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dojo.declare("", null, {
// summary: The component defines the Hebrew Calendar Object
// description:
// This module is similar to the Date() object provided by JavaScript
// example:
// | dojo.require("");
// |
// | var date = new;
// | document.writeln(date.getFullYear()+'\'+date.getMonth()+'\'+date.getDate());
ADAR_1: 5,
ADAR: 6,
IYAR: 8,
TAMUZ: 10,
AV: 11,
ELUL: 12,
// Hebrew date calculations are performed in terms of days, hours, and
// "parts" (or halakim), which are 1/1080 of an hour, or 3 1/3 seconds.
_HOUR_PARTS: 1080,
_DAY_PARTS: 24*1080,
// An approximate value for the length of a lunar month.
// It is used to calculate the approximate year and month of a given
// absolute date.
_MONTH_FRACT: 12*1080 + 793,
_MONTH_PARTS: 29*24*1080 + 12*1080 + 793,
// The time of the new moon (in parts) on 1 Tishri, year 1 (the epoch)
// counting from noon on the day before. BAHARAD is an abbreviation of
// Bet (Monday), Hey (5 hours from sunset), Resh-Daled (204).
BAHARAD: 11*1080 + 204,
// The Julian day of the Gregorian epoch, that is, January 1, 1 on the
// Gregorian calendar.
JAN_1_1_JULIAN_DAY: 1721426,
* The lengths of the Hebrew months. This is complicated, because there
* are three different types of years, or six if you count leap years.
* Due to the rules for postponing the start of the year to avoid having
* certain holidays fall on the sabbath, the year can end up being three
* different lengths, called "deficient", "normal", and "complete".
// Deficient Normal Complete
[ 30, 30, 30 ], //Tishri
[ 29, 29, 30 ], //Heshvan
[ 29, 30, 30 ], //Kislev
[ 29, 29, 29 ], //Tevet
[ 30, 30, 30 ], //Shevat
[ 30, 30, 30 ], //Adar I (leap years only)
[ 29, 29, 29 ], //Adar
[ 30, 30, 30 ], //Nisan
[ 29, 29, 29 ], //Iyar
[ 30, 30, 30 ], //Sivan
[ 29, 29, 29 ], //Tammuz
[ 30, 30, 30 ], //Av
[ 29, 29, 29 ] //Elul
* The cumulative # of days to the end of each month in a non-leap year
* Although this can be calculated from the MONTH_LENGTH table,
* keeping it around separately makes some calculations a lot faster
// Deficient Normal Complete
[ 0, 0, 0 ], // (placeholder)
[ 30, 30, 30 ], // Tishri
[ 59, 59, 60 ], // Heshvan
[ 88, 89, 90 ], // Kislev
[ 117, 118, 119 ], // Tevet
[ 147, 148, 149 ], // Shevat
[ 147, 148, 149 ], // (Adar I placeholder)
[ 176, 177, 178 ], // Adar
[ 206, 207, 208 ], // Nisan
[ 235, 236, 237 ], // Iyar
[ 265, 266, 267 ], // Sivan
[ 294, 295, 296 ], // Tammuz
[ 324, 325, 326 ], // Av
[ 353, 354, 355 ] // Elul
* The cumulative # of days to the end of each month in a leap year
// Deficient Normal Complete
[ 0, 0, 0 ], // (placeholder)
[ 30, 30, 30 ], // Tishri
[ 59, 59, 60 ], // Heshvan
[ 88, 89, 90 ], // Kislev
[ 117, 118, 119 ], // Tevet
[ 147, 148, 149 ], // Shevat
[ 177, 178, 179 ], // Adar I
[ 206, 207, 208 ], // Adar II
[ 236, 237, 238 ], // Nisan
[ 265, 266, 267 ], // Iyar
[ 295, 296, 297 ], // Sivan
[ 324, 325, 326 ], // Tammuz
[ 354, 355, 356 ], // Av
[ 383, 384, 385 ] // Elul
//len len2 st st2
[ 31, 31, 0, 0 ], // Jan
[ 28, 29, 31, 31 ], // Feb
[ 31, 31, 59, 60 ], // Mar
[ 30, 30, 90, 91 ], // Apr
[ 31, 31, 120, 121 ], // May
[ 30, 30, 151, 152 ], // Jun
[ 31, 31, 181, 182 ], // Jul
[ 31, 31, 212, 213 ], // Aug
[ 30, 30, 243, 244 ], // Sep
[ 31, 31, 273, 274 ], // Oct
[ 30, 30, 304, 305 ], // Nov
[ 31, 31, 334, 335 ] // Dec
// len length of month
// len2 length of month in a leap year
// st days in year before start of month
// st2 days in year before month in leap year
_date: 0,
_month: 0,
_year: 0,
_hours: 0,
_minutes: 0,
_seconds: 0,
_milliseconds: 0,
_day: 0,
constructor: function(){
// summary: This is the constructor
// description:
// This fucntion initialize the date object values
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// |
// | var date2 = new;
// |
// | var date3 = new,2,12);
var arg_no = arguments.length;
if(arg_no==0){// use the current date value
var date = new Date();
var result = this._computeHebrewFields(date);
this._date = result[2];
this._month = result[1];
this._year = result[0];
this._hours = date.getHours();
this._minutes = date.getMinutes();
this._seconds = date.getSeconds();
this._milliseconds = date.getMilliseconds();
this._day = date.getDay();
}else if(arg_no ==1){
this._year = arguments[0].getFullYear();
this._month = arguments[0].getMonth();
this._date = arguments[0].getDate();
this._hours = arguments[0].getHours();
this._minutes = arguments[0].getMinutes();
this._seconds = arguments[0].getSeconds();
