getMessage() ."\nCredentials provided were email: [$email] and password [$password].\n"); } $this->gdClient = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets($client); $this->currKey = ''; $this->currWkshtId = ''; $this->listFeed = ''; $this->rowCount = 0; $this->columnCount = 0; } /** * promptForSpreadsheet * * @return void */ public function promptForSpreadsheet() { $feed = $this->gdClient->getSpreadsheetFeed(); print "== Available Spreadsheets ==\n"; $this->printFeed($feed); $input = getInput("\nSelection"); $currKey = explode('/', $feed->entries[$input]->id->text); $this->currKey = $currKey[5]; } /** * promptForWorksheet * * @return void */ public function promptForWorksheet() { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_DocumentQuery(); $query->setSpreadsheetKey($this->currKey); $feed = $this->gdClient->getWorksheetFeed($query); print "== Available Worksheets ==\n"; $this->printFeed($feed); $input = getInput("\nSelection"); $currWkshtId = explode('/', $feed->entries[$input]->id->text); $this->currWkshtId = $currWkshtId[8]; } /** * promptForCellsAction * * @return void */ public function promptForCellsAction() { echo "Pick a command:\n"; echo "\ndump -- dump cell information\nupdate {row} {col} {input_value} -- update cell information\n"; $input = getInput('Command'); $command = explode(' ', $input); if ($command[0] == 'dump') { $this->cellsGetAction(); } else if (($command[0] == 'update') && (count($command) > 2)) { $this->getRowAndColumnCount(); if (count($command) == 4) { $this->cellsUpdateAction($command[1], $command[2], $command[3]); } elseif (count($command) > 4) { $newValue = implode(' ', array_slice($command,3)); $this->cellsUpdateAction($command[1], $command[2], $newValue); } else { $this->cellsUpdateAction($command[1], $command[2], ''); } } else { $this->invalidCommandError($input); } } /** * promptToResize * * @param integer $newRowCount * @param integer $newColumnCount * @return boolean */ public function promptToResize($newRowCount, $newColumnCount) { $input = getInput('Would you like to resize the worksheet? [yes | no]'); if ($input == 'yes') { return $this->resizeWorksheet($newRowCount, $newColumnCount); } else { return false; } } /** * resizeWorksheet * * @param integer $newRowCount * @param integer $newColumnCount * @return boolean */ public function resizeWorksheet($newRowCount, $newColumnCount) { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_DocumentQuery(); $query->setSpreadsheetKey($this->currKey); $query->setWorksheetId($this->currWkshtId); $currentWorksheet = $this->gdClient->getWorksheetEntry($query); $currentWorksheet = $currentWorksheet->setRowCount(new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_Extension_RowCount($newRowCount)); $currentWorksheet = $currentWorksheet->setColumnCount(new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_Extension_ColCount($newColumnCount)); $currentWorksheet->save(); $this->getRowAndColumnCount(); print "Worksheet has been resized to $this->rowCount rows and $this->columnCount columns.\n"; return true; } /** * promptForListAction * * @return void */ public function promptForListAction() { echo "\n== Options ==\n". "dump -- dump row information\n". "insert {row_data} -- insert data in the next available cell in a given column (example: insert column_header=content)\n". "update {row_index} {row_data} -- update data in the row provided (example: update row-number column-header=newdata\n". "delete {row_index} -- delete a row\n\n"; $input = getInput('Command'); $command = explode(' ', $input); if ($command[0] == 'dump') { $this->listGetAction(); } else if ($command[0] == 'insert') { $this->listInsertAction(array_slice($command, 1)); } else if ($command[0] == 'update') { $this->listUpdateAction($command[1], array_slice($command, 2)); } else if ($command[0] == 'delete') { $this->listDeleteAction($command[1]); } else { $this->invalidCommandError($input); } } /** * cellsGetAction * * @return void */ public function cellsGetAction() { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_CellQuery(); $query->setSpreadsheetKey($this->currKey); $query->setWorksheetId($this->currWkshtId); $feed = $this->gdClient->getCellFeed($query); $this->printFeed($feed); } /** * cellsUpdateAction * * @param integer $row * @param integer $col * @param string $inputValue * @return void */ public function cellsUpdateAction($row, $col, $inputValue) { if (($row > $this->rowCount) || ($col > $this->columnCount)) { print "Current worksheet only has $this->rowCount rows and $this->columnCount columns.\n"; if (!