dojo.provide("dojox.lang.oo.declare"); dojo.experimental("dojox.lang.oo.mixin"); // a copy of the version #7 (with makeDeclare() yet a drop-in replacement for dojo.declare()) (function(){ var d = dojo, oo = dojox.lang.oo, op = Object.prototype, isF = d.isFunction, xtor = function(){}, extraNames, i, each = function(a, f){ for(var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; ++i){ f(a[i]); } }, error = function(cond, msg){ if(cond){ throw new Error("declare: " + msg); } }, mix = function(target, source, name){ var t = target[name], s = source[name]; return t !== s && s !== op[name] ? target[name] = s : 0; }, mixName = function(target, source, name){ var t = mix(target, source, name); if(isF(t)){ t.nom = name; } }, mixer = function(target, source, mix){ for(var name in source){ mix(target, source, name); } each(extraNames, function(name){ if(name in source) mix(target, source, name); }); }, collect = function(meta, base){ var m = base._meta, mb = meta.bases; m && mb.push(m.bases); mb.push(base); }; for(i in {toString: 1}){ extraNames = []; break; } extraNames = extraNames || ["hasOwnProperty", "valueOf", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString"]; oo.makeDeclare = function(before, after){ var chains = {constructor: "after"}, buildMethodList = function(meta, name){ var fs = [], mb = meta.bases, i, l, t, c, m, h; for(i = 0, l = mb.length; i < l; ++i){ // the assignment on the next line is intentional (t = (c = mb[i]) && (m = c._meta) && (h = m.hidden) ? (name in h) && h[name] : c.prototype[name]) && fs.push(t); } // the assignment on the next line is intentional (t = meta.hidden[name]) && fs.push(t); // the next line works for inherited methods too return chains[name] === "after" ? fs : fs.reverse(); }, inherited = function(name, args, a){ var c = this.constructor, m = c._meta, cache = c._cache, caller, i, l, f, n, ch, s, x; // crack arguments if(typeof name != "string"){ a = args; args = name; name = ""; } caller = inherited.caller; n = caller.nom; error(n && name && n !== name, "calling inherited() with a different name: " + name); name = name || n; ch = cache[name]; // get the cached method list if(!ch){ error(!name, "can't deduce a name to call inherited()"); error(typeof chains[name] == "string", "chained method: " + name); ch = cache[name] = buildMethodList(m, name); } // check the stack do{ s = this._inherited, n = s.length - 1; if(n >= 0){ x = s[n]; if( === name && ch[x.pos] === caller && caller.caller === inherited){ break; } } // find the caller for(i = 0, l = ch.length; i < l && ch[i] !== caller; ++i); if(i == l){ // the assignment on the next line is intentional this[name] === caller && (i = -1) || error(1, "can't find the caller for inherited()"); } // the assignment on the next line is intentional s.push(x = {name: name, start: i, pos: i}); }while(false); f = ch[++x.pos]; try{ return f ? f.apply(this, a || args) : undefined; }finally{ x.start == --x.pos && s.pop(); } }; before = before || []; each(before, function(name){ chains[name] = "before"; }); after = after || []; each(after, function(name){ chains[name] = "after"; }); return function(className, superclass, props){ var mixins, proto, i, l, t, f, ctor, hidden = {}, meta = {bases: []}; // crack parameters if(typeof className != "string"){ props = superclass; superclass = className; className = ""; } if(d.isArray(superclass)){ mixins = superclass; superclass = mixins[0]; } // build a prototype if(superclass){ collect(meta, superclass); if(mixins){ for(i = 1, l = mixins.length; i < l; ++i){ // the assignment on the next line is intentional error(!(t = mixins[i]), "mixin #" + i + " is null"); collect(meta, t); // delegation xtor.prototype = superclass.prototype; proto = new xtor; mixer(proto, t.prototype, mix); (ctor = function(){}).superclass = superclass; ctor.prototype = proto; superclass = proto.constructor = ctor; } } // add props xtor.prototype = superclass.prototype; proto = new xtor; }else{ proto = {}; } // add props // the assignment on the next line is intentional mixer(proto, (meta.hidden = props || {}), mixName); // flatten the base list and collect our chain instructions meta.bases = meta.bases.concat.apply([], meta.bases); // build chains and add them to the prototype each(after.concat(before), function(name){ // the assignment on the next line is intentional (proto[name] = function(){ var c = this.constructor, t = buildMethodList(c._meta, name), l = t.length, f = function(){ for(var i = 0; i < l; ++i){ t[i].apply(this, arguments); } }; f.nom = name; // the assignment on the next line is intentional (c.prototype[name] = f).apply(this, arguments); }).nom = name; }); // add inherited to the prototype proto.inherited = inherited; // build ctor t = buildMethodList(meta, "constructor"); ctor = function(){ this._inherited = []; // perform the shaman's rituals of the original dojo.declare() // 1) call two types of the preamble var a = arguments, args = a, a0 = a[0], f, i, l; // the assignment on the next line is intentional a = a0 && (f = a0.preamble) && f.apply(this, a) || a; // the assignment on the next line is intentional a = (f = this.preamble) && f.apply(this, a) || a; // 2) call the constructor with different parameters for(i = 0, l = t.length - 1; i < l; ++i){ t[i].apply(this, a); } l >= 0 && t[i].apply(this, t[i] === ctor._meta.hidden.constructor ? args : a); // 3) continue the original ritual: call the postscript // the assignment on the next line is intentional (f = this.postscript) && f.apply(this, args); }; // build metadata on the constructor ctor._meta = meta; ctor._cache = {}; ctor.superclass = superclass && superclass.prototype; proto.constructor = ctor; ctor.prototype = proto; // the assignment on the next line is intentional className && d.setObject(proto.declaredClass = className, ctor); return ctor; // Function }; }; /*===== // summary: // Create a feature-rich constructor from compact notation // className: String?: // The optional name of the constructor (loosely, a "class") // stored in the "declaredClass" property in the created prototype // superclass: Function|Function[]: // May be null, a Function, or an Array of Functions. If an array, // the first element is used as the prototypical ancestor and // any following Functions become mixin ancestors. // props: Object: // An object whose properties are copied to the created prototype. // Add an instance-initialization function by making it a property // named "constructor". // description: // Create a constructor using a compact notation for inheritance and // prototype extension. // // Mixin ancestors provide a type of multiple inheritance. Prototypes of mixin // ancestors are copied to the new class: changes to mixin prototypes will // not affect classes to which they have been mixed in. // // "className" is cached in "declaredClass" property of the new class. // // example: // | dojox.lang.oo.declare("",, { // | // properties to be added to the class prototype // | someValue: 2, // | // initialization function // | constructor: function(){ // | this.myComplicatedObject = new ReallyComplicatedObject(); // | }, // | // other functions // | someMethod: function(){ // | doStuff(); // | } // | }); =====*/ oo.declare = oo.makeDeclare(); })();