$zfini_value) { if (substr($zfini_key, 0, 4) === 'php.') { $phpini_key = substr($zfini_key, 4); if (array_key_exists($phpini_key, $phpini_settings)) { ini_set($phpini_key, $zfini_value); } } } } function zf_setup_tool_runtime() { //global $_zf; // last ditch efforts if (zf_try_client_load()) { return; } $zfIncludePath['original'] = get_include_path(); // if ZF is not in the include_path, but relative to this file, put it in the include_path if (($zfIncludePath['prepend'] = getenv('ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH_PREPEND')) || ($zfIncludePath['whole'] = getenv('ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH'))) { if (isset($zfIncludePath['prepend']) && ($zfIncludePath['prepend'] !== false) && (($zfIncludePath['prependRealpath'] = realpath($zfIncludePath['prepend'])) !== false)) { set_include_path($zfIncludePath['prependRealpath'] . PATH_SEPARATOR . $zfIncludePath['original']); } elseif (isset($zfIncludePath['whole']) && ($zfIncludePath['whole'] !== false) && (($zfIncludePath['wholeRealpath'] = realpath($zfIncludePath['whole'])) !== false)) { set_include_path($zfIncludePath['wholeRealpath']); } } if (zf_try_client_load()) { return; } $zfIncludePath['relativePath'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library/'; if (file_exists($zfIncludePath['relativePath'] . 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console.php')) { set_include_path(realpath($zfIncludePath['relativePath']) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); } if (!zf_try_client_load()) { zf_display_error(); exit(1); } } function zf_try_client_load() { $loaded = @include_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console.php'; return $loaded; } /** * zf_display_error() */ function zf_display_error() { echo <<