dojo.provide("dojox.lang.oo.aop"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.oo.Decorator"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.oo.chain"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.oo.general"); (function(){ var oo = dojox.lang.oo, md = oo.makeDecorator, ooa = oo.aop; // five decorators implementing light-weight AOP weaving /*===== ooa.before = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: creates a "before" advise, by calling new function // before the old one // dummy body }); ooa.around = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: creates an "around" advise, // the previous value is passed as a first argument and can be null, // arguments are passed as a second argument // dummy body }); =====*/ // reuse existing decorators ooa.before = oo.chain.before; ooa.around = oo.general.wrap; ooa.afterReturning = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: creates an "afterReturning" advise, // the returned value is passed as the only argument return dojo.isFunction(oldValue) ? function(){ var ret = oldValue.apply(this, arguments);, ret); return ret; } : function(){; }; }); ooa.afterThrowing = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: creates an "afterThrowing" advise, // the exception is passed as the only argument return dojo.isFunction(oldValue) ? function(){ var ret; try{ ret = oldValue.apply(this, arguments); }catch(e){, e); throw e; } return ret; } : oldValue; }); ooa.after = md(function(name, newValue, oldValue){ // summary: creates an "after" advise, // it takes no arguments return dojo.isFunction(oldValue) ? function(){ var ret; try{ ret = oldValue.apply(this, arguments); }finally{; } return ret; } : function(){; } }); })();