this._milliseconds = arguments[0].getMilliseconds();
}else if(arg_no >=3){
// YYYY MM DD arguments passed, month is from 0-12
this._year = parseInt(arguments[0]);
this._month = parseInt(arguments[1]);
this._date = parseInt(arguments[2]);
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year) && this._month>=5)
if(this._month >12 || (!this.isLeapYear(this._year) && this._month > 11)){
console.warn("the month is incorrect , set 0");
this._month = 0;
this._hours = (arguments[3]!=null )? parseInt(arguments[3]):0;
this._minutes = (arguments[4]!=null )? parseInt(arguments[4]):0;
this._seconds = (arguments[5]!=null )? parseInt(arguments[5]):0;
this._milliseconds = (arguments[6]!=null )? parseInt(arguments[6]):0;
var day = this._startOfYear(this._year);
if(this._month != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += this._MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += (this._date - 1);
this._day = ((day+1) % 7);
getDate: function(){
// summary: This function returns the date value (1 - 30)
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// |
// | document.writeln(date1.getDate);
return parseInt(this._date);
getMonth: function(){
// summary: This function return the month value ( 0 - 11 )
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// |
// | document.writeln(date1.getMonth()+1);
return parseInt(this._month);
getFullYear: function(){
// summary: This function return the Year value
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// |
// | document.writeln(date1.getFullYear());
return parseInt(this._year);
getHours: function(){
//summary: returns the Hour value
return this._hours;
getMinutes: function(){
//summary: returns the Minuites value
return this._minutes;
getSeconds: function(){
//summary: returns the seconde value
return this._seconds;
getMilliseconds: function(){
//summary: returns the Milliseconds value
return this._milliseconds;
setDate: function(/*number*/date){
// summary: This function sets the Date
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// | date1.setDate(2);
date = parseInt(date);
for(var mdays = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(this._month, this._year);
date > mdays;
date -= mdays,mdays = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(this._month, this._year)){
this._month ++;
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year)&&(this._month==5)) { this._month ++;}
if(this._month >= 13){this._year++; this._month -= 13;}
this._date = date;
for(mdays = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth((this._month-1)>=0 ? (this._month-1) : 12 ,((this._month-1)>=0)? this._year : this._year-1);
mdays = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth((this._month-1)>=0 ? (this._month-1) : 12,((this._month-1)>=0)? this._year : this._year-1) ){
this._month --;
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year) && this._month == 5){ this._month--; }
if(this._month < 0){this._year--; this._month += 13;}
this._date = date;
var day = this._startOfYear(this._year);
if(this._month != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += this._MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += (this._date - 1);
this._day = ((day+1) % 7);
return this;
setYear: function(/*number*/year){
// summary: This function set Year
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// | date1.setYear(5768);
this._year = parseInt(year);
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year) && this._month==6){
var day = this._startOfYear(this._year);
if(this._month != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += this._MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += (this._date - 1);
this._day = ((day+1) % 7);
return this;
setMonth: function(/*number*/month){
// summary: This function set Month
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// | date1.setMonth(0); //first month
var newMonth = parseInt(month);
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year) && newMonth > 5){newMonth ++;}
while (newMonth >12){
newMonth -=13;
if (!this.isLeapYear(this._year) && newMonth > 5) {newMonth ++;}
while (newMonth<0){
newMonth +=13;
if (!this.isLeapYear(this._year) && newMonth <= 5) {newMonth --;}
this._month = newMonth;
var dnum = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(this._month, this._year);
if(dnum < this._date){
this._date = dnum;
} // if the date in this month more than number of the days in this month
var day = this._startOfYear(this._year);
