dojo.provide("dojox.widget.Calendar"); dojo.experimental("dojox.widget.Calendar"); dojo.require("dijit._Calendar"); dojo.require("dijit._Container"); dojo.declare("dojox.widget._CalendarBase", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated, dijit._Container], { // summary: The Root class for all _Calendar extensions // templatePath: URL // the path to the template to be used to construct the widget. templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget","Calendar/Calendar.html"), // _views: Array // The list of mixin views available on this calendar. _views: null, // useFx: Boolean // Specifies if visual effects should be applied to the widget. // The default behavior of the widget does not contain any effects. // The dojox.widget.CalendarFx package is needed for these. useFx: true, // widgetsInTemplate: Boolean // This widget is a container of other widgets, so this is true. widgetsInTemplate: true, // value: Date // the currently selected Date value: new Date(), constraints: null, // footerFormat: String // The date format of the date displayed in the footer. Can be // 'short', 'medium', and 'long' footerFormat: "medium", constructor: function(){ // summary: constructor for the widget this._views = []; }, postMixInProperties: function(){ var c = this.constraints; if (c) { var fromISO =; if (typeof c.min == "string") { c.min = fromISO(c.min); } if (typeof c.max == "string") { c.max = fromISO(c.max); } } }, postCreate: function(){ // summary: Instantiates the mixin views this._height =, "height"); this.displayMonth = new Date(this.attr('value')); var mixin = { parent: this, _getValueAttr: dojo.hitch(this, function(){return new Date(this.displayMonth);}), _getConstraintsAttr: dojo.hitch(this, function(){return this.constraints;}), getLang: dojo.hitch(this, function(){return this.lang;}), isDisabledDate: dojo.hitch(this, this.isDisabledDate), getClassForDate: dojo.hitch(this, this.getClassForDate), addFx: this.useFx ? dojo.hitch(this, this.addFx) : function(){} }; //Add the mixed in views. dojo.forEach(this._views, function(widgetType){ var widget = new widgetType(mixin, dojo.create('div')); this.addChild(widget); var header = widget.getHeader(); if (header) { //place the views's header node in the header of the main widget this.header.appendChild(header); //hide the header node of the widget, "display", "none"); } //Hide all views, "visibility", "hidden"); //Listen for the values in a view to be selected dojo.connect(widget, "onValueSelected", this, "_onDateSelected"); widget.attr("value", this.attr('value')); }, this); if(this._views.length < 2) {, "cursor", "auto"); } this.inherited(arguments); // Cache the list of children widgets. this._children = this.getChildren(); this._currentChild = 0; //Populate the footer with today's date. var today = new Date(); this.footer.innerHTML = "Today: " +, {formatLength:this.footerFormat,selector:'date', locale:this.lang}); dojo.connect(this.footer, "onclick", this, "goToToday"); var first = this._children[0];, "top", "0px");, "visibility", "visible"); var header = first.getHeader(); if (header) {, "display", ""); } dojo[first.useHeader ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](this.container, "no-header"); first.onDisplay(); var _this = this; var typematic = function(nodeProp, dateProp, adj){ dijit.typematic.addMouseListener(_this[nodeProp], _this, function(count){ if(count >= 0){ _this._adjustDisplay(dateProp, adj);} }, 0.8, 500); }; typematic("incrementMonth", "month", 1); typematic("decrementMonth", "month", -1); this._updateTitleStyle(); }, addFx: function(query, fromNode) { // Stub function than can be overridden to add effects. }, _setValueAttr: function(/*Date*/ value){ // summary: set the current date and update the UI. If the date is disabled, the selection will // not change, but the display will change to the corresponding month. if (!value["getFullYear"]) { value = + ""); } if(!this.value ||, this.value)){ value = new Date(value); this.displayMonth = new Date(value); if(!this.isDisabledDate(value, this.lang)){ this.value = value; this.onChange(value); } this._children[this._currentChild].attr("value", this.value); return true; } return false; }, isDisabledDate: function(/*Date*/date, /*String?*/locale){ // summary: // May be overridden to disable certain dates in the calendar e.g. `` var c = this.constraints; var compare =; return c && (c.min && (compare(c.min, date, "date") > 0) || (c.max && compare(c.max, date, "date") < 0)); }, onValueSelected: function(/*Date*/date){ // summary: a date cell was selected. It may be the same as the previous value. }, _onDateSelected: function(date, formattedValue, force){ this.displayMonth = date; this.attr("value", date) //Only change the selected value if it was chosen from the //first child. if (!this._transitionVert(-1)) { if (!formattedValue && formattedValue !