$this->promptToResize($row, $col)) { return; } } $entry = $this->gdClient->updateCell($row, $col, $inputValue, $this->currKey, $this->currWkshtId); if ($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_CellEntry) { echo "Success!\n"; } } /** * listGetAction * * @return void */ public function listGetAction() { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListQuery(); $query->setSpreadsheetKey($this->currKey); $query->setWorksheetId($this->currWkshtId); $this->listFeed = $this->gdClient->getListFeed($query); print "entry id | row-content in column A | column-header: cell-content\n". "Please note: The 'dump' command on the list feed only dumps data until the first blank row is encountered.\n\n"; $this->printFeed($this->listFeed); print "\n"; } /** * listInsertAction * * @param mixed $rowData * @return void */ public function listInsertAction($rowData) { $rowArray = $this->stringToArray($rowData); $entry = $this->gdClient->insertRow($rowArray, $this->currKey, $this->currWkshtId); if ($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry) { foreach ($rowArray as $column_header => $value) { echo "Success! Inserted '$value' in column '$column_header' at row ". substr($entry->getTitle()->getText(), 5) ."\n"; } } } /** * listUpdateAction * * @param integer $index * @param mixed $rowData * @return void */ public function listUpdateAction($index, $rowData) { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListQuery(); $query->setSpreadsheetKey($this->currKey); $query->setWorksheetId($this->currWkshtId); $this->listFeed = $this->gdClient->getListFeed($query); $rowArray = $this->stringToArray($rowData); $entry = $this->gdClient->updateRow($this->listFeed->entries[$index], $rowArray); if ($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry) { echo "Success!\n"; $response = $entry->save(); } } /** * listDeleteAction * * @param integer $index * @return void */ public function listDeleteAction($index) { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListQuery(); $query->setSpreadsheetKey($this->currKey); $query->setWorksheetId($this->currWkshtId); $this->listFeed = $this->gdClient->getListFeed($query); $this->gdClient->deleteRow($this->listFeed->entries[$index]); } /** * stringToArray * * @param string $rowData * @return array */ public function stringToArray($rowData) { $arr = array(); foreach ($rowData as $row) { $temp = explode('=', $row); $arr[$temp[0]] = $temp[1]; } return $arr; } /** * printFeed * * @param Zend_Gdata_Gbase_Feed $feed * @return void */ public function printFeed($feed) { $i = 0; foreach($feed->entries as $entry) { if ($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_CellEntry) { print $entry->title->text .' '. $entry->content->text . "\n"; } else if ($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry) { print $i .' '. $entry->title->text .' | '. $entry->content->text . "\n"; } else { print $i .' '. $entry->title->text . "\n"; } $i++; } } /** * getRowAndColumnCount * * @return void */ public function getRowAndColumnCount() { $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_CellQuery(); $query->setSpreadsheetKey($this->currKey); $query->setWorksheetId($this->currWkshtId); $feed = $this->gdClient->getCellFeed($query); if ($feed instanceOf Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_CellFeed) { $this->rowCount = $feed->getRowCount(); $this->columnCount = $feed->getColumnCount(); } } /** * invalidCommandError * * @param string $input * @return void */ public function invalidCommandError($input) { echo 'Invalid input: '.$input."\n"; } /** * promtForFeedtype * * @return void */ public function promptForFeedtype() { $input = getInput('Select to use either the cell or the list feed [cells or list]'); if ($input == 'cells') { while(1) { $this->promptForCellsAction(); } } else if ($input == 'list') { while(1) { $this->promptForListAction(); } } else { print "Invalid input. Please try again.\n"; $this->promptForFeedtype(); } } /** * run * * @return void */ public function run() { $this->promptForSpreadsheet(); $this->promptForWorksheet(); $this->promptForFeedtype(); } } /** * getInput * * @param string $text * @return string */ function getInput($text) { echo $text.': '; return trim(fgets(STDIN)); } $email = null; $pass = null; // process command line options foreach ($argv as $argument) { $argParts = explode('=', $argument); if ($argParts[0] == '--email') { $email = $argParts[1]; } else if ($argParts[0] == '--pass') { $pass = $argParts[1]; } } if (($email == null) || ($pass == null)) { $email = getInput("Please enter your email address [example:]"); $pass = getInput("Please enter your password [example: mypassword]"); } $sample = new SimpleCRUD($email, $pass); $sample->run();