dojo.provide("dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Base"); dojo.require("dojox.color"); (function(){ var DEFAULT_SATURATION = 100, // % DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY1 = 75, // % DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY2 = 50, // % c = dojox.color, cc = function(color){ return function(){ return color; }; }, hl = function(color){ var a = new c.Color(color), x = a.toHsl(); if(x.s == 0){ x.l = x.l < 50 ? 100 : 0; }else{ x.s = DEFAULT_SATURATION; if(x.l < DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY2){ x.l = DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY1; }else if(x.l > DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY1){ x.l = DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY2; }else{ x.l = x.l - DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY2 > DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY1 - x.l ? DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY2 : DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY1; } } return c.fromHsl(x); }; dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight", dojox.charting.action2d.Base, { // the data description block for the widget parser defaultParams: { duration: 400, // duration of the action in ms easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut // easing for the action }, optionalParams: { highlight: "red" // name for the highlight color // programmatic instantiation can use functions and color objects }, constructor: function(chart, plot, kwArgs){ // process optional named parameters var a = kwArgs && kwArgs.highlight; this.colorFun = a ? (dojo.isFunction(a) ? a : cc(a)) : hl; this.connect(); }, process: function(o){ if(!o.shape || !(o.type in this.overOutEvents)){ return; } var runName =, index = o.index, anim, startFill, endFill; if(runName in this.anim){ anim = this.anim[runName][index]; }else{ this.anim[runName] = {}; } if(anim){ anim.action.stop(true); }else{ var color = o.shape.getFill(); if(!color || !(color instanceof dojo.Color)){ return; } this.anim[runName][index] = anim = { start: color, end: this.colorFun(color) }; } var start = anim.start, end = anim.end; if(o.type == "onmouseout"){ // swap colors var t = start; start = end; end = t; } anim.action = dojox.gfx.fx.animateFill({ shape: o.shape, duration: this.duration, easing: this.easing, color: {start: start, end: end} }); if(o.type == "onmouseout"){ dojo.connect(anim.action, "onEnd", this, function(){ if(this.anim[runName]){ delete this.anim[runName][index]; } }); }; } }); })();