480 lines
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480 lines
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* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
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* to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Http_CookieJar
* @subpackage UnitTests
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
* @version $Id: CookieJarTest.php 17363 2009-08-03 07:40:18Z bkarwin $
* Test helper
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'TestHelper.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php';
require_once 'Zend/Http/CookieJar.php';
* Zend_Http_CookieJar unit tests
* @category Zend
* @package Zend_Http_CookieJar
* @subpackage UnitTests
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
* @group Zend_Http
* @group Zend_Http_CookieJar
class Zend_Http_CookieJarTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Test we can add cookies to the jar
public function testAddCookie()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$this->assertEquals(0, count($jar->getAllCookies()), 'Cookie jar is expected to contain 0 cookies');
$jar->addCookie('foo=bar; domain=example.com');
$cookie = $jar->getCookie('http://example.com/', 'foo');
$this->assertTrue($cookie instanceof Zend_Http_Cookie, '$cookie is expected to be a Cookie object');
$this->assertEquals('bar', $cookie->getValue(), 'Cookie value is expected to be "bar"');
$jar->addCookie('cookie=brownie; domain=geekz.co.uk;');
$this->assertEquals(2, count($jar->getAllCookies()), 'Cookie jar is expected to contain 2 cookies');
* Check we get an expection if a non-valid cookie is passed to addCookie
public function testExceptAddInvalidCookie()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
try {
$this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown');
} catch (Zend_Http_Exception $e) {
// We are ok
try {
$jar->addCookie(new Zend_Http_Cookiejar());
$this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown');
} catch (Zend_Http_Exception $e) {
// We are ok
* Test we can read cookies from a Response object
public function testAddCookiesFromResponse()
$jar = new Zend_Http_Cookiejar();
$res_str = file_get_contents(dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) .
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'response_with_cookies');
$response = Zend_Http_Response::fromString($res_str);
$jar->addCookiesFromResponse($response, 'http://www.example.com');
$this->assertEquals(3, count($jar->getAllCookies()));
$cookie_str = 'foo=bar;BOFH=Feature+was+not+beta+tested;time=1164234700;';
$this->assertEquals($cookie_str, $jar->getAllCookies(Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT));
* Test we get an exception in case of invalid response objects
* @dataProvider invalidResponseProvider
* @expectedException Zend_Http_Exception
public function testExceptAddCookiesInvalidResponse($resp)
$jar = new Zend_Http_Cookiejar();
$jar->addCookiesFromResponse($resp, 'http://www.example.com');
static public function invalidResponseProvider()
return array(
array(new stdClass),
* Test we can get all cookies as an array of Cookie objects
public function testGetAllCookies()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cookies = array(
'name=Arthur; domain=camelot.gov.uk',
'quest=holy+grail; domain=forest.euwing.com',
'swallow=african; domain=bridge-of-death.net'
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
$cobjects = $jar->getAllCookies();
foreach ($cobjects as $id => $cookie) {
$this->assertContains((string) $cookie, $cookies[$id]);
* Test we can get all cookies as a concatenated string
public function testGetAllCookiesAsConcat()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cookies = array(
'name=Arthur; domain=camelot.gov.uk',
'quest=holy+grail; domain=forest.euwing.com',
'swallow=african; domain=bridge-of-death.net'
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
$expected = 'name=Arthur;quest=holy+grail;swallow=african;';
$real = $jar->getAllCookies(Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT );
$this->assertEquals($expected, $real, 'Concatenated string is not as expected');
* Test we can get a single cookie as an object
public function testGetCookieAsObject()
$cookie = Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/tests');
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$jar->addCookie($cookie->__toString(), 'http://www.example.com/tests/');
$cobj = $jar->getCookie('http://www.example.com/tests/', 'foo');
$this->assertTrue($cobj instanceof Zend_Http_Cookie, '$cobj is not a Cookie object');
$this->assertEquals($cookie->getName(), $cobj->getName(), 'Cookie name is not as expected');
$this->assertEquals($cookie->getValue(), $cobj->getValue(), 'Cookie value is not as expected');
$this->assertEquals($cookie->getDomain(), $cobj->getDomain(), 'Cookie domain is not as expected');
$this->assertEquals($cookie->getPath(), $cobj->getPath(), 'Cookie path is not as expected');
* Check we can get a cookie as a string
public function testGetCookieAsString()
$cookie = Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/tests');
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cstr = $jar->getCookie('http://www.example.com/tests/', 'foo', Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_ARRAY);
$this->assertEquals($cookie->__toString(), $cstr, 'Cookie string is not the expected string');
$cstr = $jar->getCookie('http://www.example.com/tests/', 'foo', Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT);
$this->assertEquals($cookie->__toString(), $cstr, 'Cookie string is not the expected string');
* Check we can get false when trying to get a non-existant cookie
public function testGetCookieReturnFalse()
$cookie = Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/tests');
