dojo.provide("dojox.image.MagnifierLite"); dojo.experimental("dojox.image.MagnifierLite"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.declare("dojox.image.MagnifierLite", dijit._Widget, { // summary: Adds magnification on a portion of an image element // // description: An unobtrusive way to add an unstyled overlay // above the srcNode image element. The overlay/glass is a // scaled version of the src image (so larger images sized down // are clearer). // // The logic behind requiring the src image to be large is // "it's going to be downloaded, anyway" so this method avoids // having to make thumbnails and 2 http requests among other things. // // glassSize: Int // the width and height of the bounding box glassSize: 125, // scale: Decimal // the multiplier of the Mangification. scale: 6, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); // images are hard to make into workable templates, so just add outer overlay // and skip using dijit._Templated this._adjustScale(); this._createGlass(); this.connect(this.domNode,"onmouseenter","_showGlass"); this.connect(this.glassNode,"onmousemove","_placeGlass"); this.connect(this.img,"onmouseout","_hideGlass"); // when position of domNode changes, _adjustScale needs to run. // window.resize isn't it always, FIXME: this.connect(window,"onresize","_adjustScale"); }, _createGlass: function(){ // summary: make img and glassNode elements as children of the body var node = this.glassNode = dojo.doc.createElement('div'); this.surfaceNode = node.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement('div')); dojo.addClass(node,"glassNode"); dojo.body().appendChild(node);,{ height: this.glassSize + "px", width: this.glassSize + "px" }); this.img = dojo.clone(this.domNode); node.appendChild(this.img); // float the image around inside the .glassNode, { position: "relative", top: 0, left: 0, width: this._zoomSize.w + "px", height: this._zoomSize.h + "px" }); }, _adjustScale: function(){ // summary: update the calculations should this.scale change this.offset = dojo.coords(this.domNode, true); this._imageSize = { w: this.offset.w, h:this.offset.h }; this._zoomSize = { w: this._imageSize.w * this.scale, h: this._imageSize.h * this.scale }; }, _showGlass: function(e){ // summary: show the overlay this._placeGlass(e);, { visibility: "visible", display:"" }); }, _hideGlass: function(e){ // summary: hide the overlay, { visibility: "hidden", display:"none" }); }, _placeGlass: function(e){ // summary: position the overlay centered under the cursor this._setImage(e); var sub = Math.floor(this.glassSize / 2);,{ top: Math.floor(e.pageY - sub) + "px", left:Math.floor(e.pageX - sub) + "px" }); }, _setImage: function(e){ // summary: set the image's offset in the clipping window relative to the mouse position var xOff = (e.pageX - this.offset.l) / this.offset.w; var yOff = (e.pageY - this.offset.t) / this.offset.h; var x = (this._zoomSize.w * xOff * -1) + (this.glassSize * xOff); var y = (this._zoomSize.h * yOff * -1) + (this.glassSize * yOff);, { top: y + "px", left: x + "px" }); }, destroy: function(finalize){ dojo.destroy(this.glassNode); this.inherited(arguments); } });