dojo.provide(""); dojo.require("dojox.xml.parser"); dojo.require("dojo.string"); dojo.require(""); dojo.requireLocalization("", "messages"); = { // summary: // Container for general constants. // description: // Container for general constants. "ATOM_URI": "", "ATOM_NS": "", "PURL_NS": "", "APP_NS": "" }; = { // summary: // Container for tag handling functions. // description: // Container for tag handling functions. Each child of this container is // a handler function for the given type of node. Each accepts two parameters: // obj: Object. // The object to insert data into. // node: DOM Node. // The dom node containing the data "link": function(obj,node){ if(obj.links === null){obj.links = [];} var link = new; link.buildFromDom(node); obj.links.push(link); }, "author": function(obj,node){ if(obj.authors === null){obj.authors = [];} var person = new"author"); person.buildFromDom(node); obj.authors.push(person); }, "contributor": function(obj,node){ if(obj.contributors === null){obj.contributors = [];} var person = new"contributor"); person.buildFromDom(node); obj.contributors.push(person); }, "category": function(obj,node){ if(obj.categories === null){obj.categories = [];} var cat = new; cat.buildFromDom(node); obj.categories.push(cat); }, "icon": function(obj,node){ obj.icon = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); }, "id": function(obj,node){ = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); }, "rights": function(obj,node){ obj.rights = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); }, "subtitle": function(obj,node){ var cnt = new"subtitle"); cnt.buildFromDom(node); obj.subtitle = cnt; }, "title": function(obj,node){ var cnt = new"title"); cnt.buildFromDom(node); obj.title = cnt; }, "updated": function(obj,node){ obj.updated =; }, // Google news "issued": function(obj,node){ obj.issued =; }, // Google news "modified": function(obj,node){ obj.modified =; }, "published": function(obj,node){ obj.published =; }, "entry": function(obj,node){ if(obj.entries === null){obj.entries = [];} //The object passed in should be a Feed object, since only feeds can contain Entries var entry = obj.createEntry ? obj.createEntry() : new; entry.buildFromDom(node); obj.entries.push(entry); }, "content": function(obj, node){ var cnt = new"content"); cnt.buildFromDom(node); obj.content = cnt; }, "summary": function(obj, node){ var summary = new"summary"); summary.buildFromDom(node); obj.summary = summary; }, "name": function(obj,node){ = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); }, "email" : function(obj,node){ = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); }, "uri" : function(obj,node){ obj.uri = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); }, "generator" : function(obj,node){ obj.generator = new; obj.generator.buildFromDom(node); } }; = { createDate: function(/*DOM node*/node){ // summary: // Utility function to create a date from a DOM node's text content. // description: // Utility function to create a date from a DOM node's text content. // // node: // The DOM node to inspect. // returns: // Date object from a DOM Node containing a ISO-8610 string. var textContent = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); if(textContent){ return; } return null; }, escapeHtml: function(/*String*/str){ // summary: // Utility function to escape XML special characters in an HTML string. // description: // Utility function to escape XML special characters in an HTML string. // // str: // The string to escape // returns: // HTML String with special characters (<,>,&, ", etc,) escaped. str = str.replace(/&/gm, "&").replace(//gm, ">").replace(/"/gm, """); str = str.replace(/'/gm, "'"); return str; }, unEscapeHtml: function(/*String*/str){ // summary: // Utility function to un-escape XML special characters in an HTML string. // description: // Utility function to un-escape XML special characters in an HTML string. // // str: // The string to un-escape. // returns: // HTML String converted back to the normal text (unescaped) characters (<,>,&, ", etc,). str = str.replace(/&/gm, "&").replace(/</gm, "<").replace(/>/gm, ">").replace(/"/gm, "\""); str = str.replace(/'/gm, "'"); return str; }, getNodename: function(/*DOM node*/node){ // summary: // Utility function to get a node name and deal with IE's bad handling of namespaces // on tag names. // description: // Utility function to get a node name and deal with IE's bad handling of namespaces // on tag names. // // node: // The DOM node whose name to retrieve. // returns: // String // The name without namespace prefixes. var name = null; if(node !