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cstr = $jar->getCookie('http://www.example.com/tests/', 'otherfoo', Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_ARRAY);
$this->assertFalse($cstr, 'getCookie was expected to return false, no such cookie');
$cstr = $jar->getCookie('http://www.otherexample.com/tests/', 'foo', Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT);
$this->assertFalse($cstr, 'getCookie was expected to return false, no such domain');
$cstr = $jar->getCookie('http://www.example.com/othertests/', 'foo', Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT);
$this->assertFalse($cstr, 'getCookie was expected to return false, no such path');
* Test we get a proper exception when an invalid URI is passed
public function testExceptGetCookieInvalidUri()
$cookie = Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; domain=www.example.com; path=/tests');
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
try {
$jar->getCookie('foo.com', 'foo');
$this->fail('Expected getCookie to throw exception, invalid URI string passed');
} catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
// We are ok!
try {
$jar->getCookie(Zend_Uri::factory('mailto:nobody@dev.null.com'), 'foo');
$this->fail('Expected getCookie to throw exception, invalid URI object passed');
} catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
// We are ok!
* Test we get a proper exception when an invalid return constant is passed
public function testExceptGetCookieInvalidReturnType()
$cookie = Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo=bar; domain=example.com;');
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
try {
$jar->getCookie('http://example.com/', 'foo', 5);
$this->fail('Expected getCookie to throw exception, invalid return type');
} catch (Zend_Http_Exception $e) {
// We are ok!
* Test we can get all matching cookies for a request, with session cookies
* @dataProvider cookieMatchTestProvider
public function testGetMatchingCookies($url, $expected)
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cookies = array(
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo1=bar1; domain=.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo2=bar2; domain=foo.com; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo3=bar3; domain=.foo.com; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() - 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo4=bar4; domain=.foo.com; path=/;'),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo5=bar5; domain=.foo.com; path=/; secure; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo6=bar6; domain=.foo.com; path=/otherpath; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo7=bar7; domain=www.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo7=bar7; domain=newwww.foo.com; path=/;'),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo8=bar8; domain=subdomain.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) $jar->addCookie($cookie);
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies($url);
$this->assertEquals($expected, count($cookies), $jar->getMatchingCookies($url, true, Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT));
static public function cookieMatchTestProvider()
return array(
array('http://www.foo.com/path/file.txt', 4),
array('http://foo.com/path/file.txt', 3),
array('https://www.foo.com/path/file.txt', 5),
array('http://subdomain.foo.com/path', 4),
array('http://subdomain.foo.com/otherpath', 3),
array('http://blog.foo.com/news', 2)
* Test we can get all matching cookies for a request, without session cookies
public function testGetMatchingCookiesNoSession()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cookies = array(
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo1=bar1; domain=.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo2=bar2; domain=.foo.com; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo3=bar3; domain=.foo.com; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() - 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo4=bar4; domain=.foo.com; path=/;'),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo5=bar5; domain=.foo.com; path=/; secure; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo6=bar6; domain=.foo.com; path=/otherpath; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo7=bar7; domain=www.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo8=bar8; domain=subdomain.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) $jar->addCookie($cookie);
$this->assertEquals(8, count($jar->getAllCookies()), 'Cookie count is expected to be 8');
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies('http://www.foo.com/path/file.txt', false);
$this->assertEquals(3, count($cookies), 'Cookie count is expected to be 3');
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies('https://www.foo.com/path/file.txt', false);
$this->assertEquals(4, count($cookies), 'Cookie count is expected to be 4');
* Test we can get all matching cookies for a request, when we set a different time for now
public function testGetMatchingCookiesWithTime()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cookies = array(
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo1=bar1; domain=.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo2=bar2; domain=.foo.com; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 7200)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo3=bar3; domain=.foo.com; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() - 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo4=bar4; domain=.foo.com; path=/;'),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo5=bar5; domain=.foo.com; path=/; secure; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() - 7200)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo6=bar6; domain=.foo.com; path=/otherpath; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo7=bar7; domain=www.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo8=bar8; domain=subdomain.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) $jar->addCookie($cookie);
