dojo.provide("dojox.fx.flip"); dojo.experimental("dojox.fx.flip"); dojo.require("dojo.fx"); (function(){ // because ShrinkSafe will eat this up: var borderConst = "border", widthConst = "Width", heightConst = "Height", topConst = "Top", rightConst = "Right", leftConst = "Left", bottomConst = "Bottom" ; dojox.fx.flip = function(/*Object*/ args){ // summary: Animate a node flipping following a specific direction // // description: // Returns an animation that will flip the // node around a central axis: // if args.dir is "left" or "right" --> y axis // if args.dir is "top" or "bottom" --> x axis // // This effect is obtained using a border distorsion applied to a helper node. // // The user can specify three background colors for the helper node: // darkColor: the darkest color reached during the animation // lightColor: the brightest color // endColor: the final backgroundColor for the node // // depth: Float // 0 <= depth <= 1 overrides the computed "depth" // (0: min distorsion, 1: max distorsion) // // whichAnim: String // "first" : the first half animation // "last" : the second one // "both" (default) : both // // axis: String // "center" (default) : the node is flipped around his center // "shortside" : the node is flipped around his "short" (in perspective) side // "longside" : the node is flipped around his "long" (in perspective) side // "cube" : the node flips around the central axis of the cube // // shift: Integer // node translation, perpendicular to the rotation axis // // example: // | var anim = dojox.fx.flip({ // | node: dojo.byId("nodeId"), // | dir: "top", // | darkColor: "#555555", // | lightColor: "#dddddd", // | endColor: "#666666", // | depth: .5, // | shift: 50, // | duration:300 // | }); var helperNode = dojo.create("div"), node = args.node = dojo.byId(args.node), s =, dims = null, hs = null, pn = null, lightColor = args.lightColor || "#dddddd", darkColor = args.darkColor || "#555555", bgColor =, "backgroundColor"), endColor = args.endColor || bgColor, staticProps = {}, anims = [], duration = args.duration ? args.duration / 2 : 250, dir = args.dir || "left", pConst = .9, transparentColor = "transparent", whichAnim = args.whichAnim, axis = args.axis || "center", depth = args.depth ; // IE6 workaround: IE6 doesn't support transparent borders var convertColor = function(color){ return ((new dojo.Color(color)).toHex() === "#000000") ? "#000001" : color; }; if(dojo.isIE < 7){ endColor = convertColor(endColor); lightColor = convertColor(lightColor); darkColor = convertColor(darkColor); bgColor = convertColor(bgColor); transparentColor = "black"; = "chroma(color='#000000')"; } var init = (function(n){ return function(){ var ret = dojo.coords(n, true); dims = { top: ret.y, left: ret.x, width: ret.w, height: ret.h }; } })(node); init(); // helperNode initialization hs = { position: "absolute", top: dims["top"] + "px", left: dims["left"] + "px", height: "0", width: "0", zIndex: args.zIndex || (s.zIndex || 0), border: "0 solid " + transparentColor, fontSize: "0", visibility: "hidden" }; var props = [ {}, { top: dims["top"], left: dims["left"] } ]; var dynProperties = { left: [leftConst, rightConst, topConst, bottomConst, widthConst, heightConst, "end" + heightConst + "Min", leftConst, "end" + heightConst + "Max"], right: [rightConst, leftConst, topConst, bottomConst, widthConst, heightConst, "end" + heightConst + "Min", leftConst, "end" + heightConst + "Max"], top: [topConst, bottomConst, leftConst, rightConst, heightConst, widthConst, "end" + widthConst + "Min", topConst, "end" + widthConst + "Max"], bottom: [bottomConst, topConst, leftConst, rightConst, heightConst, widthConst, "end" + widthConst + "Min", topConst, "end" + widthConst + "Max"] }; // property names pn = dynProperties[dir]; // .4 <= pConst <= .9 if(typeof depth != "undefined"){ depth = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, depth)) / 2; pConst = .4 + (.5 - depth); }else{ pConst = Math.min(.9, Math.max(.4, dims[pn[5].toLowerCase()] / dims[pn[4].toLowerCase()])); } var p0 = props[0]; for(var i = 4; i < 6; i++){ if(axis == "center" || axis == "cube"){ // find a better name for "cube" dims["end" + pn[i] + "Min"] = dims[pn[i].toLowerCase()] * pConst; dims["end" + pn[i] + "Max"] = dims[pn[i].toLowerCase()] / pConst; }else if(axis == "shortside"){ dims["end" + pn[i] + "Min"] = dims[pn[i].toLowerCase()]; dims["end" + pn[i] + "Max"] = dims[pn[i].toLowerCase()] / pConst; }else if(axis == "longside"){ dims["end" + pn[i] + "Min"] = dims[pn[i].toLowerCase()] * pConst; dims["end" + pn[i] + "Max"] = dims[pn[i].toLowerCase()]; } } if(axis == "center"){ p0[pn[2].toLowerCase()] = dims[pn[2].toLowerCase()] - (dims[pn[8]] - dims[pn[6]]) / 4; }else if(axis == "shortside"){ p0[pn[2].toLowerCase()] = dims[pn[2].toLowerCase()] - (dims[pn[8]] - dims[pn[6]]) / 2; } staticProps[pn[5].toLowerCase()] = dims[pn[5].toLowerCase()] + "px"; staticProps[pn[4].toLowerCase()] = "0"; staticProps[borderConst + pn[1] + widthConst] = dims[pn[4].toLowerCase()] + "px"; staticProps[borderConst + pn[1] + "Color"] = bgColor; p0[borderConst + pn[1] + widthConst] = 0; p0[borderConst + pn[1] + "Color"] = darkColor; p0[borderConst + pn[2] + widthConst] = p0[borderConst + pn[3] + widthConst] = axis != "cube" ? (dims["end" + pn[5] + "Max"] - dims["end" + pn[5] + "Min"]) / 2 : dims[pn[6]] / 2 ; p0[pn[7].toLowerCase()] = dims[pn[7].toLowerCase()] + dims[pn[4].toLowerCase()] / 2 + (args.shift || 0); p0[pn[5].toLowerCase()] = dims[pn[6]]; var p1 = props[1]; p1[borderConst + pn[0] + "Color"] = { start: lightColor, end: endColor }; p1[borderConst + pn[0] + widthConst] = dims[pn[4].toLowerCase()]; p1[borderConst + pn[2] + widthConst] = 0; p1[borderConst + pn[3] + widthConst] = 0; p1[pn[5].toLowerCase()] = { start: dims[pn[6]], end: dims[pn[5].toLowerCase()] }; dojo.mixin(hs, staticProps);, hs); dojo.body().appendChild(helperNode); var finalize = function(){ // helperNode.parentNode.removeChild(helperNode); dojo.destroy(helperNode); // fixes a flicker when the animation ends s.backgroundColor = endColor; s.visibility = "visible"; }; if(whichAnim == "last"){ for(i in p0){ p0[i] = { start: p0[i] }; } p0[borderConst + pn[1] + "Color"] = { start: darkColor, end: endColor }; p1 = p0; } if(!whichAnim || whichAnim == "first"){ anims.push(dojo.animateProperty({ node: helperNode, duration: duration, properties: p0 })); } if(!whichAnim || whichAnim == "last"){ anims.push(dojo.animateProperty({ node: helperNode, duration: duration, properties: p1, onEnd: finalize })); } // hide the original node dojo.connect(anims[0], "play", function(){ = "visible"; s.visibility = "hidden"; }); return dojo.fx.chain(anims); // dojo._Animation } dojox.fx.flipCube = function(/*Object*/ args){ // summary: An extension to `dojox.fx.flip` providing a more 3d-like rotation // // description: // An extension to `dojox.fx.flip` providing a more 3d-like rotation. // Behaves the same as `dojox.fx.flip`, using the same attributes and // other standard `dojo._Animation` properties. // // example: // See `dojox.fx.flip` var anims = [], mb = dojo.marginBox(args.node), shiftX = mb.w / 2, shiftY = mb.h / 2, dims = { top: { pName: "height", args:[ { whichAnim: "first", dir: "top", shift: -shiftY }, { whichAnim: "last", dir: "bottom", shift: shiftY } ] }, right: { pName: "width", args:[ { whichAnim: "first", dir: "right", shift: shiftX }, { whichAnim: "last", dir: "left", shift: -shiftX } ] }, bottom: { pName: "height", args:[ { whichAnim: "first", dir: "bottom", shift: shiftY }, { whichAnim: "last", dir: "top", shift: -shiftY } ] }, left: { pName: "width", args:[ { whichAnim: "first", dir: "left", shift: -shiftX }, { whichAnim: "last", dir: "right", shift: shiftX } ] } } ; var d = dims[args.dir || "left"], p = d.args ; args.duration = args.duration ? args.duration * 2 : 500; args.depth = .8; args.axis = "cube"; for(var i = p.