dojo.provide(""); dojo.experimental(""); dojo.require(""); //TODO: move dependency to another module? dojo.require(""); dojo.requireLocalization("dojo.cldr", "islamic"); dojo.declare("", null, { // summary: The component defines the Islamic (Hijri) Calendar Object // // description: // This module is similar to the Date() object provided by JavaScript // // example: // | dojo.require(""); // | // | var date = new; // | document.writeln(date.getFullYear()+'\'+date.getMonth()+'\'+date.getDate()); _date: 0, _month: 0, _year: 0, _hours: 0, _minutes: 0, _seconds: 0, _milliseconds: 0, _day: 0, _GREGORIAN_EPOCH : 1721425.5, _ISLAMIC_EPOCH : 1948439.5, constructor: function(){ // summary: This is the constructor // description: // This fucntion initialize the date object values // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | var date2 = new"12\2\1429"); // | // | var date3 = new; // | // | var date4 = new,2,12); var arg_no = arguments.length; if(arg_no == 0){ // use the current date value var d = new Date(); this._day = d.getDay(); this.fromGregorian(d); }else if(arg_no ==1){ //date string or Islamic date object passed this.parse(arguments[0]); }else if(arg_no >=3){ // YYYY MM DD arguments passed this._year = arguments[0]; this._month = arguments[1]; this._date = arguments[2]; this._hours = arguments[3] || 0; this._minutes = arguments[4] || 0; this._seconds = arguments[5] || 0; this._milliseconds = arguments[6] || 0; } }, getDate:function(){ // summary: This function returns the date value (1 - 30) // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | document.writeln(date1.getDate); return parseInt(this._date); }, getMonth:function(){ // summary: This function return the month value ( 0 - 11 ) // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | document.writeln(date1.getMonth()+1); return parseInt(this._month); }, getFullYear:function(){ // summary: This function return the Year value // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | document.writeln(date1.getFullYear()); return parseInt(this._year); }, getDay:function(){ // summary: This function return Week Day value ( 0 - 6 ) // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | // | document.writeln(date1.getDay()); var gd = this.toGregorian(); return gd.getDay(); }, getHours:function(){ //summary: returns the Hour value return this._hours; }, getMinutes:function(){ //summary: returns the Minuites value return this._minutes; }, getSeconds:function(){ //summary: returns the seconde value return this._seconds; }, getMilliseconds:function(){ //summary: returns the Milliseconds value return this._milliseconds; }, setDate: function(/*number*/date){ // summary: This function sets the Date // example: // | var date1 = new; // | date1.setDate(2); date = parseInt(date); if(date > 0 && date <= this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month, this._year)){ this._date = date; }else{ var mdays; if(date>0){ for(mdays = this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month, this._year); date > mdays; date -= mdays,mdays =this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month, this._year)){ this._month++; if(this._month >= 12){this._year++; this._month -= 12;} } this._date = date; }else{ for(mdays = this.getDaysInIslamicMonth((this._month-1)>=0 ?(this._month-1) :11 ,((this._month-1)>=0)? this._year: this._year-1); date <= 0; mdays = this.getDaysInIslamicMonth((this._month-1)>=0 ? (this._month-1) :11,((this._month-1)>=0)? this._year: this._year-1)){ this._month--; if(this._month < 0){this._year--; this._month += 12;} date+=mdays; } this._date = date; } } return this; }, setYear:function(/*number*/year){ // summary: This function set Year // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | date1.setYear(1429); this._year = parseInt(year); }, setMonth:function(/*number*/month){ // summary: This function set Month // // example: // | var date1 = new; // | date1.setMonth(2); this._year += Math.floor(month / 12); this._month = Math.floor(month % 12); }, setHours:function(){ //summary: set the Hours var hours_arg_no = arguments.length; var hours = 0; if(hours_arg_no >= 1){ hours = parseInt(arguments[0]); } if(hours_arg_no >= 2){ this._minutes = parseInt(arguments[1]); } if(hours_arg_no >= 3){ this._seconds = parseInt(arguments[2]); } if(hours_arg_no == 4){ this._milliseconds = parseInt(arguments[3]); } while(hours >= 24){ this._date++; var mdays = this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month, this._year); if(this._date > mdays){ this._month ++; if(this._month >= 12){this._year++; this._month -= 12;} this._date -= mdays; } hours -= 24; } this._hours = hours; }, setMinutes:function(/*number*/minutes){ //summary: set the Minutes while(minutes >= 60){ this._hours++; if(this._hours >= 24){ this._date++; this._hours -= 24; var mdays = this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month, this._year); if(this._date > mdays){ this._month ++; if(this._month >= 12){this._year++; this._month -= 12;} this._date -= mdays; } } minutes -= 60; } this._minutes = minutes; }, setSeconds:function(/*number*/seconds){ //summary: set Seconds while(seconds >= 60){ this._minutes++; if(this._minutes >= 60){ this._hours++; this._minutes -= 60; if(this._hours >= 24){ this._date++; this._hours -= 24; var mdays = this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month, this._year); if(this._date > mdays){ this._month ++; if(this._month >= 12){this._year++; this._month -= 12;} this._date -= mdays; } } } seconds -= 60; } this._seconds = seconds; }, setMilliseconds:function(/*number*/milliseconds){ //summary: set the Millisconds while(milliseconds >= 1000){ this.setSeconds++; if(this.setSeconds >= 60){ this._minutes++; this.setSeconds -= 60; if(this._minutes >= 60){ this._hours++; this._minutes -= 60; if(this._hours >= 24){ this._date++; this._hours -= 24; var mdays = this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month, this._year); if(this._date > mdays){ this._month ++; if(this._month >= 12){this._year++; this._month -= 12;} this._date -= mdays; } } } } milliseconds -= 1000; } this._milliseconds = milliseconds; }, toString:function(){ // summary: This returns a string representation of the date in "DDDD MMMM DD YYYY HH:MM:SS" format // example: // | var date1 = new; // | document.writeln(date1.toString()); //FIXME: TZ/DST issues? var x = new Date(); x.setHours(this._hours); x.setMinutes(this._minutes); x.setSeconds(this._seconds); x.setMilliseconds(this._milliseconds); var timeString = x.toTimeString(); //TODO : needs to be internationalized using or use separate module return([this.getDay()] +" "[this._month]+" "+ this._date + " " + this._year+" "+timeString); }, toGregorian:function(){ // summary: This returns the equevalent Grogorian date value in Date object // example: // | var dateIslamic = new,11,20); // | var dateGregorian = dateIslamic.toGregorian(); var hYear = this._year; var hMonth = this._month; var hDate = this._date; var julianDay = hDate + Math.ceil(29.5 * hMonth) + (hYear - 1) * 354 + Math.floor((3 + (11 * hYear)) / 30) + this._ISLAMIC_EPOCH - 1; var wjd = Math.floor(julianDay - 0.5) + 0.5, depoch = wjd - this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH, quadricent = Math.floor(depoch / 146097), dqc = this._mod(depoch, 146097), cent = Math.floor(dqc / 36524), dcent = this._mod(dqc, 36524), quad = Math.floor(dcent / 1461), dquad = this._mod(dcent, 1461), yindex = Math.floor(dquad / 365), year = (quadricent * 400) + (cent * 100) + (quad * 4) + yindex; if(!(cent == 4 || yindex == 4)){ year++; } var gYearStart = this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH + (365 * (year - 1)) + Math.floor((year - 1) / 4) - ( Math.floor((year - 1) / 100)) + Math.floor((year - 1) / 400); var yearday = wjd - gYearStart; var tjd = (this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH - 1) + (365 * (year - 1)) + Math.floor((year - 1) / 4) -( Math.floor((year - 1) / 100)) + Math.floor((year - 1) / 400) + Math.floor( (739 / 12) + ( ( Date(year,3,1)) ? -1 : -2)) + 1); var leapadj = ((wjd < tjd ) ? 0 : ( Date(year,3,1)) ? 1 : 2)); var month = Math.floor((((yearday + leapadj) * 12) + 373) / 367); var tjd2 = (this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH - 1) + (365 * (year - 1)) + Math.floor((year - 1) / 4) - (Math.floor((year - 1) / 100)) + Math.floor((year - 1) / 400) + Math.floor((((367 * month) - 362) / 12) + ((month <= 2) ? 0 : ( Date(year,month,1)) ? -1 : -2)) + 1); var day = (wjd - tjd2); var gdate = new Date(year, month-1, day); gdate.setHours(this._hours); gdate.setMilliseconds(this._milliseconds); gdate.setMinutes(this._minutes); gdate.setSeconds(this._seconds); return gdate; }, //TODO: would it make more sense to make this a constructor option? or a static? // ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at fromGregorian:function(/*Date*/gdate){ // summary: This function returns the equivalent Islamic Date value for the Gregorian Date // example: // | var dateIslamic = new; // | var dateGregorian = new Date(2008,10,12); // | dateIslamic.fromGregorian(dateGregorian); var date = new Date(gdate); var gYear = date.getFullYear(), gMonth = date.getMonth(), gDay = date.getDate(); var julianDay = (this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH - 1) + (365 * (gYear - 1)) + Math.floor((gYear - 1) / 4) + (-Math.floor((gYear - 1) / 100)) + Math.floor((gYear - 1) / 400) + Math.floor((((367 * (gMonth+1)) - 362) / 12) + (((gMonth+1) <= 2) ? 