if(this._month != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += this._MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += (this._date - 1);
this._day = ((day+1) % 7);
return this;
setHours: function(){
//summary: set the Hours 0-23
var hours_arg_no = arguments.length;
var hours = 0;
if(hours_arg_no >= 1){
hours = parseInt(arguments[0]);
if(hours_arg_no >= 2){
this._minutes = parseInt(arguments[1]);
if(hours_arg_no >= 3){
this._seconds = parseInt(arguments[2]);
if(hours_arg_no == 4){
this._milliseconds = parseInt(arguments[3]);
while(hours >= 24){
var mdays = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(this._month, this._year);
if(this._date > mdays)
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year)&&(this._month==5)){ this._month++; }
if(this._month >= 13){this._year++; this._month -= 13;}
this._date -= mdays;
hours -= 24;
this._hours = hours;
var day = this._startOfYear(this._year);
if(this._month != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += this._MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += (this._date - 1);
this._day = ((day+1) % 7);
return this;
setMinutes: function(/*number*/minutes){
//summary: set the Minutes frm 0-59
while(minutes >= 60){
if(this._hours >= 24){
this._hours -= 24;
var mdays = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(this._month, this._year);
if(this._date > mdays){
this._month ++;
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year)&&(this._month==5)){ this._month++; }
if(this._month >= 13){this._year++; this._month -= 13;}
this._date -= mdays;
minutes -= 60;
this._minutes = minutes;
var day = this._startOfYear(this._year);
if(this._month != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += this._MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += (this._date - 1);
this._day = ((day+1) % 7);
return this;
setSeconds: function(/*number*/seconds){
//summary: set the Seconds from 0-59
while(seconds >= 60){
if(this._minutes >= 60){
this._minutes -= 60;
if(this._hours >= 24){
this._hours -= 24;
var mdays = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(this._month, this._year);
if(this._date > mdays){
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year)&&(this._month==5)){ this._month++; }
if(this._month >= 13){this._year++; this._month -= 13;}
this._date -= mdays;
seconds -= 60;
this._seconds = seconds;
var day = this._startOfYear(this._year);
if(this._month != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += this._MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += (this._date - 1);
this._day = ((day+1) % 7);
return this;
setMilliseconds: function(/*number*/milliseconds){
//summary: set the setMilliseconds
while(milliseconds >= 1000){
if(this.setSeconds >= 60){
this._seconds -= 60;
if(this._minutes >= 60){
this._minutes -= 60;
if(this._hours >= 24){
this._hours -= 24;
var mdays = this.getDaysInHebrewMonth(this._month, this._year);
if(this._date > mdays)
this._month ++;
if(!this.isLeapYear(this._year)&&(this._month==5)) this._month ++;
if(this._month >= 13){this._year++; this._month -= 13;}
this._date -= mdays;
milliseconds -= 1000;
this._milliseconds = milliseconds;
var day = this._startOfYear(this._year);
if(this._month != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += this._MONTH_START[this._month][this._yearType(this._year)];
day += (this._date - 1);
this._day = ((day+1) % 7);
return this;
toString: function(){
// summary: This returns a string representation of the date in "dd, MM, YYYY HH:MM:SS" format
// |
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// | document.writeln(date1.toString());
return this._date + ", " + ((!this.isLeapYear(this._year) && this._month>5) ? this._month : (this._month+1)) + ", " + this._year + " " + this._hours + ":" + this._minutes + ":" + this._seconds; // String
valueOf: function(){
return this.toGregorian().valueOf();
// ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at
getDaysInHebrewMonth: function(/*number*/month, /*number*/ year){
// summary: returns the number of days in the month used
case this.HESHVAN:
case this.KISLEV:
// These two month lengths can vary
return this._MONTH_LENGTH[month][this._yearType(year)];
// The rest are a fixed length
return this._MONTH_LENGTH[month][0];
// ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at
_yearType: function(/*number*/year){
var yearLength = this._handleGetYearLength(Number(year));
if(yearLength > 380){
yearLength -= 30; // Subtract length of leap month.
