dojo.provide("dojox.av.widget.Player"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.declare("dojox.av.widget.Player", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: // A Media Player UI widget for all types of dojox.av and AIR media. // // description: // Currently for markup only. All controls should reside as child // nodes within the Player node. 'controlType' is used to determine // the placement of the control. If no type or an unrecoginized type // is used, it will be left-aligned in the same row as the volume. // Note: // Be sure to use 'controlType' as a node attribute. It is not a // property of the widget. // // example: // |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// // playerWidth: /* Number or String */ // Sets the width of the player (not the video size) // Number will be converted to pixels // String will be used literally. EX: "320px" or "100%" playerWidth: "480px", // // TODO: //playerHeight //videoWidth: 320, //videoHeight: 240, widgetsInTemplate:true, templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.av.widget","resources/Player.html"), _fillContent: function(){ // summary // Finding and collecting child nodes if(!this.items && this.srcNodeRef){ this.items = []; var nodes = dojo.query("*", this.srcNodeRef); dojo.forEach(nodes, function(n){ this.items.push(n); }, this); } }, postCreate: function(){ // summary: // Do player styling, and place child widgets in the proper location. //, "width", this.playerWidth+(dojo.isString(this.playerWidth)?"":"px")); if(dojo.isString(this.playerWidth) && this.playerWidth.indexOf("%")){ dojo.connect(window, "resize", this, "onResize"); } this.children = []; var domNode; dojo.forEach(this.items, function(n, i){ = dijit.getUniqueId("player_control"); switch(dojo.attr(n, "controlType")){ case "play": this.playContainer.appendChild(n); break; case "volume" : this.controlsBottom.appendChild(n); break; case "status" : this.statusContainer.appendChild(n); break; case "progress": case "slider": this.progressContainer.appendChild(n); break; case "video": this.mediaNode = n; this.playerScreen.appendChild(n); break; default: } this.items[i] =; }, this); }, startup: function(){ // summary: // Fired when all children are ready. Set the media in // all children with setMedia() // = dijit.byId(; if(!dojo.isAIR){, "width", "100%");, "height", "100%"); } //, "width", this.videoWidth+(dojo.isString(this.playerWidth)?"":"px")); //, "height", this.videoHeight+(dojo.isString(this.playerWidth)?"":"px")); //return //setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ dojo.forEach(this.items, function(id){ //console.log(" ids:", id , if(id !=={ var child = dijit.byId(id); this.children.push(child); if(child){ console.log("child:", child.declaredClass, "", child.setMedia(, this); } } }, this); //}),1000) }, onResize: function(evt){ // summary: // If a player size is a percentage, this will fire an onResize // event for all children, passing the size of the player. // var dim = dojo.marginBox(this.domNode); if( && !== null){; } dojo.forEach(this.children, function(child){ if(child.onResize){ child.onResize(dim); } }); } });