dojo.provide("dijit.layout.AccordionContainer"); dojo.require("dojo.fx"); dojo.require("dijit._Container"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dijit.layout.StackContainer"); dojo.require("dijit.layout.ContentPane"); dojo.require("dijit.layout.AccordionPane"); // for back compat dojo.declare( "dijit.layout.AccordionContainer", dijit.layout.StackContainer, { // summary: // Holds a set of panes where every pane's title is visible, but only one pane's content is visible at a time, // and switching between panes is visualized by sliding the other panes up/down. // example: // |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |

This is some text

// || ... // |
// duration: Integer // Amount of time (in ms) it takes to slide panes duration: dijit.defaultDuration, // _verticalSpace: Number // Pixels of space available for the open pane // (my content box size minus the cumulative size of all the title bars) _verticalSpace: 0, baseClass: "dijitAccordionContainer", postCreate: function(){ = "hidden"; this.inherited(arguments); dijit.setWaiRole(this.domNode, "tablist"); }, startup: function(){ if(this._started){ return; } this.inherited(arguments); if(this.selectedChildWidget){ var style =; style.display = ""; style.overflow = "auto"; this.selectedChildWidget._buttonWidget._setSelectedState(true); } }, _getTargetHeight: function(/* Node */ node){ // summary: // For the given node, returns the height that should be // set to achieve our vertical space (subtract any padding // we may have). // // This is used by the animations. // // TODO: I don't think this works correctly in IE quirks when an elements // style.height including padding and borders var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(node); return Math.max(this._verticalSpace - dojo._getPadBorderExtents(node, cs).h, 0); }, layout: function(){ // Implement _LayoutWidget.layout() virtual method. // Set the height of the open pane based on what room remains. var openPane = this.selectedChildWidget; // get cumulative height of all the title bars var totalCollapsedHeight = 0; dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){ totalCollapsedHeight += child._buttonWidget.getTitleHeight(); }); var mySize = this._contentBox; this._verticalSpace = mySize.h - totalCollapsedHeight; // Memo size to make displayed child this._containerContentBox = { h: this._verticalSpace, w: mySize.w }; if(openPane){ openPane.resize(this._containerContentBox); } }, _setupChild: function(child){ // Overrides _LayoutWidget._setupChild(). // Setup clickable title to sit above the child widget, // and stash pointer to it inside the widget itself. child._buttonWidget = new dijit.layout._AccordionButton({ contentWidget: child, title: child.title, id: + "_button", parent: this });, child.domNode, "before"); this.inherited(arguments); }, removeChild: function(child){ // Overrides _LayoutWidget.removeChild(). child._buttonWidget.destroy(); this.inherited(arguments); }, getChildren: function(){ // Overrides _Container.getChildren() to ignore titles and only look at panes. return dojo.filter(this.inherited(arguments), function(child){ return child.declaredClass != "dijit.layout._AccordionButton"; }); }, destroy: function(){ dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){ child._buttonWidget.destroy(); }); this.inherited(arguments); }, _transition: function(/*Widget?*/newWidget, /*Widget?*/oldWidget){ // Overrides StackContainer._transition() to provide sliding of title bars etc. //TODO: should be able to replace this with calls to slideIn/slideOut if(this._inTransition){ return; } this._inTransition = true; var animations = []; var paneHeight = this._verticalSpace; if(newWidget){ newWidget._buttonWidget.setSelected(true); this._showChild(newWidget); // prepare widget to be slid in // Size the new widget, in case this is the first time it's being shown, // or I have been resized since the last time it was shown. // Note that page must be visible for resizing to work. if(this.doLayout && newWidget.resize){ newWidget.resize(this._containerContentBox); } var newContents = newWidget.domNode; dojo.addClass(newContents, "dijitVisible"); dojo.removeClass(newContents, "dijitHidden"); var newContentsOverflow =; = "hidden"; animations.push(dojo.animateProperty({ node: newContents, duration: this.duration, properties: { height: { start: 1, end: this._getTargetHeight(newContents) } }, onEnd: dojo.hitch(this, function(){ = newContentsOverflow; delete this._inTransition; }) })); } if(oldWidget){ oldWidget._buttonWidget.setSelected(false); var oldContents = oldWidget.domNode, oldContentsOverflow =; = "hidden"; animations.push(dojo.animateProperty({ node: oldContents, duration: this.duration, properties: { height: { start: this._getTargetHeight(oldContents), end: 1 } }, onEnd: function(){ dojo.addClass(oldContents, "dijitHidden"); dojo.removeClass(oldContents, "dijitVisible"); = oldContentsOverflow; if(oldWidget.onHide){ oldWidget.onHide(); } } })); } dojo.fx.combine(animations).play(); }, // note: we are treating the container as controller here _onKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ e, /*Widget*/ fromTitle){ // summary: // Handle keypress events // description: // This is called from a handler on AccordionContainer.domNode // (setup in StackContainer), and is also called directly from // the click handler for accordion labels if(this._inTransition || this.disabled || e.altKey || !(fromTitle || e.ctrlKey)){ if(this._inTransition){ dojo.stopEvent(e); } return; } var k = dojo.keys, c = e.charOrCode; if((fromTitle && (c == k.LEFT_ARROW || c == k.UP_ARROW)) || (e.ctrlKey && c == k.PAGE_UP)){ this._adjacent(false)._buttonWidget._onTitleClick(); dojo.stopEvent(e); }else if((fromTitle && (c == k.RIGHT_ARROW || c == k.DOWN_ARROW)) || (e.ctrlKey && (c == k.PAGE_DOWN || c == k.TAB))){ this._adjacent(true)._buttonWidget._onTitleClick(); dojo.stopEvent(e); } } } ); dojo.declare("dijit.layout._AccordionButton", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: // The title bar to click to open up an accordion pane. // Internal widget used by AccordionContainer. // tags: // private templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dijit.layout", "templates/AccordionButton.html"), attributeMap: dojo.mixin(dojo.clone(dijit.layout.ContentPane.prototype.attributeMap), { title: {node: "titleTextNode", type: "innerHTML" } }), baseClass: "dijitAccordionTitle", getParent: function(){ // summary: // Returns the parent. // tags: // private return this.parent; }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); dojo.setSelectable(this.domNode, false); this.setSelected(this.selected); var titleTextNodeId = dojo.attr(this.domNode,'id').replace(' ','_'); dojo.attr(this.titleTextNode, "id", titleTextNodeId+"_title"); dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "labelledby", dojo.attr(this.titleTextNode, "id")); }, getTitleHeight: function(){ // summary: // Returns the height of the title dom node. return dojo.marginBox(this.titleNode).h; // Integer }, _onTitleClick: function(){ // summary: // Callback when someone clicks my title. var parent = this.getParent(); if(!parent._inTransition){ parent.selectChild(this.contentWidget); dijit.focus(this.focusNode); } }, _onTitleEnter: function(){ // summary: // Callback when someone hovers over my title. dojo.addClass(this.focusNode, "dijitAccordionTitle-hover"); }, _onTitleLeave: function(){ // summary: // Callback when someone stops hovering over my title. dojo.removeClass(this.focusNode, "dijitAccordionTitle-hover"); }, _onTitleKeyPress: function(/*Event*/ evt){ return this.getParent()._onKeyPress(evt, this.contentWidget); }, _setSelectedState: function(/*Boolean*/ isSelected){ this.selected = isSelected; dojo[(isSelected ? "addClass" : "removeClass")](this.titleNode,"dijitAccordionTitle-selected"); dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "expanded", isSelected); dijit.setWaiState(this.focusNode, "selected", isSelected); this.focusNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", isSelected ? "0" : "-1"); }, _handleFocus: function(/*Event*/e){ // summary: // Handle the blur and focus state of this widget. dojo[(e.type=="focus" ? "addClass" : "removeClass")](this.focusNode,"dijitAccordionFocused"); }, setSelected: function(/*Boolean*/ isSelected){ // summary: // Change the selected state on this pane. this._setSelectedState(isSelected); if(isSelected){ var cw = this.contentWidget; if(cw.onSelected){ cw.onSelected(); } } } });