array( 'tested' => false, 'errors' => null), self::ZEND_GDATA_INSTALL_ERRORS => array( 'tested' => false, 'errors' => null), self::SSL_CAPABILITIES_ERRORS => array( 'tested' => false, 'errors' => null), self::YOUTUBE_API_CONNECTIVITY_ERRORS => array( 'tested' => false, 'errors' => null) ); private $_sapiModeCLI = null; /** * Create a new InstallationChecker object and run verifications. * @return void */ public function __construct() { $this->determineIfInCLIMode(); $this->runAllVerifications(); $this->outputResults(); } /** * Set the sapiModeCLI variable to true if we are running CLI mode. * * @return void */ private function determineIfInCLIMode() { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { $this->_sapiModeCLI = true; } } /** * Getter for sapiModeCLI variable. * * @return boolean True if we are running in CLI mode. */ public function runningInCLIMode() { if ($this->_sapiModeCLI) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Run verifications, stopping at each step if there is a failure. * * @return void */ public function runAllVerifications() { if (!$this->validatePHPExtensions()) { return; } if (!$this->validateZendFrameworkInstallation()) { return; } if (!$this->testSSLCapabilities()) { return; } if (!$this->validateYouTubeAPIConnectivity()) { return; } } /** * Validate that the required PHP Extensions are installed and available. * * @return boolean False if there were errors. */ private function validatePHPExtensions() { $phpExtensionErrors = array(); foreach (self::$REQUIRED_EXTENSIONS as $requiredExtension) { if (!extension_loaded($requiredExtension)) { $requiredExtensionError = $requiredExtension . ' extension missing'; $documentationLink = null; if ($requiredExtension != 'standard') { $documentationLink = self::PHP_MANUAL_LINK_FRAGMENT . $requiredExtension . '.php'; $documentationLink = $this->checkAndAddHTMLLink($documentationLink); } else { $documentationLink = self::PHP_MANUAL_LINK_FRAGMENT . 'spl.php'; $documentationLink = $this->checkAndAddHTMLLink($documentationLink); } if ($documentationLink) { $phpExtensionErrors[] = $requiredExtensionError . ' - refer to ' . $documentationLink; } } } $this->_allErrors[self::PHP_EXTENSION_ERRORS]['tested'] = true; if (count($phpExtensionErrors) > 0) { $this->_allErrors[self::PHP_EXTENSION_ERRORS]['errors'] = $phpExtensionErrors; return false; } return true; } /** * Validate that the Gdata component of Zend Framework is installed * properly. Also checks that the required YouTube API helper methods are * found. * * @return boolean False if there were errors. */ private function validateZendFrameworkInstallation() { $zendFrameworkInstallationErrors = array(); $zendLoaderPresent = false; try { $zendLoaderPresent = @fopen('Zend/Loader.php', 'r', true); } catch (Exception $e) { $zendFrameworkInstallationErrors[] = 'Exception thrown trying to ' . 'access Zend/Loader.php using \'use_include_path\' = true ' . 'Make sure you include the Zend Framework in your ' . 'include_path which currently contains: "' . ini_get('include_path') . '"'; } if ($zendLoaderPresent) { @fclose($zendLoaderPresent); require_once('Zend/Loader.php'); require_once('Zend/Version.php'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_YouTube'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry'); $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); $videoEntry = $yt->newVideoEntry(); if (!method_exists($videoEntry, 'setVideoTitle')) { $zendFrameworkMessage = 'Your version of the ' . 'Zend Framework ' . Zend_Version::VERSION . ' is too old' . ' to run the YouTube demo application and does not' . ' contain the new helper methods. Please check out a' . ' newer version from Zend\'s repository: ' . checkAndAddHTMLLink(self::ZEND_SUBVERSION_URI); $zendFrameworkInstallationErrors[] = $zendFrameworkMessage; } } else { if (count($zendFrameworkInstallationErrors) < 1) { $zendFrameworkInstallationErrors[] = 'Exception thrown trying' . ' to access Zend/Loader.php using \'use_include_path\' =' . ' true. Make sure you include Zend Framework in your' . ' include_path which currently contains: ' . ini_get('include_path'); } } $this->_allErrors[self::ZEND_GDATA_INSTALL_ERRORS]['tested'] = true; if (count($zendFrameworkInstallationErrors) > 0) { $this->_allErrors[self::ZEND_GDATA_INSTALL_ERRORS]['errors'] = $zendFrameworkInstallationErrors; return false; } return true; } /** * Create HTML link from an input string if not in CLI mode. * * @param string The error message to be converted to a link. * @return string Either the original error message or an HTML version. */ private function checkAndAddHTMLLink($inputString) { if (!