dojo.provide("dojox.lang.functional.reversed"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.functional.lambda"); // This module adds high-level functions and related constructs: // - reversed versions of array-processing functions similar to standard JS functions // Notes: // - this module provides reversed versions of standard array-processing functions: // forEachRev, mapRev, filterRev // Defined methods: // - take any valid lambda argument as the functional argument // - operate on dense arrays // - take a string as the array argument (function(){ var d = dojo, df = dojox.lang.functional; d.mixin(df, { // JS 1.6 standard array functions, which can take a lambda as a parameter. // Consider using dojo._base.array functions, if you don't need the lambda support. filterRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){ // summary: creates a new array with all elements that pass the test // implemented by the provided function. if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); } o = o ||; f = df.lambda(f); var t = [], v, i = a.length - 1; for(; i >= 0; --i){ v = a[i]; if(, v, i, a)){ t.push(v); } } return t; // Array }, forEachRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){ // summary: executes a provided function once per array element. if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); } o = o ||; f = df.lambda(f); for(var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0;, a[i], i, a), --i); }, mapRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){ // summary: creates a new array with the results of calling // a provided function on every element in this array. if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); } o = o ||; f = df.lambda(f); var n = a.length, t = new Array(n), i = n - 1, j = 0; for(; i >= 0; t[j++] =, a[i], i, a), --i); return t; // Array }, everyRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){ // summary: tests whether all elements in the array pass the test // implemented by the provided function. if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); } o = o ||; f = df.lambda(f); for(var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if(!, a[i], i, a)){ return false; // Boolean } } return true; // Boolean }, someRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){ // summary: tests whether some element in the array passes the test // implemented by the provided function. if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); } o = o ||; f = df.lambda(f); for(var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if(, a[i], i, a)){ return true; // Boolean } } return false; // Boolean } }); })();