case 353:
return 0;
case 354:
return 1;
case 355:
return 2;
throw new Error("Illegal year length " + yearLength + " in year " + year);
// ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at
_handleGetYearLength: function(/*number*/eyear){
return this._startOfYear(eyear+1) - this._startOfYear(eyear);
// ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at
_startOfYear: function(/*number*/year){
var months = Math.floor((235 * year - 234) / 19); // # of months before year
var frac = months * this._MONTH_FRACT + this.BAHARAD; // Fractional part of day #
var day = months * 29 + Math.floor(frac / this._DAY_PARTS); // Whole # part of calculation
frac %= this._DAY_PARTS; // Time of day
var wd = day % 7; // Day of week (0 == Monday)
if(wd == 2 || wd == 4 || wd == 6){
// If the 1st is on Sun, Wed, or Fri, postpone to the next day
day += 1;
wd = day % 7;
if(wd == 1 && frac > 15 * this._HOUR_PARTS + 204 && !this.isLeapYear(year)){
// If the new moon falls after 3:11:20am (15h204p from the previous noon)
// on a Tuesday and it is not a leap year, postpone by 2 days.
// This prevents 356-day years.
day += 2;
}else if(wd == 0 && frac > 21 * this._HOUR_PARTS + 589 && this.isLeapYear(year-1)){
// If the new moon falls after 9:32:43 1/3am (21h589p from yesterday noon)
// on a Monday and *last* year was a leap year, postpone by 1 day.
// Prevents 382-day years.
day += 1;
return day;
// ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at
isLeapYear: function(/*number*/year){
// summary:
// Determines if the year (argument) is a leap year
// description: The Leap year contains additional month adar sheni
//return (year * 12 + 17) % 19 >= 12;
var x = (year*12 + 17) % 19;
return x >= ((x < 0) ? -7 : 12);
fromGregorian: function(/*Date*/gdate){
// summary: This function returns the equivalent Hebrew Date value for the Gregorian Date
// example:
// | var dateHebrew = new;
// | var dateGregorian = new Date(2008,10,12);
// | dateHebrew.fromGregorian(dateGregorian);
var result = this._computeHebrewFields(gdate);
this._year = result[0];
this._month = result[1];
this._date = result[2];
this._hours = gdate.getHours();
this._milliseconds = gdate.getMilliseconds();
this._minutes = gdate.getMinutes();
this._seconds = gdate.getSeconds();
return this;
// ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at
_computeHebrewFields: function(/*Date*/gdate){
var julianDay = this._getJulianDayFromGregorianDate(gdate);
var d = julianDay - 347997;
var m = Math.floor((d * this._DAY_PARTS) / this._MONTH_PARTS); // Months (approx)
var year = Math.floor((19 * m + 234) / 235) + 1; // Years (approx)
var ys = this._startOfYear(year); // 1st day of year
var dayOfYear = (d - ys);
// Because of the postponement rules, it's possible to guess wrong. Fix it.
while(dayOfYear < 1){
ys = this._startOfYear(year);
dayOfYear = d - ys;
// Now figure out which month we're in, and the date within that month
var typeofYear = this._yearType(year);
var monthStart = this.isLeapYear(year) ? this.LEAP_MONTH_START : this._MONTH_START;
var month = 0;
while(dayOfYear > monthStart[month][typeofYear]){
var dayOfMonth = dayOfYear - monthStart[month][typeofYear];
return [year, month, dayOfMonth];
// ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at
toGregorian: function(){
// summary: This returns the equevalent Grogorian date value in Date object
// example:
// | var dateHebrew = new,11,20);
// | var dateGregorian = dateHebrew.toGregorian();
var hYear = this._year;
var hMonth = this._month;
var hDate = this._date;
var day = this._startOfYear(hYear);
if(hMonth != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[hMonth][this._yearType(hYear)];
} else{
day += this._MONTH_START[hMonth][this._yearType(hYear)];
var julianDay = (hDate + day + 347997);
// The Gregorian epoch day is zero for Monday January 1, year 1.
var gregorianEpochDay = julianDay - this.JAN_1_1_JULIAN_DAY;
// Here we convert from the day number to the multiple radix
// representation. We use 400-year, 100-year, and 4-year cycles.