== 0) { formattedValue = this.attr('value'); } this.onValueSelected(formattedValue); } }, onChange: function(/*Date*/date){ // summary: called only when the selected date has changed }, onHeaderClick: function(e) { // summary: Transitions to the next view. this._transitionVert(1); }, goToToday: function(){ this.attr("value", new Date()); this.onValueSelected(this.attr('value')); }, _transitionVert: function(/*Number*/direction){ // summary: Animates the views to show one and hide another, in a // vertical direction. // If 'direction' is 1, then the views slide upwards. // If 'direction' is -1, the views slide downwards. var curWidget = this._children[this._currentChild]; var nextWidget = this._children[this._currentChild + direction]; if(!nextWidget){return false;}, "visibility", "visible"); var height =, "height"); nextWidget.attr("value", this.displayMonth); if (curWidget.header) {, "display", "none"); } if (nextWidget.header) {, "display", ""); }, "top", (height * -1) + "px");, "visibility", "visible"); this._currentChild += direction; var height1 = height * direction; var height2 = 0;, "top", (height1 * -1) + "px"); // summary: Slides two nodes vertically. var anim1 = dojo.animateProperty({ node: curWidget.domNode, properties: {top: height1}, onEnd: function(){, "visibility", "hidden"); } }); var anim2 = dojo.animateProperty({ node: nextWidget.domNode, properties: {top: height2}, onEnd: function(){ nextWidget.onDisplay(); } }); dojo[nextWidget.useHeader ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](this.container, "no-header");;; curWidget.onBeforeUnDisplay() nextWidget.onBeforeDisplay(); this._updateTitleStyle(); return true; }, _updateTitleStyle: function(){ dojo[this._currentChild < this._children.length -1 ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](this.header, "navToPanel"); }, _slideTable: function(/*String*/widget, /*Number*/direction, /*Function*/callback){ // summary: Animates the horizontal sliding of a table. var table = widget.domNode; //Clone the existing table var newTable = table.cloneNode(true); var left =, "width"); table.parentNode.appendChild(newTable); //Place the existing node either to the left or the right of the new node, //depending on which direction it is to slide., "left", (left * direction) + "px"); //Call the function that generally populates the new cloned node with new data. //It may also attach event listeners. callback(); //Animate the two nodes. var anim1 = dojo.animateProperty({node: newTable, properties:{left: left * direction * -1}, duration: 500, onEnd: function(){ newTable.parentNode.removeChild(newTable); }}); var anim2 = dojo.animateProperty({node: table, properties:{left: 0}, duration: 500});;; }, _addView: function(view) { //Insert the view at the start of the array. this._views.push(view); }, getClassForDate: function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*String?*/locale){ // summary: // May be overridden to return CSS classes to associate with the date entry for the given dateObject, // for example to indicate a holiday in specified locale. /*===== return ""; // String =====*/ }, _adjustDisplay: function(/*String*/part, /*int*/amount, noSlide){ // summary: This function overrides the base function defined in dijit._Calendar. // It changes the displayed years, months and days depending on the inputs. var child = this._children[this._currentChild]; var month = this.displayMonth = child.adjustDate(this.displayMonth, amount); this._slideTable(child, amount, function(){ child.attr("value", month); }); } }); dojo.declare("dojox.widget._CalendarView", dijit._Widget, { // summary: Base implementation for all view mixins. // All calendar views should extend this widget. headerClass: "", useHeader: true, cloneClass: function(clazz, n, before){ // summary: Clones all nodes with the class 'clazz' in a widget var template = dojo.query(clazz, this.domNode)[0]; if (!before) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { template.parentNode.appendChild(template.cloneNode(true)); } } else { var bNode = dojo.query(clazz, this.domNode)[0]; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { template.parentNode.insertBefore(template.cloneNode(true), bNode); } } }, _setText: function(node, text){ // summary: sets the