dojo.provide("demos.skew.src.Image"); dojo.require("dojo.parser"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dojo.fx"); dojo.require("dojo.fx.easing"); dojo.declare("image.Skewed", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],{ // a node on the surface imgUrl: "", // dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/blank.gif"), // filterUrl: String // Endpoint to get valid image data. This url is passed query params // of 'src' (the original filename) and dir 1 || 0 (left of right skew) // The default [supplied] implementation uses PHP-5 and required the GD // library. filterUrl:"imageReflect.php", // Selected: Boolean // Is image initially selected selected:"", // value: String // Each Item has a value associated with it's image. value:"", reflectSpacing: 5, angle: 25, templateString: '
'+ '${value}'+ '${value}'+ '${value}'+ '
', postCreate: function(){ // summary: start the widget, and fetch the filtered images. this.inherited(arguments); this.imageNode.src = this.filterUrl + "?greyscale=1&src=" + this.imgUrl + "&spacing=" + this.reflectSpacing; this.leftImage.src = this.filterUrl + "?greyscale=1&src=" + this.imgUrl + "&skew=left&angle=" + this.angle + "&spacing=" + this.reflectSpacing; this.rightImage.src = this.filterUrl + "?greyscale=1&src=" + this.imgUrl + "&skew=right&angle=" + this.angle + "&spacing=" + this.reflectSpacing; this.connect(this.domNode,"onfocus","center"); }, startup: function(){ if(!this._started){ this.inherited(arguments); if(this.selected){; } } }, center: function(e){ // summary: public function to center a particular image var p = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(this.domNode.parentNode); p._center(this.domNode); } }); dojo.declare("image.Container", [dijit._Widget,dijit._Templated], { // loop: Boolean // If true, Images will loop when continuing on beyond end or before beginning loop:false, // useWheel: Boolean // Disable/enable mouse wheel listener useWheel: true, // useDrag: Boolean // Experimental: NOT WORKING, toggles dragging a direction on the pane as // a method of reordering useDrag: false, // spacing: Integer // The relative offset of each image from it's immediate siblings spacing: 50, _spacing: 50, // an additional param for offset from center // only use even numbers: visibleItems: 15, // offOpacity: Float // An opacity value to set to the images that do not have focus offOpacity: 0.75, // easing: String|Function // An easing function [name] to use easing:"dojo.fx.easing.easeOut", templateString: '
'+ '
', postCreate:function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.threshold = (this.visibleItems + (this.visibleItems % 2)) / 2; var node = this.domNode;,"position","relative"); this.easing = (dojo.isString(this.easing) ? dojo.getObject(this.easing) : this.easing); if(dojo.isIE){ // FIXME: can move to css with .dj_ie prefix,"overflow","hidden"); } this.connect(node,"onclick","_click"); this.connect(node,"onkeypress","_handleKey"); if(this.useWheel){ this.connect(node, (!dojo.isMozilla ? "onmousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll"), "_scroll"); } }, startup:function(){ // sets if(this._started) return; this.inherited(arguments); var sel = Math.floor(this._getChildren().length / 2); // FIXME: if no children, this throws an error this._center([sel].firstChild); }, _getChildren: function(){ = dojo.query(".anImage",this.domNode); return; }, _click: function(e){ if(!dojo.isIE){ dijit.focus(this.domNode); } var n =; if(n !== this.domNode && n !== this.containerNode){ this._center(n); } }, resize: function(){ this._size = { w: this.domNode.clientWidth, h: this.domNode.clientHeight }; if(dojo.isIE){ dojo.marginBox(this.containerNode,dojo.mixin(this._size,{ t: 0, l:0 })); } if(this.selectedChild){ this._center(this.selectedChild.domNode); } }, _center: function(/* DomNode */node){ // summary: Main function used to arrage the images based on a selected node var w = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(node); if(this._centering){ this.selectedChild = w; return; } this._centering = true; var _anims = []; var currentIdx = null; if(this.selectedChild){ currentIdx =; } this.selectedChild = w; var x =; // fire our stub functions this[(x === currentIdx ? "onSelected" : "onShow")](this.selectedChild); if(!this._size){ this.resize(); } var centerL = Math.floor(this._size.w / 2); // FIXME: we can use just a slice around +/- x for long lists! (alex?) var _delay = 10; var _diff = this._spacing; var thresh = this.threshold; var some =,i){ var dist = Math.abs(i - x);, "display", (Math.abs(i - x) > thresh ? "none" : "")); }); .forEach(function(n,i){ var isNextRight = (i === x + 1); var isNextLeft = (i === x - 1); var _mix = { opacity: this.offOpacity, zIndex:69 }; var c; if(i > x){ c = "alignRight"; // stagger z-index downward from center on _mix.zIndex = isNextRight ? 45 : 40 - i; }else if(i < x){ c = "alignLeft"; // left z-indexes are fine, they go in order of markup _mix.zIndex = isNextLeft ? 45 : 40; }else{ // center should be on top always c = "alignCenter"; _mix.opacity = 1; }, _mix); dojo.forEach(["alignLeft","alignRight","alignCenter"],function(cl){ dojo.removeClass(n,cl); }); dojo.addClass(n,c); // need to make dynamic, this is "half the size of a single image" var _half = 50; if(currentIdx || currentIdx === 0){ // figure out where our left edge will be: magically, // this centers and seems to subtly get further from // center. need maff master here: var d = i - x; var _off = (d === 0 ? 0 : _diff) * (d < 0 ? -1 : 1); var lef = centerL - _half + (d * this.spacing) + _off; // create another animation for this node: _anims.push( dojo.animateProperty({ duration:150, node:n, properties: { left: lef }, delay: parseInt(_delay), easing: this.easing }) ); // oh so slightly, or less if going away from node: _delay += (d < 0 ? 15 : -15); } }, this) // forEach ; // don't use onEnd here, but might ought to stop()? // seems like it handles the new animations okay? this._anim && this._anim.stop && this._anim.stop(); this._anim = dojo.fx.combine(_anims);; this._centering = false; }, onShow: function(widget){ // summary: stub fired when a user triggers a recenter // this could happen very often! }, onSelected: function(widget){ // summary: stub fired when a user explictly clicks the already displayed value }, _handleKey: function(e){ // summary: keyboard handling code var dk = dojo.keys, cur = ||[0]), ni ; switch(e.charOrCode){ case dk.RIGHT_ARROW: // goto next item or stop if loop='false' and at end ni = cur + 1; if(ni >={ ni = (this.loop ? 0 : cur); } if(ni !== cur){ this._center([ni]); } break; case dk.LEFT_ARROW: // ditto, but left. ni = cur - 1; if(ni < 0){ ni = (this.loop ? - 1 : cur); } if(ni !== cur){ this._center([ni]); } break; case dk.ENTER: // just like clicking a selected image this.onSelected(this.selectedChild); break; } }, _scroll: function(e){ // summary: handle mouse wheel event, and duck type a fake event to pass // along to _handleKey dojo.stopEvent(e); var scroll = e[(!dojo.isMozilla ? "wheelDelta" : "detail")] * (!dojo.isMozilla ? 1 : -1); this._handleKey({ charOrCode: dojo.keys[(scroll > 0 ? "LEFT_ARROW" : "RIGHT_ARROW")] }); } });