// For example, the 4-year cycle has 4 years + 1 leap day; giving
// 1461 == 365*4 + 1 days.
var rem = new Array(1);
var n400 = this._floorDivide(gregorianEpochDay , 146097, rem); // 400-year cycle length
var n100 = this._floorDivide(rem[0] , 36524, rem); // 100-year cycle length
var n4 = this._floorDivide(rem[0] , 1461, rem); // 4-year cycle length
var n1 = this._floorDivide(rem[0] , 365, rem);
var year = 400*n400 + 100*n100 + 4*n4 + n1;
var dayOfYear = rem[0]; // zero-based day of year
if(n100 == 4 || n1 == 4){
dayOfYear = 365; // Dec 31 at end of 4- or 400-yr cycle
var isLeap = !(year%4) && // equiv. to (year%4 == 0)
(year%100 || !(year%400));
var correction = 0;
var march1 = isLeap ? 60 : 59; // zero-based DOY for March 1
if(dayOfYear >= march1){ correction = isLeap ? 1 : 2; }
var month = Math.floor((12 * (dayOfYear + correction) + 6) / 367); // zero-based month
var dayOfMonth = dayOfYear -
this.GREGORIAN_MONTH_COUNT[month][isLeap?3:2] + 1; // one-based DOM
return new Date(year, month, dayOfMonth, this._hours, this._minutes, this._seconds, this._milliseconds);
_floorDivide: function(numerator, denominator, remainder){
if(numerator >= 0){
remainder[0] = (numerator % denominator);
return Math.floor(numerator / denominator);
var quotient = Math.floor(numerator / denominator);
remainder[0] = numerator - (quotient * denominator);
return quotient;
getDay: function(){
// summary: This function return Week Day value ( 0 - 6 )
// example:
// | var date1 = new;
// |
// | document.writeln(date1.getDay());
var hYear = this._year;
var hMonth = this._month;
var hDate = this._date;
var day = this._startOfYear(hYear);
if(hMonth != 0){
day += this.LEAP_MONTH_START[hMonth][this._yearType(hYear)];
} else{
day += this._MONTH_START[hMonth][this._yearType(hYear)];
day += hDate - 1;
return (day+1) % 7;
// ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at
_getJulianDayFromGregorianDate: function(gdate){
//summary: returns the Julian day of a Gregorian date
var year = gdate.getFullYear();
var month = gdate.getMonth();
var d = gdate.getDate();
var isLeap = !(year%4) && (year%100 || !(year%400)); //TODO: dup
var y = year - 1;
// This computation is actually ... + (JAN_1_1_JULIAN_DAY - 3) + 2.
// Add 2 because Gregorian calendar starts 2 days after Julian
// calendar.
var julianDay = 365*y + Math.floor(y/4) - Math.floor(y/100) +
Math.floor(y/400) + this.JAN_1_1_JULIAN_DAY - 1;
// At this point julianDay indicates the day BEFORE the first day
// of January 1, <eyear> of the Gregorian calendar.
if(month != 0){
julianDay += this.GREGORIAN_MONTH_COUNT[month][isLeap?3:2];
julianDay += d;
return julianDay;
}); = function(/*Date*/gdate){
// summary: This function returns the equivalent Hebrew Date value for the Gregorian Date
// example:
// | var dateGregorian = new Date(2008,10,12);
// | var dateHebrew =;
var dateHebrew = new;
return dateHebrew.fromGregorian(gdate);
// Utility methods to do arithmetic calculations with HebrewDates = function(/*HebrewDate*/date, /*String*/interval, /*int*/amount){
// based on and similar to
// summary:
// Add to a Date in intervals of different size, from milliseconds to years
// date: HebrewDate
// Date object to start with
// interval:
// A string representing the interval. One of the following:
// "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second",
// "millisecond", "week", "weekday"
// amount:
// How much to add to the date.