== null){ name = node.localName ? node.localName: node.nodeName; if(name !== null){ var nsSep = name.indexOf(":"); if(nsSep !== -1){ name = name.substring((nsSep + 1), name.length); } } } return name; } }; dojo.declare('', null, { constructor: function(name_space,name, attributes,content, shortNs){ this.name_space = name_space; = name; this.attributes = []; if(attributes){ this.attributes = attributes; } this.content = []; this.rawNodes = []; this.textContent = null; if(content){ this.content.push(content); } this.shortNs = shortNs; this._objName = "Node";//for debugging purposes }, buildFromDom: function(node){ this._saveAttributes(node); this.name_space = node.namespaceURI; this.shortNs = node.prefix; =; for(var x=0; x < node.childNodes.length; x++){ var c = node.childNodes[x]; if( != "#text" ){ this.rawNodes.push(c); var n = new; n.buildFromDom(c, true); this.content.push(n); }else{ this.content.push(c.nodeValue); } } this.textContent = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); }, _saveAttributes: function(node){ if(!this.attributes){this.attributes = [];} // Work around lack of hasAttributes() in IE var hasAttributes = function(node){ var attrs = node.attributes; if(attrs === null){return false;} return (attrs.length !== 0); }; if(hasAttributes(node) && this._getAttributeNames){ var names = this._getAttributeNames(node); if(names && names.length > 0){ for(var x in names){ var attrib = node.getAttribute(names[x]); if(attrib){this.attributes[names[x]] = attrib;} } } } }, addAttribute: function(name, value){ this.attributes[name]=value; }, getAttribute: function(name){ return this.attributes[name]; }, //if child objects want their attributes parsed, they should override //to return an array of attrib names _getAttributeNames: function(node){ var names = []; for(var i =0; i"); }else{ xml.push("<"); xml.push(name); if(this.name_space){ xml.push(" xmlns='" + this.name_space + "'"); } if(this.attributes){ for(x in this.attributes){ xml.push(" " + x + "='" + this.attributes[x] + "'"); } } if(this.content){ xml.push(">"); for(x in this.content){ xml.push(this.content[x]); } xml.push("\n"); }else{ xml.push("/>\n"); } } return xml.join(''); }, addContent: function(content){ this.content.push(content); } }); //Types are as follows: links: array of Link, authors: array of Person, categories: array of Category //contributors: array of Person, ico dojo.declare("",,{ constructor: function(args){ this.ATOM_URI =; this.links = null; //Array of Link this.authors = null; //Array of Person this.categories = null; //Array of Category this.contributors = null; //Array of Person this.icon = = this.logo = this.xmlBase = this.rights = null; //String this.subtitle = this.title = null; //Content this.updated = this.published = null; //Date // Google news this.issued = this.modified = null; //Date this.content = null; //Content this.extensions = null; //Array of Node, non atom based this.entries = null; //Array of Entry this.name_spaces = {}; this._objName = "AtomItem"; //for debugging purposes }, // summary: Class container for generic Atom items. // description: Class container for generic Atom items. _getAttributeNames: function(){return null;}, _accepts: {}, accept: function(tag){return Boolean(this._accepts[tag]);}, _postBuild: function(){},//child objects can override this if they want to be called after a Dom build buildFromDom: function(node){ var i, c, n; for(i=0; i\n'); return s.join(''); }, buildFromDom: function(/*DOM node*/node){ // summary: // Function to do construction of the Category data from the DOM node containing it. // description: // Function to do construction of the Category data from the DOM node containing it. // // node: // The DOM node to process for content. this._saveAttributes(node);//just get the attributes from the node this.label = this.attributes.label; this.scheme = this.attributes.scheme; this.term = this.attributes.term; if(this._postBuild){this._postBuild();} } }); dojo.declare("",,{ // summary: // Class container for 'Content' types. Such as summary, content, username, and so on types of data. // description: // Class container for 'Content' types. Such as summary, content, username, and so on types of data. constructor: function(tagName, value, src, type,xmlLang){ this.tagName = tagName; this.value = value; this.src = src; this.type=type; this.xmlLang = xmlLang; this.HTML = "html"; this.TEXT = "text"; this.XHTML = "xhtml"; this.XML="xml"; this._useTextContent = "true"; }, _getAttributeNames: function(){return ["type","src"];}, _postBuild: function(){}, buildFromDom: function(/*DOM node*/node){ // summary: // Function