0 : ( ? -1 : -2)) + gDay) +(Math.floor(date.getSeconds() + 60 * (date.getMinutes() + 60 * date.getHours()) + 0.5) / 86400.0); julianDay = Math.floor(julianDay) + 0.5; var days = julianDay - 1948440; var hYear = Math.floor( (30 * days + 10646) / 10631.0 ); var hMonth = Math.ceil((days - 29 - this._yearStart(hYear)) / 29.5 ); hMonth = Math.min(hMonth, 11); var hDay = Math.ceil(days - this._monthStart(hYear, hMonth)) + 1; this._date = hDay; this._month = hMonth; this._year = hYear; this._hours = date.getHours(); this._minutes = date.getMinutes(); this._seconds = date.getSeconds(); this._milliseconds = date.getMilliseconds(); this._day = date.getDay(); return this; }, //TODO i18n: factor out and use CLDR patterns? parse:function(/*String*/dateObject){ // summary: This function parse the date string // // example: // | var dateIslamic = new; // | dateIslamic.parse("Safar 2 1429"); var sDate = dateObject.toString(); var template = /\d{1,2}\D\d{1,2}\D\d{4}/; var sD, jd, mD = sDate.match(template); if(mD){ mD = mD.toString(); sD = mD.split(/\D/); this._month = sD[0]-1; this._date = sD[1]; this._year = sD[2]; }else{ mD = sDate.match(/\D{4,}\s\d{1,2}\s\d{4}/); if(mD){ mD = mD.toString(); var dayYear = mD.match(/\d{1,2}\s\d{4}/); dayYear = dayYear.toString(); var mName = mD.replace(/\s\d{1,2}\s\d{4}/,''); mName = mName.toString(); this._month = dojo.indexOf(this._months, mName); //FIXME: check for -1? sD = dayYear.split(/\s/); this._date = sD[0]; this._year = sD[1]; } } var sTime = sDate.match(/\d{2}:/); if(sTime != null){ sTime = sTime.toString(); var tArr = sTime.split(':'); this._hours = tArr[0]; sTime = sDate.match(/\d{2}:\d{2}/); if(sTime){ sTime = sTime.toString(); tArr = sTime.split(':'); } this._minutes = tArr[1] != null ? tArr[1] : 0; sTime = sDate.match(/\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/); if(sTime){ sTime = sTime.toString(); tArr = sTime.split(':'); } this._seconds = tArr[2] != null ? tArr[2]:0; }else{ this._hours = 0; this._minutes = 0; this._seconds = 0; } this._milliseconds = 0; }, valueOf:function(){ // summary: This function returns The stored time value in milliseconds // since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC // var gdate = this.toGregorian(); return gdate.valueOf(); }, // ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at _yearStart:function(/*Number*/year){ //summary: return start of Islamic year return (year-1)*354 + Math.floor((3+11*year)/30.0); }, // ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at _monthStart:function(/*Number*/year, /*Number*/month){ //summary: return the start of Islamic Month return Math.ceil(29.5*month) + (year-1)*354 + Math.floor((3+11*year)/30.0); }, // ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at _civilLeapYear:function(/*Number*/year){ //summary: return Boolean value if Islamic leap year return (14 + 11 * year) % 30 < 11; }, // ported from the Java class from ICU4J v3.6.1 at getDaysInIslamicMonth:function(/*Number*/month, /*Number*/ year){ //summary: returns the number of days in the given Islamic Month var length = 0; length = 29 + ((month+1) % 2); if(month == 11 && this._civilLeapYear(year)){ length++; } return length; }, _mod:function(a, b){ return a - (b * Math.floor(a / b)); } }); //TODOC = function(/**/month){ return new,month.getFullYear()); // }; = function(/*String*/item, /*String*/type, /*String?*/use, /*String?*/locale){ // summary: // Used to get localized strings from dojo.cldr for day or month names. // // item: // 'months' || 'days' // type: // 'wide' || 'narrow' || 'abbr' (e.g. "Monday", "Mon", or "M" respectively, in English) // use: // 'standAlone' || 'format' (default) // locale: // override locale used to find the names var label; var lookup = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojo.cldr", "islamic", locale); var props = [item, use, type]; if(use == 'standAlone'){ label = lookup[props.join('-')]; } props[1] = 'format'; // return by copy so changes won't be made accidentally to the in-memory model return (label || lookup[props.join('-')]).concat(); /*Array*/ }; ='days', 'wide', 'format'); ='months', 'wide', 'format');