dojo.provide(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.declare("",, { // summary: // Basic store to display CSS information. // description: // The CssClassStore allows users to get information about active Css classes in the page running the CssClassStore. // It can also filter out classes from specific stylesheets. The attributes it exposes on classes are as follows: // class: The classname, including the '.'. // classSans: The classname without the '.'. _labelAttribute: 'class', // text representation of the Item [label and identifier may need to stay due to method names] _idAttribute: 'class', _cName: "", getFeatures: function(){ // summary: // See return { "" : true, "" : true }; }, getAttributes: function(item){ // summary: // See this._assertIsItem(item); return ['class', 'classSans']; }, getValue: function(item, attribute, defaultValue){ // summary: // See var values = this.getValues(item, attribute); if(values && values.length > 0){ return values[0]; } return defaultValue; }, getValues: function(item, attribute){ // summary: // See this._assertIsItem(item); this._assertIsAttribute(attribute); var value = []; if(attribute === "class"){ value = [item.className]; }else if(attribute === "classSans"){ value = [item.className.replace(/\./g,'')]; } return value; }, _handleRule: function(rule, styleSheet, href){ // summary: // Handles the creation of an item based on the passed rule. In this store, this implies // parsing out all available class names. var obj = {}; var s = rule['selectorText'].split(" "); for(var j=0; j 0 && first !== -1){ var last = tmp.indexOf(',') || tmp.indexOf('['); tmp = tmp.substring(first, ((last !== -1 && last > first)?last:tmp.length)); obj[tmp] = true; } } for(var key in obj){ if(!this._allItems[key]){ var item = {}; item.className = key; item[this._storeRef] = this; this._allItems[key] = item; } } }, _handleReturn: function(){ // summary: // Handles the return from a fetching action. Delegates requests to act on the resulting // item set to eitehr the _handleFetchReturn or _handleFetchByIdentityReturn depending on // where the request originated. var _inProgress = []; var items = {}; for(var i in this._allItems){ items[i] = this._allItems[i]; } var requestInfo; // One-level deep clone (can't use dojo.clone, since we don't want to clone all those store refs!) while(this._pending.length){ requestInfo = this._pending.pop(); requestInfo.request._items = items; _inProgress.push(requestInfo); } while (_inProgress.length) { requestInfo = _inProgress.pop(); if(requestInfo.fetch){ this._handleFetchReturn(requestInfo.request); }else{ this._handleFetchByIdentityReturn(requestInfo.request); } } }, _handleFetchByIdentityReturn: function(request){ // summary: // Handles a fetchByIdentity request by finding the correct item. var items = request._items; // Per , Safari 3.x always returns the selectorText // of a rule in full lowercase. var item = items[(dojo.isWebKit?request.identity.toLowerCase():request.identity)]; if(!this.isItem(item)){ item = null; } if(request.onItem){ var scope = request.scope ||;, item); } }, /* Identity API */ getIdentity: function(/* item */ item){ // summary: // See this._assertIsItem(item); return this.getValue(item, this._idAttribute); }, getIdentityAttributes: function(/* item */ item){ // summary: // See this._assertIsItem(item); return [this._idAttribute]; }, fetchItemByIdentity: function(/* request */ request){ // summary: // See request = request || {}; if(!{ = this; } if(this._pending && this._pending.length > 0){ this._pending.push({request: request}); }else{ this._pending = [{request: request}]; this._fetch(request); } return request; } });