dojo.provide("dojox.gfx3d.gradient"); dojo.require("dojox.gfx3d.vector"); dojo.require("dojox.gfx3d.matrix"); (function(){ var dist = function(a, b){ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b.x - a.x, 2) + Math.pow(b.y - a.y, 2)); }; var N = 32; dojox.gfx3d.gradient = function(model, material, center, radius, from, to, matrix){ // summary: calculate a cylindrical gradient // model: color model // material: Object: defines visual properties // center: Object: center of the cylinder's bottom // radius: Number: radius of the cylinder // from: Number: from position in radians // to: Number: from position in radians // matrix: dojox.gfx3d.Matrix3D: the cumulative transformation matrix // tolerance: Number: tolerable diffirence in colors between gradient steps var m = dojox.gfx3d.matrix, v = dojox.gfx3d.vector, mx = m.normalize(matrix), f = m.multiplyPoint(mx, radius * Math.cos(from) + center.x, radius * Math.sin(from) + center.y, center.z), t = m.multiplyPoint(mx, radius * Math.cos(to) + center.x, radius * Math.sin(to) + center.y, center.z), c = m.multiplyPoint(mx, center.x, center.y, center.z), step = (to - from) / N, r = dist(f, t) / 2, mod = model[material.type], fin = material.finish, pmt = material.color, colors = [{offset: 0, color:, v.substract(f, c), fin, pmt)}]; for(var a = from + step; a < to; a += step){ var p = m.multiplyPoint(mx, radius * Math.cos(a) + center.x, radius * Math.sin(a) + center.y, center.z), df = dist(f, p), dt = dist(t, p); colors.push({offset: df / (df + dt), color:, v.substract(p, c), fin, pmt)}); } colors.push({offset: 1, color:, v.substract(t, c), fin, pmt)}); return {type: "linear", x1: 0, y1: -r, x2: 0, y2: r, colors: colors}; }; })();