dojo.provide("dojox.lang.aspect.tracer"); (function(){ var aop = dojox.lang.aspect; var Tracer = function(/*Boolean*/ grouping){ this.method = grouping ? "group" : "log"; if(grouping){ this.after = this._after; } }; dojo.extend(Tracer, { before: function(/*arguments*/){ var context = aop.getContext(), joinPoint = context.joinPoint, args =, ", "); console[this.method](context.instance, "=>", joinPoint.targetName + "(" + args + ")"); }, afterReturning: function(retVal){ var joinPoint = aop.getContext().joinPoint; if(typeof retVal != "undefined"){ console.log(joinPoint.targetName + "() returns:", retVal); }else{ console.log(joinPoint.targetName + "() returns"); } }, afterThrowing: function(excp){ console.log(aop.getContext().joinPoint.targetName + "() throws:", excp); }, _after: function(excp){ console.groupEnd(); } }); aop.tracer = function(/*Boolean*/ grouping){ // summary: // Returns an object, which can be used to trace calls with Firebug's console. // Prints argument, a return value, or an exception. // // grouping: // The flag to group output. If true, indents embedded console messages. return new Tracer(grouping); // Object }; })();