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<TITLE>Assurance Policy</TITLE>
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<H1>Assurance Policy for CAcert Community Members</H1>
<P><A HREF="PolicyOnPolicy.html"><IMG SRC="Images/cacert-wip.png" NAME="graphics1" ALT="CAcert Policy Status" ALIGN=BOTTOM WIDTH=90 HEIGHT=33 BORDER=0></A><BR>Author:
Ian Grigg<BR>Creation date: 2008-05-30<BR>Status: WIP 2008-05-30<BR>Next
status: DRAFT June 2008</P>
<H2>0. Preamble</H2>
<P>Definitions of terms:
Assurance is the process by which a Member of CAcert Community
(Assurer) identifies an individual (<SPAN LANG="en-US">Assuree</SPAN>).
<BR>With sufficient assurances, a Member may (a) issue certificates
with their Names included, (b) participate in assuring others, and
(c) other related activities. The strength of these activities is
based on the strength of the assurance.
An individual who has agreed to the CAcert Community Agreement (CCA)
and has created successfully a CAcert (web)account on
A Name is the full name (first name(s), family name(s), name
extensions, abbreviation of name(s), etc.) of an individual. The
Name is technically spoken a string exactly taken from a
governmental issued photo ID. Transliteration of characters to a
character table defined by CAcert is permitted.&nbsp;
<EM>Secondary Distinguishing Feature</EM> (DoB)
</DT><DD STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.5cm">
A Name for an individual is discriminated from similar full names by
a secondary distinguished feature, as recorded on the on-line CAcert
(web) account. Currently this is the date of birth (DoB) of the
The CAcert Web of Trust</H3>
<P>Each assurance claims a number of Assurance Points, applied to the
assured Member or Member prospect. By combining the assurances, and
the Assurance Points, CAcert constructs a global <EM>Web of Trust</EM>
<P>CAcert explicitly chooses to meet its various goals by
construction of a web-of-trust of all Members. This is done by
face-to-face meeting, identifying and sharing claims in a network.
Maintaining a sufficient strength for the web-of-trust is a
high-level objective of the Assurance process.
<H3>Related Documentation</H3>
<P>Documentation on Assurance is split between this Assurance Policy
(AP) and the <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Assurance
Handbook</A>. The policy is controlled by Configuration Control
Specification (<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">CCS</A>)
under Policy on Policy (<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">PoP</A>)
policy documents. <BR>Because Assurance is an active area, much of
the practice is handed over to the Assurance Handbook, which is not a
controlled document, and can more easily respond to experience and
circumstances. It is also more readable.
<P>See also Organisation Assurance Policy (<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">OAP</A>)
and CAcert Policy Statement (<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">CPS</A>).
<H2>1. Purpose</H2>
<P>The purpose of Assurance is to add confidence in the Assurance
Statement made of a Member by the CAcert Community.
<H3>The Assurance Statement</H3>
<P>The following claims can be made about a person who is assured:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">The person is a bona fide Member.
In other words, the person is a member of the CAcert community, as
defined by the CAcert Community Agreement (CCA).
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">The Member has a (login)
(web)Account with CAcert's on-line registration and service system.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">The Member can be determined from
any certificate issued by the Account.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">The Member is bound into CAcert's
Arbitration (as defined by the CCA).
<LI><P>Some personal details of the Member (Name(s), primary and
other listed email address(es), secondary distinguished feature (eg
DoB)) are known to CAcert.
<P>The confidence level of the Assurance Statement is expressed by
the Assurance Points.
<H3>Relying Party Statement</H3>
<P>The primary goal of the Assurance Statement is to meet the needs
of the <EM>Relying Party Statement</EM>, which latter is found in the
Certification Practice Statement (<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">CPS</A>)
for the express purpose of certificates.
<P>When a certificate is issued, some or all of the Assurance
Statement may be incorporated (e.g., name) or implied (e.g.,
Membership or status) into the certificate and be part of the <EM>Relying
Party Statement</EM>. In short, this means that other Members of the
Community may rely on the information verified by Assurance and found
in the certificate.