$this->runningInCLIMode()) { return $this->makeHTMLLink($inputString); } else { return $inputString; } } /** * Create an HTML link from a string. * * @param string The string to be made into link text and anchor target. * @return string HTML link. */ private function makeHTMLLink($inputString) { return '' . $inputString . ''; } /** * Validate that SSL Capabilities are available. * * @return boolean False if there were errors. */ private function testSSLCapabilities() { $sslCapabilitiesErrors = array(); require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Http_Client'); $httpClient = new Zend_Http_Client( ''); $response = $httpClient->request(); $this->_allErrors[self::SSL_CAPABILITIES_ERRORS]['tested'] = true; if ($response->isError()) { $sslCapabilitiesErrors[] = 'Response from trying to access' . ' \'\' ' . $response->getStatus() . ' - ' . $response->getMessage(); } if (count($sslCapabilitiesErrors) > 0) { $this->_allErrors[self::SSL_CAPABILITIES_ERRORS]['errors'] = $sslCapabilitiesErrors; return false; } return true; } /** * Validate that we can connect to the YouTube API. * * @return boolean False if there were errors. */ private function validateYouTubeAPIConnectivity() { $connectivityErrors = array(); require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_YouTube'); $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); $topRatedFeed = $yt->getTopRatedVideoFeed(); if ($topRatedFeed instanceof Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoFeed) { if ($topRatedFeed->getTotalResults()->getText() < 1) { $connectivityErrors[] = 'There was less than 1 video entry' . ' in the \'Top Rated Video Feed\''; } } else { $connectivityErrors[] = 'The call to \'getTopRatedVideoFeed()\' ' . 'did not result in a Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoFeed object'; } $this->_allErrors[self::YOUTUBE_API_CONNECTIVITY_ERRORS]['tested'] = true; if (count($connectivityErrors) > 0) { $this->_allErrors[self::YOUTUBE_API_CONNECTIVITY_ERRORS]['tested'] = $connectivityErrors; return false; } return true; } /** * Dispatch a call to outputResultsInHTML or outputResultsInText pending * the current SAPI mode. * * @return void */ public function outputResults() { if ($this->_sapiModeCLI) { print $this->getResultsInText(); } else { print $this->getResultsInHTML(); } } /** * Return a string representing the results of the verifications. * * @return string A string representing the results. */ private function getResultsInText() { $output = "== Ran PHP Installation Checker using CLI ==\n"; $error_count = 0; foreach($this->_allErrors as $key => $value) { $output .= $key . ' -- '; if (($value['tested'] == true) && (count($value['errors']) == 0)) { $output .= "No errors found\n"; } elseif ($value['tested'] == true) { $output .= "Tested\n"; $error_count = 0; foreach ($value['errors'] as $error) { $output .= "Error number: " . $error_count . "\n--" . $error . "\n"; } } else { $output .= "Not tested\n"; } $error_count++; } return $output; } /** * Return an HTML table representing the results of the verifications. * * @return string An HTML string representing the results. */ private function getResultsInHTML() { $html = "\n". "\nPHP Installation Checker\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; $error_count = 0; foreach($this->_allErrors as $key => $value) { $html .= ""; if (($value['tested'] == true) && (count($value['errors']) == 0)) { $html .= "\n" . "\n"; } elseif ($value['tested'] == true) { $html .= "\n"; $error_count = 0; foreach ($value['errors'] as $error) { $html .= "" . "\n"; } } else { $html .= "\n"; } $error_count++; } $html .= ""; return $html; } } $installationChecker = new InstallationChecker();
Ran PHP Installation Checker on " . gmdate('c') . "
" . $key . "Tested
No errors found
" . $error_count . "" . $error . "
Not tested