to do construction of the Content data from the DOM node containing it. // description: // Function to do construction of the Content data from the DOM node containing it. // // node: // The DOM node to process for content. if(node.innerHTML){ this.value = node.innerHTML; }else{ this.value = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); } this._saveAttributes(node); if(this.attributes){ this.type = this.attributes.type; this.scheme = this.attributes.scheme; this.term = this.attributes.term; } if(!this.type){this.type = "text";} //We need to unescape the HTML content here so that it can be displayed correctly when the value is fetched. var lowerType = this.type.toLowerCase(); if(lowerType === "html" || lowerType === "text/html" || lowerType === "xhtml" || lowerType === "text/xhtml"){ this.value =; } if(this._postBuild){this._postBuild();} }, toString: function(){ // summary: // Function to construct string form of the content tag, which is an XML structure. // description: // Function to construct string form of the content tag, which is an XML structure. var s = []; s.push('<'+this.tagName+' '); if(!this.type){this.type = "text";} if(this.type){s.push(' type="'+this.type+'" ');} if(this.xmlLang){s.push(' xml:lang="'+this.xmlLang+'" ');} if(this.xmlBase){s.push(' xml:base="'+this.xmlBase+'" ');} //all HTML must be escaped if(this.type.toLowerCase() == this.HTML){ s.push('>''\n'); }else{ s.push('>'+this.value+'\n'); } var ret = s.join(''); return ret; } }); dojo.declare("",,{ // summary: // Class container for 'link' types. // description: // Class container for 'link' types. constructor: function(href,rel,hrefLang,title,type){ this.href = href; this.hrefLang = hrefLang; this.rel = rel; this.title = title;this.type = type; }, _getAttributeNames: function(){return ["href","jrefLang","rel","title","type"];}, _postBuild: function(){}, buildFromDom: function(node){ // summary: // Function to do construction of the link data from the DOM node containing it. // description: // Function to do construction of the link data from the DOM node containing it. // // node: // The DOM node to process for link data. this._saveAttributes(node);//just get the attributes from the node this.href = this.attributes.href; this.hrefLang = this.attributes.hreflang; this.rel = this.attributes.rel; this.title = this.attributes.title; this.type = this.attributes.type; if(this._postBuild){this._postBuild();} }, toString: function(){ // summary: // Function to construct string form of the link tag, which is an XML structure. // description: // Function to construct string form of the link tag, which is an XML structure. var s = []; s.push('\n'); return s.join(''); } }); dojo.declare("",,{ // summary: // Class container for 'person' types, such as Author, controbutors, and so on. // description: // Class container for 'person' types, such as Author, controbutors, and so on. constructor: function(personType, name, email, uri){ = "author"; this.contributor = "contributor"; if(!personType){ personType =; } this.personType = personType; = name || ''; = email || ''; this.uri = uri || ''; this._objName = "Person";//for debugging }, _getAttributeNames: function(){return null;}, _postBuild: function(){}, accept: function(tag){return Boolean(this._accepts[tag]);}, buildFromDom: function(node){ // summary: // Function to do construction of the person data from the DOM node containing it. // description: // Function to do construction of the person data from the DOM node containing it. // // node: // The DOM node to process for person data. var c = node.childNodes; for(var i = 0; i< c.length; i++){ var name =[i]); if(!name){continue;} if(c[i].namespaceURI != && name != "#text"){ if(!this.extensions){this.extensions = [];} var extensionNode = new; extensionNode.buildFromDom(c[i]); this.extensions.push(extensionNode); } if(!this.accept(name.toLowerCase())){ continue; } var fn =[name]; if(fn) { fn(this,c[i]); } } this._saveAttributes(node); if(this._postBuild){this._postBuild();} }, _accepts: { 'name': true, 'uri': true, 'email': true }, toString: function(){ // summary: // Function to construct string form of the Person tag, which is an XML structure. // description: // Function to construct string form of the Person tag, which is an XML structure. var s = []; s.push('<'+this.personType+'>\n'); if({s.push('\t''\n');} if({s.push('\t''\n');} if(this.uri){s.push('\t'+this.uri+'\n');} s.push('\n'); return s.join(''); } }); dojo.declare("",,{ // summary: // Class container for 'Generator' types. // description: // Class container for 'Generator' types. constructor: