dojo.provide("demos.i18n.model"); dojo.declare( "i18nTreeModel", null, { // summary: // Implements dijit.Tree.model connecting to I18N data // stub to call geoname RPC server geoname: null, // array of info about each country countries: null, constructor: function(args){ this.lang = args.lang || "en"; // This allows calls to geonames server this.geonames = new dojox.rpc.Service(dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.rpc.SMDLibrary", "geonames.smd")); }, destroy: function(){ }, // ======================================================================= // Methods for traversing hierarchy getRoot: function(onItem, onError){ onItem({type: "root", root: true, name: "Continents"}); }, mayHaveChildren: function(/**/ item){ // summary: // Tells if an item has or may have children. return item.root || item.type == "continent" || item.type == "country"; }, getChildren: function(/**/ item, /*function(items)*/ onComplete, /*function*/ onError){ // summary: // Calls onComplete() with array of child items of given parent item, all loaded. switch(item.root ? "top" : item.type){ case "top": var d = dojo.xhrGet({url: "continents.json", handleAs: "json-comment-optional"}); d.addCallback(onComplete); break; case "continent": // Unfortunately we can't query countries filtering by continent, so the first time // we hit this code we just query all the countries and store them away var callback = function(countries){ var matches = dojo.filter(countries, function(c){ c.type = "country"; return c.continent == item.iso; }); onComplete( matches ); }; if(!this.countries){ // Load country database over RPC to Geonames server var def = this.geonames.getCountryInfo({lang: this.lang}); def.addCallback(this, function(result){ this.countries = result.geonames; callback(this.countries); }); }else{ callback(this.countries); } break; case "country": // First time we are asked for the children of a country, need to load // the mapping from language code --> language name in the current page's locale if(!this.d2){ this.d2 = dojo.xhrGet({url: "languages.json", handleAs: "json-comment-optional"}); this.d2.addCallback(this, function(data){ // first item on deferred chain filters languages.json data down to // language names in current page's locale return dojo.filter(data, function(l){ return l.iso == this.lang; })[0] || {}; }); } // Once we have mapping from language ISO code to language name, use it this.d2.addCallback(function(mapping){ // summary: // Converts a comma separated list of locales into // an array of locale objects, and passes that array to onComplete // split localeList into array, ignoring final blank entry due to trailing comma var ary = dojo.filter(item.languages.split(","), function(loc){ return loc; }); // map array into locale objects var locales =, function(loc){ loc = loc.toLowerCase(); // get language object for the page language var langISO = loc.replace(/-.*/, ""); // get localized name of language var name = mapping[langISO] || ""; return { type: "locale", iso: loc, lang: langISO, name: name + " \u202b(" + loc + ")\u202c" }; }); onComplete(locales); return mapping; // Deferreds need to return their original arg for the next guy in chain (in the future) }); break; } }, // ======================================================================= // Inspecting items getIdentity: function(/* item */ item){ // Prefer item.key over item.countryCode to differentiate between countries and continents // w/same iso code (like AN). return item.root ? "world" : (item.key || item.iso || item.countryCode); }, getLabel: function(/**/ item){ // summary: get the label for an item return || item.countryName; }, // ======================================================================= // Write interface (unimplemented) newItem: function(/* Object? */ args, /*Item*/ parent){ }, pasteItem: function(/*Item*/ childItem, /*Item*/ oldParentItem, /*Item*/ newParentItem, /*Boolean*/ bCopy){ }, // ======================================================================= // Callbacks (unimplemented) onChange: function(/**/ item){ }, onChildrenChange: function(/**/ parent, /*[]*/ newChildrenList){ }, onDelete: function(/**/ parent, /*[]*/ newChildrenList){ } });