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// This module adds high-level functions and related constructs:
// - anonymous functions built from the string
// Acknoledgements:
// - lambda() is based on work by Oliver Steele
// (
// which was published under MIT License
// Notes:
// - lambda() produces functions, which after the compilation step are
// as fast as regular JS functions (at least theoretically).
// Lambda input values:
// - returns functions unchanged
// - converts strings to functions
// - converts arrays to a functional composition
var df = dojox.lang.functional, lcache = {};
// split() is augmented on IE6 to ensure the uniform behavior
var split = "ab".split(/a*/).length > 1 ? String.prototype.split :
var r =, sep),
m = sep.exec(this);
if(m && m.index == 0){ r.unshift(""); }
return r;
var lambda = function(/*String*/ s){
var args = [], sects =, /\s*->\s*/m);
if(sects.length > 1){
s = sects.pop();
args = sects.pop().split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/m);
if(sects.length){ sects.push("(function(" + args + "){return (" + s + ")})"); }
}else if(s.match(/\b_\b/)){
args = ["_"];
var l = s.match(/^\s*(?:[+*\/%&|\^\.=<>]|!=)/m),
r = s.match(/[+\-*\/%&|\^\.=<>!]\s*$/m);
if(l || r){
s = "$1" + s;
s = s + "$2";
// the point of the long regex below is to exclude all well-known
// lower-case words from the list of potential arguments
var vars = s.
replace(/(?:\b[A-Z]|\.[a-zA-Z_$])[a-zA-Z_$\d]*|[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$\d]*:|this|true|false|null|undefined|typeof|instanceof|in|delete|new|void|arguments|decodeURI|decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent|escape|eval|isFinite|isNaN|parseFloat|parseInt|unescape|dojo|dijit|dojox|window|document|'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'|"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"/g, "").
match(/([a-z_$][a-z_$\d]*)/gi) || [], t = {};
dojo.forEach(vars, function(v){
if(!(v in t)){
t[v] = 1;
return {args: args, body: s}; // Object
var compose = function(/*Array*/ a){
return a.length ?
var i = a.length - 1, x = df.lambda(a[i]).apply(this, arguments);
for(--i; i >= 0; --i){ x = df.lambda(a[i]).call(this, x); }
return x;
// identity
function(x){ return x; };
dojo.mixin(df, {
// lambda
rawLambda: function(/*String*/ s){
// summary:
// builds a function from a snippet, or array (composing),
// returns an object describing the function; functions are
// passed through unmodified.
// description:
// This method is to normalize a functional representation (a
// text snippet) to an object that contains an array of
// arguments, and a body , which is used to calculate the
// returning value.
return lambda(s); // Object
buildLambda: function(/*String*/ s){
// summary:
// builds a function from a snippet, returns a string, which
// represents the function.
// description:
// This method returns a textual representation of a function
// built from the snippet. It is meant to be evaled in the
// proper context, so local variables can be pulled from the
// environment.
s = lambda(s);
return "function(" + s.args.join(",") + "){return (" + s.body + ");}"; // String
lambda: function(/*Function|String|Array*/ s){
// summary:
// builds a function from a snippet, or array (composing),
// returns a function object; functions are passed through
// unmodified.
// description:
// This method is used to normalize a functional
// representation (a text snippet, an array, or a function) to
// a function object.
if(typeof s == "function"){ return s; }
if(s instanceof Array){ return compose(s); }
if(s in lcache){ return lcache[s]; }
s = lambda(s);
return lcache[s] = new Function(s.args, "return (" + s.body + ");"); // Function
clearLambdaCache: function(){
// summary:
// clears internal cache of lambdas
lcache = {};