nominet

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