
Welcome to the Dojo Toolkit Demo Index

array thing I can do here? foreach($ext->external as $e){ $out[] = array( "demo" => $e->demo, "link" => $e->link, "img" => $e->img, "rank" => $e->rank, "header" => $e->header ); } } $exclude = array("resources", ".", "..", ".svn"); $files = scandir("./"); foreach($files as $demo){ if(is_dir($demo) && !in_array($demo, $exclude)){ // setup some item information $title = $demo; $rank = 500; $base = $demo . "/"; $link = $base; $readme = $base . "README"; if(file_exists($readme)){ // the second line of the README is the title $l = file($readme); $title = $l[1]; // demos with README's are better than those without. $rank++; // the last line of the README is supposed to be tags etc // // so far only @rank:### is used, but can be any @key:value pair on one line // to be used here for organization etc $tagline = $l[count($l)-1]; preg_match_all("/@(\w+):([\-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\ ?/", $tagline, $matches); if(is_array($matches[1]) && is_array($matches[2])){ $tags = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]); }else{ $tags = array(); } switch($tags['rank']){ // marked experimental case -999 : $rank = 0; break; // add the README rank to the overall score default: $rank += $tags['rank']; break; } // with a thumbnail, they are higher ranked too $thumb_img = "resources/images/" . $demo . ".png"; if(file_exists($thumb_img)){ $rank += 20; }else{ $thumb_img = "resources/images/no_thumb.gif"; // generic dojo img } }else{ // experimental demos: $rank = 0; $thumb_img = false; } // push this item $out[] = array( "demo" => $demo, "header" => $title, "link" => $link, "rank" => $rank, "img" => $thumb_img ); } } // sort the out array by the ranks key foreach ($out as $key => $row) { $ranks[$key] = $row['rank']; $d[$key] = $row; } array_multisort($ranks, SORT_DESC, $d, SORT_ASC, $out); // generate the list: print "
"; print "

Incomplete / Partial Demos:

"; print ""; ?>

Additional external demos can be found on the Key Links index