dojo.provide("dojox.grid._FocusManager"); dojo.require("dojox.grid.util"); // focus management dojo.declare("dojox.grid._FocusManager", null, { // summary: // Controls grid cell focus. Owned by grid and used internally for focusing. // Note: grid cell actually receives keyboard input only when cell is being edited. constructor: function(inGrid){ this.grid = inGrid; this.cell = null; this.rowIndex = -1; this._connects = []; this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this.grid.domNode, "onfocus", this, "doFocus")); this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this.grid.domNode, "onblur", this, "doBlur")); this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this.grid.lastFocusNode, "onfocus", this, "doLastNodeFocus")); this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this.grid.lastFocusNode, "onblur", this, "doLastNodeBlur")); this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this.grid,"_onFetchComplete", this, "_delayedCellFocus")); this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this.grid,"postrender", this, "_delayedHeaderFocus")); }, destroy: function(){ dojo.forEach(this._connects, dojo.disconnect); delete this.grid; delete this.cell; }, _colHeadNode: null, _colHeadFocusIdx: null, tabbingOut: false, focusClass: "dojoxGridCellFocus", focusView: null, initFocusView: function(){ this.focusView = this.grid.views.getFirstScrollingView() || this.focusView; this._initColumnHeaders(); }, isFocusCell: function(inCell, inRowIndex){ // summary: // states if the given cell is focused // inCell: object // grid cell object // inRowIndex: int // grid row index // returns: // true of the given grid cell is focused return (this.cell == inCell) && (this.rowIndex == inRowIndex); }, isLastFocusCell: function(){ if(this.cell){ return (this.rowIndex == this.grid.rowCount-1) && (this.cell.index == this.grid.layout.cellCount-1); } return false; }, isFirstFocusCell: function(){ if(this.cell){ return (this.rowIndex == 0) && (this.cell.index == 0); } return false; }, isNoFocusCell: function(){ return (this.rowIndex < 0) || !this.cell; }, isNavHeader: function(){ // summary: // states whether currently navigating among column headers. // returns: // true if focus is on a column header; false otherwise. return (!!this._colHeadNode); }, getHeaderIndex: function(){ // summary: // if one of the column headers currently has focus, return its index. // returns: // index of the focused column header, or -1 if none have focus. if(this._colHeadNode){ return dojo.indexOf(this._findHeaderCells(), this._colHeadNode); }else{ return -1; } }, _focusifyCellNode: function(inBork){ var n = this.cell && this.cell.getNode(this.rowIndex); if(n){ dojo.toggleClass(n, this.focusClass, inBork); if(inBork){ var sl = this.scrollIntoView(); try{ if(!this.grid.edit.isEditing()){, "focus"); if(sl){ this.cell.view.scrollboxNode.scrollLeft = sl; } } }catch(e){} } } }, _delayedCellFocus: function(){ if(this.isNavHeader()){ return; } var n = this.cell && this.cell.getNode(this.rowIndex); if(n){ try{ if(!this.grid.edit.isEditing()){ dojo.toggleClass(n, this.focusClass, true);, "focus"); } } catch(e){} } }, _delayedHeaderFocus: function(){ if(this.isNavHeader()){ this.focusHeader(); //this may need clickSelect? } }, _initColumnHeaders: function(){ this._connects.push(dojo.connect(this.grid.viewsHeaderNode, "onblur", this, "doBlurHeader")); var headers = this._findHeaderCells(); for(var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++){ this._connects.push(dojo.connect(headers[i], "onfocus", this, "doColHeaderFocus")); this._connects.push(dojo.connect(headers[i], "onblur", this, "doColHeaderBlur")); } }, _findHeaderCells: function(){ // This should be a one liner: // dojo.query("th[tabindex=-1]", this.grid.viewsHeaderNode); // But there is a bug in dojo.query() for IE -- see trac #7037. var allHeads = dojo.query("th", this.grid.viewsHeaderNode); var headers = []; for (var i = 0; i < allHeads.length; i++){ var aHead = allHeads[i]; var hasTabIdx = dojo.hasAttr(aHead, "tabindex"); var tabindex = dojo.attr(aHead, "tabindex"); if (hasTabIdx && tabindex < 0) { headers.push(aHead); } } return headers; }, scrollIntoView: function(){ var info = (this.cell ? this._scrollInfo(this.cell) : null); if(!info || !info.s){ return null; } var rt = this.grid.scroller.findScrollTop(this.rowIndex); // place cell within horizontal view if(info.n &&{ if(info.n.offsetLeft + info.n.offsetWidth > +{ info.s.scrollLeft = info.n.offsetLeft + info.n.offsetWidth -; }else if(info.n.offsetLeft <{ info.s.scrollLeft = info.n.offsetLeft; } } // place cell within vertical view if(info.r &&{ if(rt + info.r.offsetHeight > +{ this.grid.setScrollTop(rt + info.r.offsetHeight -; }else if(rt <{ this.grid.setScrollTop(rt); } } return info.s.scrollLeft; }, _scrollInfo: function(cell, domNode){ if(cell){ var cl = cell, sbn = cl.view.scrollboxNode, sbnr = { w: sbn.clientWidth, l: sbn.scrollLeft, t: sbn.scrollTop, h: sbn.clientHeight }, rn = cl.view.getRowNode(this.rowIndex); return { c: cl, s: sbn, sr: sbnr, n: (domNode ? domNode : cell.getNode(this.rowIndex)), r: rn }; } return null; }, _scrollHeader: function(currentIdx){ var info = null; if(this._colHeadNode){ var cell = this.grid.getCell(currentIdx); info = this._scrollInfo(cell, cell.getNode(0)); } if(info && info.s && && info.n){ // scroll horizontally as needed. var scroll = +; if(info.n.offsetLeft + info.n.offsetWidth > scroll){ info.s.scrollLeft = info.n.offsetLeft + info.n.offsetWidth -; }else if(info.n.offsetLeft <{ info.s.scrollLeft = info.n.offsetLeft; }else if(dojo.isIE <= 7 && cell && cell.view.headerNode){ // Trac 7158: scroll dojoxGridHeader for IE7 and lower cell.view.headerNode.scrollLeft = info.s.scrollLeft; } } }, styleRow: function(inRow){ return; }, setFocusIndex: function(inRowIndex, inCellIndex){ // summary: // focuses the given grid cell // inRowIndex: int // grid row index // inCellIndex: int // grid cell index this.setFocusCell(this.grid.getCell(inCellIndex), inRowIndex); }, setFocusCell: function(inCell, inRowIndex){ // summary: // focuses the given grid cell // inCell: object // grid cell object // inRowIndex: int // grid row index if(inCell && !this.isFocusCell(inCell, inRowIndex)){ this.tabbingOut = false; this._colHeadNode = this._colHeadFocusIdx = null; this.focusGridView(); this._focusifyCellNode(false); this.cell = inCell; this.rowIndex = inRowIndex; this._focusifyCellNode(true); } // even if this cell isFocusCell, the document focus may need to be rejiggered // call opera on delay to prevent keypress from altering focus if(dojo.isOpera){ setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this.grid, 'onCellFocus', this.cell, this.rowIndex), 1); }else{ this.grid.onCellFocus(this.cell, this.rowIndex); } }, next: function(){ // summary: // focus next grid cell if(this.cell){ var row=this.rowIndex, col=this.cell.index+1, cc=this.grid.layout.cellCount-1, rc=this.grid.rowCount-1; if(col > cc){ col = 0; row++; } if(row > rc){ col = cc; row = rc; } if(this.grid.edit.isEditing()){ //when editing, only navigate to editable cells var nextCell = this.grid.getCell(col); if (!this.isLastFocusCell() && !nextCell.editable){ this.cell=nextCell; this.rowIndex=row;; return; } } this.setFocusIndex(row, col); } }, previous: function(){ // summary: // focus previous grid cell if(this.cell){ var row=(this.rowIndex || 0), col=(this.cell.index || 0) - 1; if(col < 0){ col = this.grid.layout.cellCount-1; row--; } if(row < 0){ row = 0; col = 0; } if(this.grid.edit.isEditing()){ //when editing, only navigate to editable cells var prevCell = this.grid.getCell(col); if (!this.isFirstFocusCell() && !prevCell.editable){ this.cell=prevCell; this.rowIndex=row; this.previous(); return; } } this.setFocusIndex(row, col); } }, move: function(inRowDelta, inColDelta) { // summary: // focus grid cell or column header based on position relative to current focus // inRowDelta: int // vertical distance from current focus // inColDelta: int // horizontal distance from current focus // Handle column headers. if(this.isNavHeader()){ var headers = this._findHeaderCells(); var currentIdx = dojo.indexOf(headers, this._colHeadNode); currentIdx += inColDelta; if((currentIdx >= 0) && (currentIdx < headers.length)){ this._colHeadNode = headers[currentIdx]; this._colHeadFocusIdx = currentIdx; this._scrollHeader(currentIdx); this._colHeadNode.focus(); } }else{ if(this.cell){ // Handle grid proper. var sc = this.grid.scroller, r = this.rowIndex, rc = this.grid.rowCount-1, row = Math.min(rc, Math.max(0, r+inRowDelta)); if(inRowDelta){ if(inRowDelta>0){ if(row > sc.getLastPageRow({ //need to load additional data, let scroller do that this.grid.setScrollTop(this.grid.scrollTop+sc.findScrollTop(row)-sc.findScrollTop(r)); } }else if(inRowDelta<0){ if(row <= sc.getPageRow({ //need to load additional data, let scroller do that this.grid.setScrollTop(this.grid.scrollTop-sc.findScrollTop(r)-sc.findScrollTop(row)); } } } var cc = this.grid.layout.cellCount-1, i = this.cell.index, col = Math.min(cc, Math.max(0, i+inColDelta)); this.setFocusIndex(row, col); if(inRowDelta){ this.grid.updateRow(r); } } } }, previousKey: function(e){ if(this.grid.edit.isEditing()){ dojo.stopEvent(e); this.previous(); }else if(!this.isNavHeader()){ this.focusHeader(); dojo.stopEvent(e); }else{ this.tabOut(this.grid.domNode); } }, nextKey: function(e) { var isEmpty = this.grid.rowCount == 0; if( === this.grid.domNode){ this.focusHeader(); dojo.stopEvent(e); }else if(this.isNavHeader()){ // if tabbing from col header, then go to grid proper. If grid is empty this.grid.rowCount == 0 this._colHeadNode = this._colHeadFocusIdx= null; if(this.isNoFocusCell() && !isEmpty){ this.setFocusIndex(0, 0); }else if(this.cell && !isEmpty){ if(this.focusView && !this.focusView.rowNodes[this.rowIndex]){ // if rowNode for current index is undefined (likely as a result of a sort and because of #7304) // scroll to that row this.grid.scrollToRow(this.rowIndex); } this.focusGrid(); }else{ this.tabOut(this.grid.lastFocusNode); } }else if(this.grid.edit.isEditing()){ dojo.stopEvent(e);; }else{ this.tabOut(this.grid.lastFocusNode); } }, tabOut: function(inFocusNode){ this.tabbingOut = true; inFocusNode.focus(); }, focusGridView: function(){, "focus"); }, focusGrid: function(inSkipFocusCell){ this.focusGridView(); this._focusifyCellNode(true); }, focusHeader: function(){ var headerNodes = this._findHeaderCells(); if (!this._colHeadFocusIdx) { if (this.isNoFocusCell()) { this._colHeadFocusIdx = 0; } else { this._colHeadFocusIdx = this.cell.index; } } this._colHeadNode = headerNodes[this._colHeadFocusIdx]; if(this._colHeadNode){, "focus"); this._focusifyCellNode(false); } }, doFocus: function(e){ // trap focus only for grid dom node if(e && != e.currentTarget){ dojo.stopEvent(e); return; } // do not focus for scrolling if grid is about to blur if(!this.tabbingOut){ this.focusHeader(); } this.tabbingOut = false; dojo.stopEvent(e); }, doBlur: function(e){ dojo.stopEvent(e); // FF2 }, doBlurHeader: function(e){ dojo.stopEvent(e); // FF2 }, doLastNodeFocus: function(e){ if (this.tabbingOut){ this._focusifyCellNode(false); }else if(this.grid.rowCount >0){ if (this.isNoFocusCell()){ this.setFocusIndex(0,0); } this._focusifyCellNode(true); }else { this.focusHeader(); } this.tabbingOut = false; dojo.stopEvent(e); // FF2 }, doLastNodeBlur: function(e){ dojo.stopEvent(e); // FF2 }, doColHeaderFocus: function(e){ dojo.toggleClass(, this.focusClass, true); this._scrollHeader(this.getHeaderIndex()); }, doColHeaderBlur: function(e){ dojo.toggleClass(, this.focusClass, false); } });