$this->assertEquals(8, count($jar->getAllCookies()), 'Cookie count is expected to be 8');
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies('http://www.foo.com/path/file.txt', true, Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_OBJECT, time() + 3700);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($cookies), 'Cookie count is expected to be 2');
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies('http://www.foo.com/path/file.txt', true, Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_OBJECT, time() - 3700);
$this->assertEquals(5, count($cookies), 'Cookie count is expected to be 5');
* Test we can get all matching cookies for a request, and return as strings array / concat
public function testGetMatchingCookiesAsStrings()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cookies = array(
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo1=bar1; domain=.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo2=bar2; domain=.foo.com; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo3=bar3; domain=.foo.com; path=/; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() - 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo4=bar4; domain=.foo.com; path=/;'),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo5=bar5; domain=.foo.com; path=/; secure; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo6=bar6; domain=.foo.com; path=/otherpath; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo7=bar7; domain=www.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo8=bar8; domain=subdomain.foo.com; path=/path; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, time() + 3600)),
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) $jar->addCookie($cookie);
$this->assertEquals(8, count($jar->getAllCookies()), 'Cookie count is expected to be 8');
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies('http://www.foo.com/path/file.txt', true, Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_ARRAY);
$this->assertType('array', $cookies, '$cookies is expected to be an array, but it is not');
$this->assertType('string', $cookies[0], '$cookies[0] is expected to be a string');;
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies('http://www.foo.com/path/file.txt', true, Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_CONCAT);
$this->assertType('string', $cookies, '$cookies is expected to be a string');
* Test we get a proper exception when an invalid URI is passed
public function testExceptGetMatchingCookiesInvalidUri()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
try {
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies('invalid.com', true, Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_ARRAY);
$this->fail('Expected getMatchingCookies to throw exception, invalid URI string passed');
} catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
// We are ok!
try {
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies(new stdClass(), true, Zend_Http_CookieJar::COOKIE_STRING_ARRAY);
$this->fail('Expected getCookie to throw exception, invalid URI object passed');
} catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
// We are ok!
* Test we can build a new object from a response object (single cookie header)
public function testFromResponse()
$res_str = file_get_contents(dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) .
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'response_with_single_cookie');
$response = Zend_Http_Response::fromString($res_str);
$jar = Zend_Http_CookieJar::fromResponse($response, 'http://www.example.com');
$this->assertTrue($jar instanceof Zend_Http_CookieJar, '$jar is not an instance of CookieJar as expected');
$this->assertEquals(1, count($jar->getAllCookies()), 'CookieJar expected to contain 1 cookie');
* Test we can build a new object from a response object (multiple cookie headers)
public function testFromResponseMultiHeader()
$res_str = file_get_contents(dirname(realpath(__FILE__)) .
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'response_with_cookies');
$response = Zend_Http_Response::fromString($res_str);
$jar = Zend_Http_CookieJar::fromResponse($response, 'http://www.example.com');
$this->assertTrue($jar instanceof Zend_Http_CookieJar, '$jar is not an instance of CookieJar as expected');
$this->assertEquals(3, count($jar->getAllCookies()), 'CookieJar expected to contain 3 cookies');
* Make sure that paths with trailing slashes are matched as well as paths with no trailing slashes
public function testMatchPathWithTrailingSlash()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cookies = array(
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo1=bar1; domain=.example.com; path=/a/b'),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo2=bar2; domain=.example.com; path=/a/b/')
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) $jar->addCookie($cookie);
$cookies = $jar->getMatchingCookies('http://www.example.com/a/b/file.txt');
$this->assertType('array', $cookies);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($cookies));
public function testIteratorAndCountable()
$jar = new Zend_Http_CookieJar();
$cookies = array(
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo1=bar1; domain=.example.com; path=/a/b'),
Zend_Http_Cookie::fromString('foo2=bar2; domain=.example.com; path=/a/b/')
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) $jar->addCookie($cookie);
foreach ($jar as $cookie) {
$this->assertType('Zend_Http_Cookie', $cookie);
$this->assertEquals(2, count($jar));