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ dojo.mixin(args, p[i]); anims.push(dojox.fx.flip(args)); } return dojo.fx.combine(anims); }; dojox.fx.flipPage = function(/*Object*/ args){ // summary: An extension to `dojox.fx.flip` providing a page flip like animation. // // description: // An extension to `dojox.fx.flip` providing a page flip effect. // Behaves the same as `dojox.fx.flip`, using the same attributes and // other standard `dojo._Animation` properties. // // example: // See `dojox.fx.flip` var n = args.node, coords = dojo.coords(n, true), x = coords.x, y = coords.y, w = coords.w, h = coords.h, bgColor =, "backgroundColor"), lightColor = args.lightColor || "#dddddd", darkColor = args.darkColor, helperNode = dojo.create("div"), anims = [], hn = [], dir = args.dir || "right", pn = { left: ["left", "right", "x", "w"], top: ["top", "bottom", "y", "h"], right: ["left", "left", "x", "w"], bottom: ["top", "top", "y", "h"] }, shiftMultiplier = { right: [1, -1], left: [-1, 1], top: [-1, 1], bottom: [1, -1] } ;, { position: "absolute", width : w + "px", height : h + "px", top : y + "px", left : x + "px", visibility: "hidden" }); var hs = []; for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++){ var r = i % 2, d = r ? pn[dir][1] : dir, wa = r ? "last" : "first", endColor = r ? bgColor : lightColor, startColor = r ? endColor : args.startColor || ; hn[i] = dojo.clone(helperNode); var finalize = function(x){ return function(){ dojo.destroy(hn[x]); } }(i) ; dojo.body().appendChild(hn[i]); hs[i] = { backgroundColor: r ? startColor : bgColor }; hs[i][pn[dir][0]] = coords[pn[dir][2]] + shiftMultiplier[dir][0] * i * coords[pn[dir][3]] + "px";[i], hs[i]); anims.push(dojox.fx.flip({ node: hn[i], dir: d, axis: "shortside", depth: args.depth, duration: args.duration / 2, shift: shiftMultiplier[dir][i] * coords[pn[dir][3]] / 2, darkColor: darkColor, lightColor: lightColor, whichAnim: wa, endColor: endColor })); dojo.connect(anims[i], "onEnd", finalize); } return dojo.fx.chain(anims); }; dojox.fx.flipGrid = function(/*Object*/ args){ // summary: An extension to `dojox.fx.flip` providing a decomposition in rows * cols flipping elements // // description: // An extension to `dojox.fx.flip` providing a page flip effect. // Behaves the same as `dojox.fx.flip`, using the same attributes and // other standard `dojo._Animation` properties and // // cols: Integer columns // rows: Integer rows // // duration: the single flip duration // // example: // See `dojox.fx.flip` var rows = args.rows || 4, cols = args.cols || 4, anims = [], helperNode = dojo.create("div"), n = args.node, coords = dojo.coords(n, true), x = coords.x, y = coords.y, nw = coords.w, nh = coords.h, w = coords.w / cols, h = coords.h / rows, cAnims = [] ;, { position: "absolute", width: w + "px", height: h + "px", backgroundColor:, "backgroundColor") }); for(var i = 0; i < rows; i++){ var r = i % 2, d = r ? "right" : "left", signum = r ? 1 : -1 ; // cloning var cn = dojo.clone(n);, { position: "absolute", width: nw + "px", height: nh + "px", top: y + "px", left: x + "px", clip: "rect(" + i * h + "px," + nw + "px," + nh + "px,0)" }); dojo.body().appendChild(cn); anims[i] = []; for(var j = 0; j < cols; j++){ var hn = dojo.clone(helperNode), l = r ? j : cols - (j + 1) ; var adjustClip = function(xn, yCounter, xCounter){ return function(){ if(!(yCounter % 2)){, { clip: "rect(" + yCounter * h + "px," + (nw - (xCounter + 1) * w ) + "px," + ((yCounter + 1) * h) + "px,0px)" }); }else{, { clip: "rect(" + yCounter * h + "px," + nw + "px," + ((yCounter + 1) * h) + "px," + ((xCounter + 1) * w) + "px)" }); } } }(cn, i, j); dojo.body().appendChild(hn);, { left: x + l * w + "px", top: y + i * h + "px", visibility: "hidden" }); var a = dojox.fx.flipPage({ node: hn, dir: d, duration: args.duration || 900, shift: signum * w/2, depth: .2, darkColor: args.darkColor, lightColor: args.lightColor, startColor: args.startColor || }), removeHelper = function(xn){ return function(){ dojo.destroy(xn); } }(hn) ; dojo.connect(a, "play", this, adjustClip); dojo.connect(a, "play", this, removeHelper); anims[i].push(a); } cAnims.push(dojo.fx.chain(anims[i])); } dojo.connect(cAnims[0], "play", function(){, {visibility: "hidden"}); }); return dojo.fx.combine(cAnims); }; })();