<P>In particular, certificates are sometimes considered to provide
reliable indications of the Member's Name. The nature of Assurance,
the number of Assurance Points, and other policies and processes
should be understood as limitations on any reliance.
<H2>2. The Member</H2>
<P>Names in the CAcert web account should have names which are
identical to those in the ID documents.&nbsp;</P>
<P>The technical form of a Name is a string of characters. It should
be exactly copied from a governmental-issued photo ID.&nbsp;</P>
<P><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Transliteration</A>
of characters to a character table defined by Assurance Officer is
permitted, but the result must be 7-bit ASCII for the full Name.</P>
<P>In general names are handled case insensitively.</P>
<P>Abbreviation of second given name(s), middle name(s), titles and
name extensions in the Name of the web account to one character and a
dot are permitted. If the first given name in the ID document is
abbreviated it the first given name in the web account Name may be
abbreviated. Abbreviation in the web account Name will imply
abbreviation usage in the Common Name of the issued certificate
<P>The Common Name and related certificate fields in the issued
certificate is dependent on the assurance of the Name in the web
account. Abbreviation and transliteration handling in the CN is
defined in the Certificate Implementation Policy (<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">CIP</A>).</P>
<P>If the governmental ID indicates for part of the Name a type
(title, first given name, secondary given name(s), middlename(s),
family name, and/or name extensions) and the Name in the web account
provides the type of name field attribute, this will be assured in
the Name account administration.
<P>A Member may have multiple individual Names. For example, married
name, variations of initials of first or middle names, abbreviation
of a first name, different language or country variations and
transliterations of characters in a name. Each individual Name must
be assured to the applicable level. That is, each Name to 50
Assurance Points to be used in a certificate. <BR>For an Assurer at
least one Name must have at least to 100 Assurance Points.</P>
<P>A Member has the following capabilities derived from Assurance:
<TD WIDTH=10%>
<P ALIGN=LEFT><EM>Minimum Assurance Points</EM></P>
<TD WIDTH=25%>
<P ALIGN=LEFT><EM>Capability</EM></P>
<TD WIDTH=65%>
<P ALIGN=LEFT><EM>Comment</EM></P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT>request un-named certificates</P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT>although the Member's details are recorded in the
account, they are not highly assured.</P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT>request named certificates</P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT>the name and Assurance Statement is assured to 50
Assurance Points or more</P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT>become an Assurer</P>
<P ALIGN=LEFT>assured to 100 Assurance Points or more, and other
requirements listed below</P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Assurance Capability table</P>
<P>The CAcert Policy Statement (CPS) and other policies may list
other capabilities that rely on Assurance Points.
<H2>3. The Assurer</H2>
<P>An Assurer is a Member with the following:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">is assured to a minimum of 100
Assurance Points,
<LI><P>has passed the Assurer Challenge.
<P>The Assurer Challenge is administered by the Education Team on
behalf of the Assurance Officer.
<H3>The Obligations of the Assurer</H3>
<P>The Assurer is obliged to:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Follow this Assurance Policy;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Follow any additional rules of
detail laid out by the Assurance Officer;
<LI><P>Be guided by the <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Assurance
Handbook</A> in their judgement;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Make a good faith effort at
identifying and verifying Members;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Maintain the documentation on each
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Deliver documentation to
Arbitration, or as otherwise directed by the Arbitrator;
<LI><P>Keep up-to-date with developments within the CAcert
<H2>4. The Assurance</H2>
<H3>The Assurance Process</H3>
<P>The Assurer conducts the process of Assurance with each Member.
<P>The process consists of:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Voluntary agreement by both
Assurer and Member or prospect Member to conduct the Assurance;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Personal meeting of Assurer and
Member or prospect Member;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Recording of essential details on
CAP form (below);
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Examination of Identity documents
by Assurer and verification of recorded details (Name(s) and
Secondary Distinguishing Feature, e.g., DoB);
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Allocation of Assurance Points by
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Optional: supervision of
reciprocal Assurance made by Assuree (Mutual Assurance);
<LI><P>Safe keeping of the CAP forms by Assurer.