text inside a node while(node.firstChild){ node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } node.appendChild(dojo.doc.createTextNode(text)); }, getHeader: function(){ // summary: Returns the header node of a view. If none exists, // an empty DIV is created and returned. return this.header || (this.header = this.header = dojo.create("span", { "class":this.headerClass })); }, onValueSelected: function(date){ //Stub function called when a date is selected }, adjustDate: function(date, amount){ // summary: Adds or subtracts values from a date. // The unit, e.g. "day", "month" or "year", is // specified in the "datePart" property of the // calendar view mixin. return, this.datePart, amount); }, onDisplay: function(){ // summary: Stub function that can be used to tell a view when it is shown. }, onBeforeDisplay: function(){ // summary: Stub function that can be used to tell a view it is about to be shown. }, onBeforeUnDisplay: function(){ // summary: Stub function that can be used to tell // a view when it is no longer shown. } }); dojo.declare("dojox.widget._CalendarDay", null, { // summary: Mixin for the dojox.widget.Calendar which provides // the standard day-view. A single month is shown at a time. parent: null, constructor: function(){ this._addView(dojox.widget._CalendarDayView); } }); dojo.declare("dojox.widget._CalendarDayView", [dojox.widget._CalendarView, dijit._Templated], { // summary: View class for the dojox.widget.Calendar. // Adds a view showing every day of a single month to the calendar. // This should not be mixed in directly with dojox.widget._CalendarBase. // Instead, use dojox.widget._CalendarDay // templatePath: URL // the path to the template to be used to construct the widget. templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget","Calendar/CalendarDay.html"), // datePart: String // Specifies how much to increment the displayed date when the user // clicks the array button to increment of decrement the view. datePart: "month", // dayWidth: String // Specifies the type of day name to display. "narrow" causes just one letter to be shown. dayWidth: "narrow", postCreate: function(){ // summary: Constructs the calendar view. this.cloneClass(".dijitCalendarDayLabelTemplate", 6); this.cloneClass(".dijitCalendarDateTemplate", 6); // now make 6 week rows this.cloneClass(".dijitCalendarWeekTemplate", 5); // insert localized day names in the header var dayNames ='days', this.dayWidth, 'standAlone', this.getLang()); var dayOffset = dojo.cldr.supplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.getLang()); // Set the text of the day labels. dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDayLabel", this.domNode).forEach(function(label, i){ this._setText(label, dayNames[(i + dayOffset) % 7]); }, this); }, onDisplay: function(){ if(!this._addedFx) { // Add visual effects to the view, if any has been specified. this._addedFx = true; this.addFx(".dijitCalendarDateTemplate div", this.domNode); } }, _onDayClick: function(e) { // summary: executed when a day value is clicked. var date = new Date(this.attr("value")); var p =; var c = "dijitCalendar"; var d = dojo.hasClass(p, c + "PreviousMonth") ? -1 : (dojo.hasClass(p, c + "NextMonth") ? 1 : 0); if (d){date =, "month", d)} date.setDate(; // If the day is disabled, ignore it if (this.isDisabledDate(date)) { dojo.stopEvent(e); return; } this.attr('value', date); this.parent._onDateSelected(date); }, _setValueAttr: function(value) { //Change the day values this._populateDays(); }, _populateDays: function() { // summary: Fills the days of the current month. var month = this.attr("value"); month.setDate(1); var firstDay = month.getDay(); var daysInMonth =; var daysInPreviousMonth =, "month", -1)); var today = new Date(); var selected = this.attr('value'); var dayOffset = dojo.cldr.supplemental.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.getLang()); if(dayOffset > firstDay){ dayOffset -= 7; } // Iterate through dates in the calendar and fill in date numbers and style info dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDateTemplate", this.domNode).forEach(function(template, i){ i += dayOffset; var date = new Date(month); var number, clazz = "dijitCalendar", adj = 0; if(i < firstDay){ number = daysInPreviousMonth - firstDay + i + 1; adj = -1; clazz += "Previous"; }else if(i >= (firstDay + daysInMonth)){ number = i - firstDay - daysInMonth + 1; adj = 1; clazz += "Next"; }else{ number = i - firstDay + 1; clazz += "Current"; } if(adj){ date =, "month", adj); } date.setDate(number); if(!, today, "date")){ clazz = "dijitCalendarCurrentDate " + clazz; } if(!, selected, "date")){ clazz = "dijitCalendarSelectedDate " + clazz; } if(this.isDisabledDate(date, this.getLang())){ clazz = " dijitCalendarDisabledDate " + clazz; } var clazz2 = this.getClassForDate(date, this.getLang()); if(clazz2){ clazz += clazz2 + " " + clazz; } template.className = clazz + "Month dijitCalendarDateTemplate"; template.dijitDateValue = date.valueOf(); var label = dojo.query(".dijitCalendarDateLabel", template)[0]; this._setText(label, date.getDate()); label._date = label.parentNode._date = date.getDate(); }, this); // Fill in localized month name var monthNames ='months', 'wide', 'standAlone', this.getLang()); this._setText(this.monthLabelNode, monthNames[month.getMonth()]); this._setText(this.yearLabelNode, month.getFullYear()); } }); dojo.declare("dojox.widget._CalendarMonthYear", null, { // summary: Mixin class for adding a view listing all 12 months of the year to the // dojox.widget._CalendarBase constructor: function(){ // summary: Adds a dojox.widget._CalendarMonthView view to the calendar widget. this._addView(dojox.widget._CalendarMonthYearView); } }); dojo.declare("dojox.widget._CalendarMonthYearView", [dojox.widget._CalendarView, dijit._Templated], { // summary: A Calendar view listing the 12 months of the year // templatePath: URL // the path to the template to be used to construct the widget. templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget","Calendar/CalendarMonthYear.html"), // datePart: String // Specifies how much to increment the displayed date when the user // clicks the array button to increment of decrement the view. datePart: "year", displayedYears: 10, useHeader: false, postCreate: function(){ // summary: Constructs the view this.cloneClass(".dojoxCal-MY-G-Template", 5, ".dojoxCal-MY-btns"); this.monthContainer = this.yearContainer = this.myContainer; var yClass = "dojoxCalendarYearLabel"; var dClass = "dojoxCalendarDecrease"; var iClass = "dojoxCalendarIncrease"; dojo.query("." + yClass, this.myContainer).forEach(function(node, idx){ var clazz = iClass; switch (idx) { case 0: clazz = dClass; case 1: dojo.removeClass(node, yClass); dojo.addClass(node, clazz); break; } }); // Get the year increment and decrement buttons. this._decBtn = dojo.query('.' + dClass, this.myContainer)[0]; this._incBtn = dojo.query('.' + iClass, this.myContainer)[0]; dojo.query(".dojoxCal-MY-M-Template", this.domNode) .filter(function(item){ return item.cellIndex == 1; }) .addClass("dojoxCal-MY-M-last"); dojo.connect(this, "onBeforeDisplay", dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this._cachedDate = new Date(this.attr("value").getTime()); this._populateYears(this._cachedDate.getFullYear()); this._populateMonths(); this._updateSelectedMonth(); this._updateSelectedYear(); })); dojo.connect(this, "_populateYears", dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this._updateSelectedYear(); })); dojo.connect(this, "_populateMonths", dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this._updateSelectedMonth(); })); this._cachedDate = this.attr("value"); this._populateYears(); this._populateMonths(); // Add visual effects to the view, if any have been mixed in this.addFx(".dojoxCalendarMonthLabel,.dojoxCalendarYearLabel ", this.myContainer); }, _setValueAttr: function(value){ this._populateYears(value.getFullYear()); }, getHeader: function(){ return null; }, _getMonthNames: function(format) { // summary: Returns localized month names this._monthNames = this._monthNames ||'months', format, 'standAlone', this.getLang()); return this._monthNames; }, _populateMonths: function() { // summary: Populate the month names using the localized values. var monthNames = this._getMonthNames('abbr'); dojo.query(".dojoxCalendarMonthLabel", this.monthContainer).forEach(dojo.hitch(this, function(node, cnt){ this._setText(node, monthNames[cnt]); })); var constraints = this.attr('constraints'); if (constraints) { var date = new Date(); date.setFullYear(this._year); var min = -1, max = 12; if (constraints.min) { var minY = constraints.min.getFullYear(); if (minY > this._year) { min = 12; } else if (minY == this._year) { min = constraints.min.getMonth(); } } if (constraints.max) { var maxY = constraints.max.getFullYear(); if (maxY < this._year) { max = -1; } else if (maxY == this._year) { max = constraints.max.getMonth(); } } dojo.query(".dojoxCalendarMonthLabel", this.monthContainer).forEach(dojo.hitch(this, function(node, cnt){ dojo[(cnt < min || cnt > max) ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](node, 