dojo.provide("dojox.form.FileInputAuto"); dojo.require("dojox.form.FileInput"); dojo.require(""); dojo.declare("dojox.form.FileInputAuto", dojox.form.FileInput, { // summary: An extension on dojox.form.FileInput providing background upload progress // // description: An extended version of FileInput - when the user focuses away from the input // the selected file is posted via to the url. example implementation // comes with PHP solution for handling upload, and returning required data. // // notes: the return data from the io.iframe is used to populate the input element with // data regarding the results. it will be a JSON object, like: // // results = { size: "1024", filename: "file.txt" } // // all the parameters allowed to dojox.form.FileInput apply // url: String // the URL where our background FileUpload will be sent url: "", // blurDelay: Integer // time in ms before an un-focused widget will wait before uploading the file to the url="" specified // default: 2 seconds blurDelay: 2000, // duration: Integer // The time in ms to use as the generic timing mechanism for the animations // set to 1 or 0 for "immediate respose" duration: 500, // uploadMessage: String // // FIXME: i18n somehow? uploadMessage: "Uploading ...", // triggerEvent: String // Event which triggers the upload. Defaults to onblur, sending the file selected // 'blurDelay' milliseconds after losing focus. Set to "onchange" with a low blurDelay // to send files immediately after uploading. triggerEvent: "onblur", _sent: false, // small template changes, new attachpoint: overlay templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.form","resources/FileInputAuto.html"), startup: function(){ // summary: add our extra blur listeners this._blurListener = this.connect(this.fileInput, this.triggerEvent, "_onBlur"); this._focusListener = this.connect(this.fileInput, "onfocus", "_onFocus"); this.inherited(arguments); }, _onFocus: function(){ // summary: clear the upload timer if(this._blurTimer){ clearTimeout(this._blurTimer); } }, _onBlur: function(){ // summary: start the upload timer if(this._blurTimer){ clearTimeout(this._blurTimer); } if(!this._sent){ this._blurTimer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this,"_sendFile"),this.blurDelay); } }, setMessage: function(/*String*/title){ // summary: set the text of the progressbar // innerHTML throws errors in IE! so use DOM manipulation instead //this.overlay.innerHTML = title; this.overlay.removeChild(this.overlay.firstChild); this.overlay.appendChild(document.createTextNode(title)); }, _sendFile: function(/* Event */e){ // summary: triggers the chain of events needed to upload a file in the background. if(this._sent || this._sending || !this.fileInput.value){ return; } this._sending = true;,"display","none");,{ opacity:0, display:"block" }); this.setMessage(this.uploadMessage); dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.overlay, duration:this.duration }).play(); var _newForm; if(dojo.isIE){ // just to reiterate, IE is a steaming pile of code. _newForm = document.createElement('