getMessage(); } ?>
Token info:
Session Token: getAuthSubToken(); ?>
// ============================================================================= try { $snippet = ' // ========================================================================= // Return the user\'s entire profile in a single atom // ========================================================================= $query = new Zend_Gdata_Health_Query(); $query->setDigest("true"); $profileFeed = $healthService->getHealthProfileFeed($query);'; $snippet2 = ' $entries = $profileFeed->getEntries(); $ccr = $entries[0]->getCcr(); $xmlStr = $ccr->saveXML($ccr); echo "

" . xmlpp($xmlStr) . "

";'; echo '
' . htmlentities($snippet . $snippet2) . '
'; eval($snippet); } catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } echo '
echo 'num entries: ' . count($profileFeed->getEntries());
echo '
'; // ============================================================================= // Return a user's medication from the entire CCR // ============================================================================= try { $snippet = ' // ========================================================================= // Return a user\'s medication for the entire CCR // ========================================================================= $profileFeed = $healthService->getHealthProfileFeed();'; $snippet2 = ' foreach ($profileFeed->entry as $entry) { $medications = $entry->getCcr()->getMedications(); foreach ($medications as $med) { $xmlStr = $med->ownerDocument->saveXML($med); echo "

" . xmlpp($xmlStr) . "

"; } }'; } catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } echo '
' . htmlentities($snippet . $snippet2) . '
'; eval($snippet); echo '
echo '
'; // ============================================================================= // Category query: return a user's medication // ============================================================================= try { $snippet = ' // ========================================================================= // Category query: return a user\'s medication // ========================================================================= $query = new Zend_Gdata_Health_Query(SCOPE . "profile/default"); $query->setCategory("medication"); $profileFeed = $healthService->getHealthProfileFeed($query);'; $snippet2 = ' foreach ($profileFeed->entry as $entry) { $medications = $entry->getCcr()->getMedications(); foreach ($medications as $med) { $xmlStr = $med->ownerDocument->saveXML($med); echo "

" . xmlpp($xmlStr) . "

"; } }'; } catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } echo '
' . htmlentities($snippet . $snippet2) . '
'; eval($snippet); echo '
echo 'query: ' . $query->getQueryUrl() . '
'; echo 'num entries: ' . count($profileFeed->getEntries()); eval($snippet2); echo '
'; // ============================================================================= // Query for a specific item within a category: allgergy A-Fil // ============================================================================= try { $snippet = ' // ========================================================================= // Query for a specific item within a category: allgergy A-Fil // ========================================================================= $query = new Zend_Gdata_Health_Query(SCOPE . "profile/default"); $query->setCategory("allergy", "A-Fil"); $query->setGrouped("true"); $profileFeed = $healthService->getHealthProfileFeed($query);'; $snippet2 = ' foreach ($profileFeed->getEntries() as $entry) { $allergies = $entry->getCcr()->getAllergies(); foreach ($allergies as $allergy) { $xmlStr = $allergy->ownerDocument->saveXML($allergy); echo "

" . xmlpp($xmlStr) . "

"; } }'; } catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } echo '
' . htmlentities($snippet . $snippet2) . '
'; eval($snippet); echo '
echo 'query: ' . $query->getQueryUrl() . '
'; echo 'num entries: ' . count($profileFeed->getEntries()); eval($snippet2); echo '
'; // ============================================================================= // Query (and return) the user\'s medications OR conditions // ============================================================================= try { $snippet = ' // ========================================================================= // Query (and return) the user\'s medications OR conditions // ========================================================================= $queryStr = SCOPE . "profile/default/-/medication%7Ccondition?digest=false"; $profileFeed = $healthService->getHealthProfileFeed($queryStr);'; $snippet2 = ' $entries = $profileFeed->getEntries(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $ccr = $entry->getCcr(); $xmlStr = $ccr->saveXML($ccr); echo "

" . xmlpp($xmlStr) . "

"; }'; echo '
' . htmlentities($snippet . $snippet2) . '
'; eval($snippet); } catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } echo '
echo 'num entries: ' . count($profileFeed->getEntries());
echo '
'; // ============================================================================= // Send a notice to the user's profile that includes a CCR payload // ============================================================================= try { $snippet = ' // ========================================================================= // Send a notice to the user\'s profile that includes a CCR payload // ========================================================================= $subject = "Title of your notice goes here"; $body = "Notice body can contain html entities"; $ccr = \' Start date 2007-04-04T07:00:00Z Aortic valve disorders 410.10 ICD9 2004 Active \'; $responseEntry = $healthService->sendHealthNotice($subject, $body, "html", $ccr);'; } catch(Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) { echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); } echo '
' . htmlentities($snippet) . '
'; eval($snippet); echo '
echo xmlpp($responseEntry->getXML());
echo '
'; // ============================================================================= // Revoke the AuthSub session token // ============================================================================= //$revoked = Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::AuthSubRevokeToken($client->getAuthSubToken(), $client) ? 'yes' : 'no'; //echo 'Token revoked: ' . @$revoked; //unset($_SESSION['sessionToken']); ?> Link your Google Health Account'; exit(); } $client = new Zend_Gdata_HttpClient(); $client->setAuthSubPrivateKeyFile(HEALTH_PRIVATE_KEY, null, true); // Convert an AuthSub one-time token into a session token if needed if ($singleUseToken && !$sessionToken) { $sessionToken = Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getAuthSubSessionToken($singleUseToken, $client); $_SESSION['sessionToken'] = $sessionToken; } $client->setAuthSubToken($sessionToken); return $client; } function getTokenInfo($client) { $sessionToken = $client->getAuthSubToken(); return Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getAuthSubTokenInfo($sessionToken, $client); } function revokeToken($client) { $sessionToken = $client->getAuthSubToken(); return Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::AuthSubRevokeToken($sessionToken, $client); } /** Prettifies an XML string into a human-readable and indented work of art * @param string $xml The XML as a string * @param boolean $html_output True if the output should be escaped (for use in HTML) */ function xmlpp($xml, $html_output=true) { $xml_obj = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $level = 4; $indent = 0; // current indentation level $pretty = array(); // get an array containing each XML element $xml = explode("\n", preg_replace('/>\s*\n<", $xml_obj->asXML())); // shift off opening XML tag if present if (count($xml) && preg_match('/^<\?\s*xml/', $xml[0])) { $pretty[] = array_shift($xml); } foreach ($xml as $el) { if (preg_match('/^<([\w])+[^>\/]*>$/U', $el)) { // opening tag, increase indent $pretty[] = str_repeat(' ', $indent) . $el; $indent += $level; } else { if (preg_match('/^<\/.+>$/', $el)) { $indent -= $level; // closing tag, decrease indent } if ($indent < 0) { $indent += $level; } $pretty[] = str_repeat(' ', $indent) . $el; } } $xml = implode("\n", $pretty); return ($html_output) ? htmlentities($xml) : $xml; } ?>