dojo.provide("dojox.grid._ViewManager"); dojo.declare('dojox.grid._ViewManager', null, { // summary: // A collection of grid views. Owned by grid and used internally for managing grid views. // description: // Grid creates views automatically based on grid's layout structure. // Users should typically not need to access individual views or the views collection directly. constructor: function(inGrid){ this.grid = inGrid; }, defaultWidth: 200, views: [], // operations resize: function(){ this.onEach("resize"); }, render: function(){ this.onEach("render"); }, // views addView: function(inView){ inView.idx = this.views.length; this.views.push(inView); }, destroyViews: function(){ for(var i=0, v; v=this.views[i]; i++){ v.destroy(); } this.views = []; }, getContentNodes: function(){ var nodes = []; for(var i=0, v; v=this.views[i]; i++){ nodes.push(v.contentNode); } return nodes; }, forEach: function(inCallback){ for(var i=0, v; v=this.views[i]; i++){ inCallback(v, i); } }, onEach: function(inMethod, inArgs){ inArgs = inArgs || []; for(var i=0, v; v=this.views[i]; i++){ if(inMethod in v){ v[inMethod].apply(v, inArgs); } } }, // layout normalizeHeaderNodeHeight: function(){ var rowNodes = []; for(var i=0, v; (v=this.views[i]); i++){ if(v.headerContentNode.firstChild){ rowNodes.push(v.headerContentNode); } } this.normalizeRowNodeHeights(rowNodes); }, normalizeRowNodeHeights: function(inRowNodes){ var h = 0; for(var i=0, n, o; (n=inRowNodes[i]); i++){ h = Math.max(h, dojo.marginBox(n.firstChild).h); } h = (h >= 0 ? h : 0); // // for(var i=0, n; (n=inRowNodes[i]); i++){ dojo.marginBox(n.firstChild, {h:h}); } // //console.log('normalizeRowNodeHeights ', h); // // querying the height here seems to help scroller measure the page on IE if(inRowNodes&&inRowNodes[0]&&inRowNodes[0].parentNode){ inRowNodes[0].parentNode.offsetHeight; } }, resetHeaderNodeHeight: function(){ for(var i=0, v, n; (v=this.views[i]); i++){ n = v.headerContentNode.firstChild; if(n){ = ""; } } }, renormalizeRow: function(inRowIndex){ var rowNodes = []; for(var i=0, v, n; (v=this.views[i])&&(n=v.getRowNode(inRowIndex)); i++){ = ''; rowNodes.push(n); } this.normalizeRowNodeHeights(rowNodes); }, getViewWidth: function(inIndex){ return this.views[inIndex].getWidth() || this.defaultWidth; }, // must be called after view widths are properly set or height can be miscalculated // if there are flex columns measureHeader: function(){ // need to reset view header heights so they are properly measured. this.resetHeaderNodeHeight(); this.forEach(function(inView){ = ''; }); var h = 0; // calculate maximum view header height this.forEach(function(inView){ h = Math.max(inView.headerNode.offsetHeight, h); }); return h; }, measureContent: function(){ var h = 0; this.forEach(function(inView){ h = Math.max(inView.domNode.offsetHeight, h); }); return h; }, findClient: function(inAutoWidth){ // try to use user defined client var c = this.grid.elasticView || -1; // attempt to find implicit client if(c < 0){ for(var i=1, v; (v=this.views[i]); i++){ if(v.viewWidth){ for(i=1; (v=this.views[i]); i++){ if(!v.viewWidth){ c = i; break; } } break; } } } // client is in the middle by default if(c < 0){ c = Math.floor(this.views.length / 2); } return c; }, arrange: function(l, w){ var i, v, vw, len = this.views.length; // find the client var c = (w <= 0 ? len : this.findClient()); // layout views var setPosition = function(v, l){ var ds =; var hs =; if(!dojo._isBodyLtr()){ ds.right = l + 'px'; hs.right = l + 'px'; }else{ ds.left = l + 'px'; hs.left = l + 'px'; } = 0 + 'px'; = 0; } // for views left of the client //BiDi TODO: The left and right should not appear in BIDI environment. Should be replaced with //leading and tailing concept. for(i=0; (v=this.views[i])&&(i