<H3>Mutual Assurance</H3>
<P>Mutual Assurance follows the principle of reciprocity. This means
that the Assurance may be two-way, and that each member participating
in the Assurance procedure should be able to show evidence of their
identity to the other.
<P>In the event that an Assurer is assured by a Member who is not
certified as an Assurer, the Assurer supervises the Assurance
procedure and process, and is responsible for the results.
<P>Reciprocity maintains a balance between the (new) Member and the
Assurer, and reduces any sense of power. It is also an important aid
to the assurance training for future Assurers.
<P><EM>Evidence of Assurer status</EM> <BR>On the question of
providing evidence that one is an Assurer, CAcert Policy Statement
(<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">CPS</A>)
says:<EM> The level at which each Member is Assured is public data.
The number of Assurance Points for each Member is not published.</EM>.
<H3>Assurance Points</H3>
<P>The Assurance applies Assurance Points to each Member which
measure the increase of confidence in the Statement (above).
Assurance Points should not be interpreted for any other purpose.
Note that, even though they are sometimes referred to as <EM>Web-of-Trust</EM>
(Assurance) Points, or <EM>Trust</EM> Points, the meaning of the word
'trust' is not well defined.
<P><EM>Assurance Points Allocation.</EM> <BR>An Assurer can allocate
a number of Assurance Points to the Member according to the Assurer's
experience (Experience Point system, see below). The allocation of
the maximum means that the Assurer is 100% confident in the
information presented:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Detail on form, system, documents,
person in accordance;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Sufficient quality identity
documents have been checked;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Assurer's familiarity with
identity documents;
<LI><P>The Assurance Statement is confirmed.
<P>Any lesser confidence should result in less Assurance Points for a
Name. If the Assurer has no confidence in the information presented,
then <EM>zero </EM>Assurance Points may be allocated by the
Assurer.&nbsp;For example, this may happen if the identity documents
are totally unfamiliar to the Assurer. The number of Assurance Points
from <EM>zero</EM> to <EM>maximum </EM>is guided by the Assurance
Handbook and the judgement of the Assurer.
<P>Multiple Names should be allocated separately in a single
Assurance. That is, the Assurer may allocate the maximum to one Name,
half that amount to another Name, and zero to a third Name.
<P>A (new) Member who is not an Assurer may award an Assurer in a
reciprocal process a maximum of 2 Assurance Points, according to his
judgement. The Assurer should strive to have the Member allocate
according to the Member's judgement, and stay on the cautious side; a
(new) Member new to the assurance process should allocate <EM>zero</EM>
Assurance Points until they get some confidence in what is happening.
<P>No Assurance process can give more than 50 Assurance Points per
Name. This means that to reach 50 Assurance Points (certificate with
a Name), a Member must have been assured at least once. To reach 100
Assurance Points, at least one Name of the Member must have been
assured at least twice.
<H3>Experience Points</H3>
<P>The maximum number of Assurance Points that may be awarded by an
Assurer is determined by the Experience Points of the Assurer.
<P><EM>Assurer's Experience Points</EM></P>
<P><EM>Allocatable Assurance Points</EM></P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER>&gt;=50</P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Assurance Points table</P>
<P>An Assurer is given a maximum of 2 Experience Points for every
completed Assurance. On reaching Assurer status, the Experience
Points start at zero.
<P>Less Experience Points (1) may be given for mass Assurance events,
where each Assurance is quicker.
<P>Additional Experience Points may be granted temporarily or
permanently to an Assurer by CAcert Inc's Board, on recommendation
from the Assurance Officer.
<P>Experience Points are not to be confused with Assurance Points.
<P><EM>Comment: this part still needs to be agreed.</EM>
<H3>CAcert Assurance Programme (CAP) form</H3>
<P>The CAcert Assurance Programme (CAP) form requests the following
details of each Member or prospect Member:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Name(s), as recorded in the
on-line account;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Primary email address, as recorded
in the on-line account;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Secondary Distinguishing Feature,
as recorded in the on-line account (normally, date of birth);
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Statement of agreement with the
CAcert Community Agreement (CCA);
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Permission to the Assurer to
conduct the Assurance (required for privacy reasons);
<LI><P>Date and signature of the Assuree.