'dijitCalendarDisabledDate'); })); } var h = this.getHeader(); if (h) { this._setText(this.getHeader(), this.attr("value").getFullYear()); } }, _populateYears: function(year) { // summary: Fills the list of years with a range of 12 numbers, with the current year // being the 6th number. var constraints = this.attr('constraints'); var dispYear = year || this.attr("value").getFullYear(); var firstYear = dispYear - Math.floor(this.displayedYears/2); var min = constraints && constraints.min ? constraints.min.getFullYear() : firstYear -10000; firstYear = Math.max(min, firstYear); // summary: Writes the years to display to the view this._displayedYear = dispYear; var yearLabels = dojo.query(".dojoxCalendarYearLabel", this.yearContainer); var max = constraints && constraints.max ? constraints.max.getFullYear() - firstYear : yearLabels.length; var disabledClass = 'dijitCalendarDisabledDate'; yearLabels.forEach(dojo.hitch(this, function(node, cnt){ if (cnt <= max) { this._setText(node, firstYear + cnt); dojo.removeClass(node, disabledClass); } else { dojo.addClass(node, disabledClass); } })); if (this._incBtn) { dojo[max < yearLabels.length ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](this._incBtn, disabledClass); } if (this._decBtn) { dojo[min >= firstYear ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](this._decBtn, disabledClass); } var h = this.getHeader(); if (h) { this._setText(this.getHeader(), firstYear + " - " + (firstYear + 11)); } }, _updateSelectedYear: function(){ this._year = String((this._cachedDate || this.attr("value")).getFullYear()); this._updateSelectedNode(".dojoxCalendarYearLabel", dojo.hitch(this, function(node, idx){ return this._year !== null && node.innerHTML == this._year; })); }, _updateSelectedMonth: function(){ var month = (this._cachedDate || this.attr("value")).getMonth(); this._month = month; this._updateSelectedNode(".dojoxCalendarMonthLabel", function(node, idx){ return idx == month; }); }, _updateSelectedNode: function(query, filter){ var sel = "dijitCalendarSelectedDate"; dojo.query(query, this.domNode) .forEach(function(node, idx, array) { dojo[filter(node, idx, array) ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](node.parentNode, sel); }); var selMonth = dojo.query('.dojoxCal-MY-M-Template div', this.myContainer).filter(function(node){ return dojo.hasClass(node.parentNode, sel); })[0]; if (!selMonth){return;} var disabled = dojo.hasClass(selMonth, 'dijitCalendarDisabledDate'); dojo[disabled ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](this.okBtn, "dijitDisabled"); }, onClick: function(evt) { var clazz; var _this = this; var sel = "dijitCalendarSelectedDate"; function hc(c) { return dojo.hasClass(, c); } if (hc('dijitCalendarDisabledDate')) { dojo.stopEvent(evt); return; } // summary: Handles clicks on month names if(hc("dojoxCalendarMonthLabel")){ clazz = "dojoxCal-MY-M-Template"; this._month = + ( * 2); this._cachedDate.setMonth(this._month); this._updateSelectedMonth(); } else if (hc( "dojoxCalendarYearLabel")) { clazz = "dojoxCal-MY-Y-Template"; this._year = Number(; this._cachedDate.setYear(this._year); this._populateMonths(); this._updateSelectedYear(); } else if(hc("dojoxCalendarDecrease")) { this._populateYears(this._displayedYear - 10); return } else if(hc("dojoxCalendarIncrease")) { this._populateYears(this._displayedYear + 10); return } else { return true; } dojo.stopEvent(evt); return false; }, onOk: function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); if (dojo.hasClass(this.okBtn, "dijitDisabled")) { return false; } this.onValueSelected(this._cachedDate); return false; }, onCancel: function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); this.onValueSelected(this.attr("value")); return false; } }); dojo.declare("dojox.widget.Calendar2Pane", [dojox.widget._CalendarBase, dojox.widget._CalendarDay, dojox.widget._CalendarMonthYear], { // summary: A Calendar with two panes, the second one // containing both month and year } ); dojo.declare("dojox.widget.Calendar", [dojox.widget._CalendarBase, dojox.widget._CalendarDay, dojox.widget._CalendarMonthYear], { // summary: The standard Calendar. It includes day and month/year views. // No visual effects are included. } ); dojo.declare("dojox.widget.DailyCalendar", [dojox.widget._CalendarBase, dojox.widget._CalendarDay], { // summary: A calendar with only a daily view. } ); dojo.declare("dojox.widget.MonthAndYearlyCalendar", [dojox.widget._CalendarBase, dojox.widget._CalendarMonthYear], { // summary: A calendar with only a daily view. } );