dojo.provide("dojox.widget.Standby"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dojo.fx"); dojo.experimental("dojox.widget.Standby"); dojo.declare("dojox.widget.Standby",[dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],{ // summary: // A widget designed to act as a Standby/Busy/Disable/Blocking widget to indicate a // particular DOM node is processing and cannot be clicked on at this time. // This widget uses absolute positioning to apply the overlay and image. // // image: // A URL to an image to center within the blocking overlay. The default is a basic spinner. // // imageText: // Text to set on the ALT tag of the image. The default is 'Please wait...' // // color: // The color to use for the translucent overlay. Text string such as: darkblue, #FE02FD, etc. templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "widget/Standby/Standby.html"), _underlayNode: null, //The node that is the translucent underlay for the image that blocks access to the target. _imageNode: null, // The image node where we attach and define the image to display. image: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox", "widget/Standby/images/loading.gif").toString(), //The image imageText: "Please Wait...", //Text for the ALT tag. _displayed: false, //display status _resizeCheck: null, //Handle to interval function that chects the target for changes. target: "", //The target to overlay when active. Can be a widget id, a dom id, or a direct node reference. color: "#C0C0C0", //Default color for the translucent overlay. (light gray.) startup: function(args){ // summary: // Over-ride of the basic widget startup function. Configures the target node and sets the image to use. if(typeof === "string"){ var w = dijit.byId(; if(w){ = w.domNode; }else{ = dojo.byId(; } }, "display", "none");, "display", "none");, "backgroundColor", this.color); dojo.attr(this._imageNode, "src", this.image); dojo.attr(this._imageNode, "alt", this.imageText); this.connect(this._underlayNode, "onclick", "_ignore"); //Last thing to do is move the widgets parent, if any, to the current document body. Avoids having to deal with //parent relative/absolute mess. Otherwise positioning goes goofy. if(this.domNode.parentNode && this.domNode.parentNode != dojo.body()){ dojo.body().appendChild(this.domNode); } }, show: function() { // summary: // Function to display the blocking overlay and busy/status icon if(!this._displayed){ this._displayed = true; this._size(); this._fadeIn(); } }, hide: function(){ // summary: // Function to hide the blocking overlay and status icon. if(this._displayed){ this._size(); this._fadeOut(); this._displayed = false; if (this._resizeCheck !== null) { clearInterval(this._resizeCheck); this._resizeCheck = null; } } }, _size: function(){ // summary: // Internal function that handles resizing the overlay and centering of the image on window resizing. if(this._displayed){ //Show the image and make sure the zIndex is set high. var curStyle =, "display");, "display", "block"); var box = dojo.coords(; var img = dojo.marginBox(this._imageNode);, "display", curStyle);, "zIndex", "10000"); //Need scroll positions as it needs to alter ABS positioning. var sVal = dojo._docScroll(); if(!sVal){ sVal = {x:0,y:0}; } //Address margins as they shift the position.. var marginLeft =, "marginLeft"); if(dojo.isWebKit && marginLeft){ //Webkit works differently here. Needs to be doubled. //Don't ask me why. :) marginLeft = marginLeft*2; } if(marginLeft){ box.w = box.w - marginLeft; } if (!dojo.isWebKit) { //Webkit and others work differently here. var marginRight =, "marginRight"); if(marginRight){ box.w = box.w - marginRight; } } var marginTop =, "marginTop"); if(marginTop){ box.h = box.h - marginTop; } var marginBottom =, "marginBottom"); if(marginBottom){ box.h = box.h - marginBottom; } if(box.h > 0 && box.w > 0){ //Set position and size of the blocking div overlay., "width", box.w + "px");, "height", box.h + "px");, "top", (box.y + sVal.y) + "px");, "left", (box.x + sVal.x) + "px"); //Apply curving styles if present. var cloneStyles = function(list, scope){ dojo.forEach(list, function(style){,style,,style)); }, scope); }; var styles = ["borderRadius", "borderTopLeftRadius", "borderTopRightRadius","borderBottomLeftRadius", "borderBottomRightRadius"]; cloneStyles(styles, this); if(!dojo.isIE){ //Browser specific styles to try and clone if non-IE. styles = ["MozBorderRadius", "MozBorderRadiusTopleft", "MozBorderRadiusTopright","MozBorderRadiusBottomleft", "MozBorderRadiusBottomright", "WebkitBorderRadius", "WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius", "WebkitBorderTopRightRadius", "WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius","WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius" ]; cloneStyles(styles, this); } var imgTop = (box.h/2) - (img.h/2); var imgLeft = (box.w/2) - (img.w/2);, "top", (imgTop + box.y + sVal.y) + "px");, "left", (imgLeft + box.x + sVal.x) + "px");, "display", "block");, "display", "block"); }else{ //Target has no size, display nothing on it!, "display", "none");, "display", "none"); } if (this._resizeCheck === null) { //Set an interval timer that checks the target size and scales as needed. //Checking every 10th of a second seems to generate a fairly smooth update. var self = this; this._resizeCheck = setInterval(function(){self._size();}, 100); } } }, _fadeIn: function(){ // summary: // Internal function that does the opacity style fade in animation. var underlayNodeAnim = dojo.animateProperty({node: this._underlayNode, properties: {opacity: {start: 0, end: 0.75}}}); var imageAnim = dojo.animateProperty({node: this._imageNode, properties: {opacity: {start: 0, end: 1}}}); var anim = dojo.fx.combine([underlayNodeAnim,imageAnim]);; }, _fadeOut: function(){ // summary: // Internal function that does the opacity style fade out animation. var self = this; var underlayNodeAnim = dojo.animateProperty({ node: this._underlayNode, properties: {opacity: {start: 0.75, end: 0}}, onEnd: function() {, "display", "none"); } }); var imageAnim = dojo.animateProperty({ node: this._imageNode, properties: {opacity: {start: 1, end: 0}}, onEnd: function() {, "display", "none"); } }); var anim = dojo.fx.combine([underlayNodeAnim,imageAnim]);; }, _ignore: function(event){ if(event){ event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, uninitialize: function(){ // summary: // Over-ride to hide the widget, which clears intervals, before cleanup. this.hide(); } });