You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

43 lines
1.7 KiB

// summary:
// A data store for retrieving RSS and Atom feeds from Google. The
// feeds can come from any source, which is specified in the "url"
// parameter of the query passed to the "fetch" function.
// The following attributes are supported on each item:
// <ul>
// <li>title - The feed entry title.</li>
// <li>link - The URL for the HTML version of the feed entry.</li>
// <li>content - The full content of the blog post, in HTML format</li>
// <li>summary - A snippet of information about the feed entry, in plain text</li>
// <li>published - The string date on which the entry was published.
// You can parse the date with new Date(store.getValue(item, "published")</li>
// <li>categories - An array of string tags for the entry</li>
// </ul>
// The query accepts one parameter: url - The URL of the feed to retrieve
_type: "",
_googleUrl: "",
_attributes: ["title", "link", "author", "published",
"content", "summary", "categories"],
_queryAttr: "url",
_processItem: function(item, request) {
item["summary"] = item["contentSnippet"];
item["published"] = item["publishedDate"];
_getItems: function(data){
return data['feed'] && data.feed[['entries']] ? data.feed[['entries']] : null;
_createContent: function(query, callback, request){
var cb = this.inherited(arguments);
cb.num = (request.count || 10) + (request.start || 0);
return cb;