dojo.provide("dojox.form.CheckedMultiSelect"); dojo.require("dijit.form.CheckBox"); dojo.require("dojox.form._FormSelectWidget"); dojo.declare("dojox.form._CheckedMultiSelectItem", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: // The individual items for a CheckedMultiSelect widgetsInTemplate: true, templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.form", "resources/_CheckedMultiSelectItem.html"), baseClass: "dojoxMultiSelectItem", // option: dojox.form.__SelectOption // The option that is associated with this item option: null, parent: null, // disabled: boolean // Whether or not this widget is disabled disabled: false, // readOnly: boolean // Whether or not this widget is readOnly readOnly: false, postMixInProperties: function(){ // summary: // Set the appropriate _subClass value - based on if we are multi- // or single-select if(this.parent._multiValue){ this._type = {type: "checkbox", baseClass: "dijitCheckBox"}; }else{ this._type = {type: "radio", baseClass: "dijitRadio"}; } this.disabled = this.option.disabled = this.option.disabled||false; this.inherited(arguments); }, postCreate: function(){ // summary: // Set innerHTML here - since the template gets messed up sometimes // with rich text this.inherited(arguments); this.labelNode.innerHTML = this.option.label; }, _changeBox: function(){ // summary: // Called to force the select to match the state of the check box // (only on click of the checkbox) Radio-based calls _setValueAttr // instead. if(this.attr("disabled") || this.attr("readOnly")){ return; } if(this.parent._multiValue){ this.option.selected = this.checkBox.attr('value') && true; }else{ this.parent.attr('value', this.option.value); } // fire the parent's change this.parent._updateSelection(); // refocus the parent this.parent.focus(); }, _onMouse: function(e){ // summary: // Sets the hover state depending on mouse state (passes through // to the check box) if(this.attr("disabled") || this.attr("readOnly")){ dojo.stopEvent(e); }else{ this.checkBox._onMouse(e); } }, _onClick: function(e){ // summary: // Sets the click state (passes through to the check box) if(this.attr("disabled") || this.attr("readOnly")){ dojo.stopEvent(e); }else{ this.checkBox._onClick(e); } }, _updateBox: function(){ // summary: // Called to force the box to match the state of the select this.checkBox.attr('value', this.option.selected); }, _setDisabledAttr: function(value){ // summary: // Disables (or enables) all the children as well this.disabled = value||this.option.disabled; this.checkBox.attr("disabled", this.disabled); dojo.toggleClass(this.domNode, "dojoxMultiSelectDisabled", this.disabled); }, _setReadOnlyAttr: function(value){ // summary: // Sets read only (or unsets) all the children as well this.checkBox.attr("readOnly", value); this.checkBox._setStateClass(); this.readOnly = value; } }); dojo.declare("dojox.form.CheckedMultiSelect", dojox.form._FormSelectWidget, { // summary: // Extends the core dijit MultiSelect to provide a "checkbox" selector templateString: "", templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.form", "resources/CheckedMultiSelect.html"), baseClass: "dojoxMultiSelect", _mouseDown: function(e){ // summary: // Cancels the mousedown event to prevent others from stealing // focus dojo.stopEvent(e); }, _addOptionItem: function(/* dojox.form.__SelectOption */ option){ this.wrapperDiv.appendChild(new dojox.form._CheckedMultiSelectItem({ option: option, parent: this }).domNode); }, _updateSelection: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); dojo.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(c){ c._updateBox(); }); }, _getChildren: function(){ return, function(n){ return dijit.byNode(n); }); }, invertSelection: function(onChange){ // summary: Invert the selection // onChange: Boolean // If null, onChange is not fired. dojo.forEach(this.options, function(i){ i.selected = !i.selected; }); this._updateSelection(); }, _setDisabledAttr: function(value){ // summary: // Disable (or enable) all the children as well this.inherited(arguments); dojo.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(node){ if(node && node.attr){ node.attr("disabled", value); } }); }, _setReadOnlyAttr: function(value){ // summary: // Sets read only (or unsets) all the children as well if("readOnly" in this.attributeMap){ this._attrToDom("readOnly", value); } this.readOnly = value; dojo.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(node){ if(node && node.attr){ node.attr("readOnly", value); } }); this._setStateClass(); }, uninitialize: function(){ // Make sure these children are destroyed dojo.forEach(this._getChildren(), function(child){ child.destroyRecursive(); }); } });