dojo.provide(""); dojo.require(""); // Contains code donated by Travis Tilley under CLA dojo.declare("",, { constructor: function(){ // summary: // RailsStore is a data store for interacting with RESTful Rails controllers }, preamble: function(options){ if(typeof == 'string' && !options.service){ var target =\/$/g, ''); // Special getRequest handler for handling content type negotiation via // the Rails format extension, as well as properly setting the ID param // in the URL. var getRequest = function(id, args){ args = args || {}; var url = target; var query; var ident; if(dojo.isObject(id)){ ident = ''; query = '?' + dojo.objectToQuery(id); }else if(args.queryStr && args.queryStr.indexOf('?') != -1){ ident = args.queryStr.replace(/\?.*/, ''); query = args.queryStr.replace(/[^?]*\?/g, '?'); }else if(dojo.isString(args.query) && args.query.indexOf('?') != -1){ ident = args.query.replace(/\?.*/, ''); query = args.query.replace(/[^?]*\?/g, '?'); }else{ ident = id ? id.toString() : ''; query = ''; } if(ident.indexOf('=') != -1){ query = ident; ident = ''; } if(ident){ url = url + '/' + ident + '.json' + query; }else{ url = url + '.json' + query; } var isSync = dojox.rpc._sync; dojox.rpc._sync = false; return { url : url, handleAs : 'json', contentType : 'application/json', sync : isSync, headers : { Accept : 'application/json,application/javascript', Range : args && (args.start >= 0 || args.count >= 0) ? "items=" + (args.start || '0') + '-' + ((args.count && (args.count + (args.start || 0) - 1)) || '') : undefined } }; }; options.service = dojox.rpc.Rest(, true, null, getRequest); } }, fetch: function(args){ args = args || {}; function addToQueryStr(obj){ function buildInitialQueryString(){ if(args.queryStr == null){ args.queryStr = ''; } if(dojo.isObject(args.query)){ args.queryStr = '?' + dojo.objectToQuery(args.query); }else if(dojo.isString(args.query)){ args.queryStr = args.query; } } function separator(){ if(args.queryStr.indexOf('?') == -1){ return '?'; }else{ return '&'; } } if (args.queryStr == null){ buildInitialQueryString(); } args.queryStr = args.queryStr + separator() + dojo.objectToQuery(obj); } if(args.start || args.count){ // in addition to the content range headers, also provide query parameters for use // with the will_paginate plugin if so desired. if((args.start || 0) % args.count){ throw new Error("The start parameter must be a multiple of the count parameter"); } addToQueryStr({ page: ((args.start || 0) / args.count) + 1, per_page: args.count }); } if(args.sort){ // make the sort into query parameters var queryObj = { sortBy : [], sortDir : [] }; dojo.forEach(args.sort, function(item){ queryObj.sortBy.push(item.attribute); queryObj.sortDir.push(!!item.descending ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); }); addToQueryStr(queryObj); delete args.sort; } return this.inherited(arguments); }, _processResults: function(results, deferred){ var items; /* * depending on the ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json setting, * you might get back an array of attribute objects, or an array of * objects with the attribute object nested under an attribute having * the same name as the (remote and unguessable) model class. * * 'Example' without root_in_json: [{'id':1, 'text':'first'}] * 'Example' with root_in_json: [{'example':{'id':1, 'text':'first'}}] */ if((typeof this.rootAttribute == 'undefined') && results[0]){ if(results[0][this.idAttribute]){ this.rootAttribute = false; console.debug('RailsStore: without root_in_json'); }else{ for(var attribute in results[0]){ if(results[0][attribute][this.idAttribute]){ this.rootAttribute = attribute; console.debug('RailsStore: with root_in_json, attribute: ' + attribute); } } } } if(this.rootAttribute){ items =, function(item){ return item[this.rootAttribute]; }, this); }else{ items = results; } // index the results var count = results.length; // if we don't know the length, and it is partial result, we will guess that it is twice as big, that will work for most widgets return {totalCount:deferred.fullLength || (deferred.request.count == count ? (deferred.request.start || 0) + count * 2 : count), items: items}; } });