<P>The CAP form requests the following details of the Assurer:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">At least one Name as recorded in
the on-line account of the Assurer;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Assurance Points for each Name in
the identity document(s);
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Statement of Assurance;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Optional: If the Assurance is
reciprocal, then the Assurer's email address and Secondary
Distinguishing Feature are required as well.
<LI><P>Date, location of Assurance and signature of Assurer.
<P>The CAP forms are to be kept at least for 7 years by the Assurer.
<H2>5. The Assurance Officer</H2>
<P>The Committee (Board) of CAcert Inc. appoints an Assurance Officer
with the following responsibilities:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Reporting to the Board and
advising on all matters to do with Assurance;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Training and testing of Assurers,
in association with the Education Team;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Updating this Assurance Policy,
under the process established by Policy on Policy (<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">PoP</A>);
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Management of all Subsidiary
Policies (see below) for Assurances, under Policy on Policy ( <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">PoP</A>);
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Managing and creating rules of
detail or procedure where inappropriate for policies;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Incorporating rulings from
Arbitration into policies, procedures or guidelines;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Assisting the Arbitrator in any
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Managing the Assurer Handbook;
<LI><P>Maintaining a sufficient strength in the Assurance process
(web-of-trust) to meet the agreed needs of the Community.
<H2>6. Subsidiary Policies</H2>
<P>The Assurance Officer manages various exceptions and additional
processes. Each must be covered by an approved Subsidiary Policy
(refer to Policy on Policy =&gt; COD1). Subsidiary Policies specify
any additional tests of knowledge required and variations to process
and documentation, within the general standard stated here.
<P>Examples of expected subsidiary policies are these:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><EM>Remote Assurer Check;</EM>
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><EM>Super Assurer Policy;</EM>
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><EM>Junior Assurer Policy;</EM>
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"><EM>Code Signing Policy;</EM>
<LI><P><EM>Organisation Assurance Policy and sub-policies per
country or region.</EM>
<P>Each Subsidiary Policy must augment and improve the general
standards in this Assurance Policy. It is the responsibility of each
Subsidiary Policy to describe how it maintains and improves the
specific and overall goals. It must describe exceptions and potential
areas of risk.
<H3>High Risk Applications</H3>
<P>In addition to the Assurance or Experience Points ratings set here
in and in other policies, Assurance Officer or policies can designate
certain applications as high risk. If so, additional measures may be
added to the Assurance process that specifically address the risks.
These may include:
<DT>Additional information
Additional information can be required in process of assurance:
Unique numbers of identity documents;
Photocopy of identity documents;
Photo of User;
</DD><LI><DD STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.5cm">
Address of User.
<P>Additional Information is to be kept by Assurer, attached to CAP
form. Assurance Points allocation by this assurance is unchanged.
User's CAcert (web)account should be annotated to record type of
additional information:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Arbitration:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Member to participate in
Arbitration. This confirms their acceptance of the forum as well as
trains in the process and import.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Member to file Arbitration to
present case. This allows Arbitrator as final authority.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Additional training;
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Member to be Assurer (&gt;= 100
Assurance Points and passed Assurer Challenge);
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Member agrees to additional
specific agreement(s);
<LI><P>Additional checking/auditing of systems data by CAcert
support administrators;
<P>Applications that might attract additional measures include
code-signing certificates and administration roles.
<P>CAcert is a &quot;privacy&quot; organisation, and takes the
privacy of its Members seriously. The process maintains the security
and privacy of both parties.
<P>Information is collected primarily to make claims within the
certificates requested by users and to contact the Members. <BR>It is
used secondarily for training, testing, administration and other
internal purposes.
<P>The Member's information can be accessed under these
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">Under Arbitrator ruling, in a duly
filed dispute (<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Dispute
Resolution Policy</A> =&gt; COD7)
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm">An Assurer in the process of an
Assurance, as permitted on the CAP form.
<LI><P>CAcert support administration and CAcert systems
administration when operating under the authority of Arbitrator or
under CAcert policy.
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