function(/*String*/uri, /*String*/version, /*String*/value){ this.uri = uri; this.version = version; this.value = value; }, _postBuild: function(){}, buildFromDom: function(node){ // summary: // Function to do construction of the generator data from the DOM node containing it. // description: // Function to do construction of the generator data from the DOM node containing it. // // node: // The DOM node to process for link data. this.value = dojox.xml.parser.textContent(node); this._saveAttributes(node); this.uri = this.attributes.uri; this.version = this.attributes.version; if(this._postBuild){this._postBuild();} }, toString: function(){ // summary: // Function to construct string form of the Generator tag, which is an XML structure. // description: // Function to construct string form of the Generator tag, which is an XML structure. var s = []; s.push(''+this.value+'\n'); var ret = s.join(''); return ret; } }); dojo.declare("",,{ // summary: // Class container for 'Entry' types. // description: // Class container for 'Entry' types. constructor: function(/*String*/id){ = id; this._objName = "Entry"; this.feedUrl = null; }, _getAttributeNames: function(){return null;}, _accepts: { 'author': true, 'content': true, 'category': true, 'contributor': true, 'created': true, 'id': true, 'link': true, 'published': true, 'rights': true, 'summary': true, 'title': true, 'updated': true, 'xmlbase': true, 'issued': true, 'modified': true }, toString: function(amPrimary){ // summary: // Function to construct string form of the entry tag, which is an XML structure. // description: // Function to construct string form of the entry tag, which is an XML structure. var s = []; var i; if(amPrimary){ s.push(""); s.push("\n'); s.push('' + ( ? '') + '\n'); if(this.issued && !this.published){this.published = this.issued;} if(this.published){s.push('''\n');} if(this.created){s.push('''\n');} //Google News if(this.issued){s.push('''\n');} //Google News if(this.modified){s.push('''\n');} if(this.modified && !this.updated){this.updated = this.modified;} if(this.updated){s.push('''\n');} if(this.rights){s.push(''+this.rights+'\n');} if(this.title){s.push(this.title.toString());} if(this.summary){s.push(this.summary.toString());} var arrays = [this.authors,this.categories,this.links,this.contributors,this.extensions]; for(var x in arrays){ if(arrays[x]){ for(var y in arrays[x]){ s.push(arrays[x][y]); } } } if(this.content){s.push(this.content.toString());} s.push("\n"); return s.join(''); //string }, getEditHref: function(){ // summary: // Function to get the href that allows editing of this feed entry. // description: // Function to get the href that allows editing of this feed entry. // // returns: // The href that specifies edit capability. if(this.links === null || this.links.length === 0){ return null; } for(var x in this.links){ if(this.links[x].rel && this.links[x].rel == "edit"){ return this.links[x].href; //string } } return null; }, setEditHref: function(url){ if(this.links === null){ this.links = []; } for(var x in this.links){ if(this.links[x].rel && this.links[x].rel == "edit"){ this.links[x].href = url; return; } } this.addLink(url, 'edit'); } }); dojo.declare("",,{ // summary: // Class container for 'Feed' types. // description: // Class container for 'Feed' types. _accepts: { 'author': true, 'content': true, 'category': true, 'contributor': true, 'created': true, 'id': true, 'link': true, 'published': true, 'rights': true, 'summary': true, 'title': true, 'updated': true, 'xmlbase': true, 'entry': true, 'logo': true, 'issued': true, 'modified': true, 'icon': true, 'subtitle': true }, addEntry: function(/*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to add an entry to this feed. // description: // Function to add an entry to this feed. // entry: // The entry object to add. if(!{ var _nlsResources = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("", "messages"); throw new Error(_nlsResources.noId); } if(!this.entries){this.entries = [];} entry.feedUrl = this.getSelfHref(); this.entries.push(entry); }, getFirstEntry: function(){ // summary: // Function to get the first entry of the feed. // description: // Function to get the first entry of the feed. // // returns: // The first entry in the feed. if(!this.entries || this.entries.length === 0){return null;} return this.entries[0]; //object }, getEntry: function(/*String*/entryId){ // summary: // Function to get an entry by its id. // description: // Function to get an entry by its id. // // returns: // The entry desired, or null if none. if(!this.entries){return null;} for(var x in this.entries){ if(this.entries[x].id == entryId){ return this.entries[x]; } } return null; }, removeEntry: function(/*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to remove an entry from the list of links. // description: // Function to remove an entry from the list of links. // // entry: // The entry. if(!this.entries){return;} var count = 0; for(var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++){ if(this.entries[i] === entry){ this.entries.splice(i,1); count++; } } return count; }, setEntries: function(/*array*/arrayOfEntry){ // summary: // Function to add a set of entries to the feed. // description: // Function to get an entry by its id. // // arrayOfEntry: // An array of entry objects to add to the feed. for(var x in arrayOfEntry){ this.addEntry(arrayOfEntry[x]); } }, toString: function(){ // summary: // Function to construct string form of the feed tag, which is an XML structure. // description: // Function to construct string form of the feed tag, which is an XML structure. var s = []; var i; s.push('\n'); s.push('\n'); s.push('' + ( ? '') + '\n'); if(this.title){s.push(this.title);} if(this.copyright && !this.rights){this.rights = this.copyright;} if(this.rights){s.push('' + this.rights + '\n');} // Google news if(this.issued){s.push('''\n');} if(this.modified){s.push('''\n');} if(this.modified && !this.updated){this.updated=this.modified;} if(this.updated){s.push('''\n');} if(this.published){s.push('''\n');} if(this.icon){s.push(''+this.icon+'\n');} if(this.language){s.push(''+this.language+'\n');} if(this.logo){s.push(''+this.logo+'\n');} if(this.subtitle){s.push(this.subtitle.toString());} if(this.tagline){s.push(this.tagline.toString());} //TODO: need to figure out what to do with xmlBase var arrays = [this.alternateLinks,this.authors,this.categories,this.contributors,this.otherLinks,this.extensions,this.entries]; for(i in arrays){ if(arrays[i]){ for(var x in arrays[i]){ s.push(arrays[i][x]); } } } s.push(''); return s.join(''); }, createEntry: function(){ // summary: // Function to Create a new entry object in the feed. // description: // Function to Create a new entry object in the feed. // returns: // An empty entry object in the feed. var entry = new; entry.feedUrl = this.getSelfHref(); return entry; //object }, getSelfHref: function(){ // summary: // Function to get the href that refers to this feed. // description: // Function to get the href that refers to this feed. // returns: // The href that refers to this feed or null if none. if(this.links === null || this.links.length === 0){ return null; } for(var x in this.links){ if(this.links[x].rel && this.links[x].rel == "self"){ return this.links[x].href; //string } } return null; } }); dojo.declare("",,{ // summary: // Class container for 'Feed' types. // description: // Class container for 'Feed' types. constructor: function(href){ this.href = href; }, //builds a Service document. each element of this, except for the namespace, is the href of //a service that the server supports. Some of the common services are: //"create-entry" , "user-prefs" , "search-entries" , "edit-template" , "categories" buildFromDom: function(/*DOM node*/node){ // summary: // Function to do construction of the Service data from the DOM node containing it. // description: // Function to do construction of the Service data from the DOM node containing it. // // node: // The DOM node to process for content. var href; var i; var len = node.childNodes ? node.childNodes.length : 0; this.workspaces = []; if(node.tagName != "service"){ // FIXME: Need 0.9 DOM util... //node = dojox.xml.parser.firstElement(node,"service"); //if(!node){return;} return; } if(node.namespaceURI != && node.namespaceURI !={return;} var ns = node.namespaceURI; this.name_space = node.namespaceURI; //find all workspaces, and create them var workspaces ; if(typeof(node.getElementsByTagNameNS)!= "undefined"){ workspaces = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns,"workspace"); }else{ // This block is IE only, which doesn't have a 'getElementsByTagNameNS' function workspaces = []; var temp = node.getElementsByTagName('workspace'); for(i=0; i 0){ var wkLen = 0; var workspace; for(i = 0; i< workspaces.length; i++){ workspace = (typeof(workspaces.item)==="undefined"?workspaces[i]:workspaces.item(i)); var wkspace = new; wkspace.buildFromDom(workspace); this.workspaces[wkLen++] = wkspace; } } }, getCollection: function(/*String*/url){ // summary: // Function to collections that match a specific url. // description: // Function to collections that match a specific url. // // url: // e URL to match collections against. for(var i=0;i