var newHebrDate = new;
case "day":
newHebrDate.setDate(date.getDate() + amount);
case "weekday":
var day = date.getDay();
if (((day + amount) < 5) && ((day + amount) >0)) {
newHebrDate.setDate(date.getDate() + amount);
var adddays = 0; /*weekend */
var remdays = 0;
if (day == 5) {//friday
day = 4;
remdays = (amount > 0) ? -1 : 1;
}else if (day == 6){ //shabat
day = 4;
remdays = (amount > 0) ? -2 : 2;
var add = (amount > 0) ? (5 - day - 1) : ( 0-day);
var amountdif = amount - add;
var div=parseInt(amountdif /5);
if ((amountdif %5) != 0){
adddays = (amount > 0) ? 2 : -2;
adddays = adddays + div*7 + amountdif %5 + add;
newHebrDate.setDate(date.getDate() + adddays + remdays);
case "year":
newHebrDate.setYear(date.getFullYear() + amount );
case "week":
amount *= 7;
newHebrDate.setDate(date.getDate() + amount);
case "month":
var month = date.getMonth();
if(!date.isLeapYear(date.getFullYear()) && month > 5){month --;}
newHebrDate.setMonth(month + amount );
case "hour":
newHebrDate.setHours(date.getHours() + amount );
case "minute":
newHebrDate.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + amount );
case "second":
newHebrDate.setSeconds(date.getSeconds() + amount );
case "millisecond":
newHebrDate.setMilliseconds(date.getMilliseconds() + amount );
return newHebrDate; // Date
}; = function(/*HebrewDate*/date1, /*HebrewDate?*/date2, /*String?*/interval){
// based on and similar to
// summary:
// date1 - date2
// date2 is HebrewDate object. If not specified, the current HebrewDate is used.
// interval:
// A string representing the interval. One of the following:
// "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second",
// "millisecond", "week", "weekday"
// Defaults to "day".
date2 = date2 || new;
interval = interval || "day";
var yearDiff = date1.getFullYear() - date2.getFullYear();
var delta = 1; // Integer return value
case "weekday":
var days = Math.round(, date2, "day"));
var weeks = parseInt(, date2, "week"));
var mod = days % 7;
// Even number of weeks
if(mod == 0){
days = weeks*5;
// Weeks plus spare change (< 7 days)
var adj = 0;
var aDay = date2.getDay();
var bDay = date1.getDay();
weeks = parseInt(days/7);
mod = days % 7;
// Mark the date advanced by the number of
// round weeks (may be zero)
var dtMark = new;
var dayMark = dtMark.getDay();
// Spare change days -- 6 or less
if(days > 0){
// Range starts on Fri
case aDay == 5:
adj = -1;
// Range starts on Sat
case aDay == 6:
adj = 0;
// Range ends on Fri
case bDay == 5:
adj = -1;
// Range ends on Sat
case bDay == 6:
adj = -2;
// Range contains weekend
case (dayMark + mod) > 5:
adj = -2;
}else if(days < 0){
// Range starts on Fri
case aDay == 5:
adj = 0;
// Range starts on Sat
case aDay == 6:
adj = 1;
// Range ends on Fri
case bDay == 5:
adj = 2;
// Range ends on Sat
case bDay == 6:
adj = 1;
// Range contains weekend
case (dayMark + mod) < 0:
adj = 2;
days += adj;
days -= (weeks*2);
delta = days;
case "year":
delta = yearDiff;
case "month":
var startdate = (date1.toGregorian() > date2.toGregorian()) ? date1 : date2; // more
var enddate = (date1.toGregorian() > date2.toGregorian()) ? date2 : date1;
var month1 = startdate.getMonth();
var month2 = enddate.getMonth();
if (yearDiff == 0){
delta = ( !date1.isLeapYear(date1.getFullYear()) && startdate.getMonth() > 5 && enddate.getMonth() <=5) ? (startdate.getMonth() - enddate.getMonth() - 1) :
(startdate.getMonth() - enddate.getMonth() );
delta = (!enddate.isLeapYear(enddate.getFullYear()) && month2 < 6) ? (13-month2-1) : (13-month2);
delta += (!startdate.isLeapYear(startdate.getFullYear()) && month1 > 5) ? (month1 -1): month1;
var i = enddate.getFullYear() + 1;
var e = startdate.getFullYear();
for (i; i < e; i++){
delta += enddate.isLeapYear(i) ? 13 : 12;
if (date1.toGregorian() < date2.toGregorian()){
delta = -delta;
case "week":
// Truncate instead of rounding
// Don't use Math.floor -- value may be negative
delta = parseInt(, date2, "day")/7);
case "day":
delta /= 24;
// fallthrough
case "hour":
delta /= 60;
// fallthrough
case "minute":
delta /= 60;
// fallthrough
case "second":
delta /= 1000;
// fallthrough
case "millisecond":
delta *= date1.toGregorian().getTime()- date2.toGregorian().getTime();
// Round for fractional values and DST leaps
return Math.round(delta); // Number (integer)